17 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of mono- and polycrystalline hexagonal AlB2-like diborides of s, p and d metals from first-principles calculations

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    We have performed accurate ab initio total energy calculations using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation potential to systematically investigate elastic properties of 18 stable, meta-stable and hypothetical hexagonal (AlB2-like) metal diborides MB2, where M = Na, Be, Mg, Ca, Al, Sc, Y, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Ag and Au. For monocrystalline MB2 the optimized lattice parameters, independent elastic constants (Cij), bulk modules (B), shear modules (G) are obtained and analyzed in comparison with the available theoretical and experimental data. For the first time numerical estimates of a set of elastic parameters of the polycrystalline MB2 ceramics (in the framework of the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation), namely bulk and shear modules, compressibility, Young's modules, Poisson's ratio, Lame's coefficients are performed.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Особенности течения хронической ревматической болезни сердца в современных условиях

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    Проаналізовано динаміку звертаємості в ревматологічне відділення хворих гострими і хронічними формами ревматизму і особливості перебігу хронічної ревматичної хвороби серця в сучасних умовах. Установлено, що в теперішній час хронічна ревматична хвороба серця развивається без попередньої гострої ревматичної лихманки, діагностується на стадії сформованої вади серця або розвитку порушень серцевого ритму, є компенсированою на протязі тривалого часу.The problem of a chronic rheumatic heart disease has not lost the relevance in view of the fact that this disease have people of young working-age at whom it can lead to an early invalidization and premature death. The prevalence of a chronic rheumatic heart disease among adult population of Ukraine (18 years and older) is 397.6 on 100 thousand population, and incidence – 6.4 on 100 thousand adult population. In Ukraine the specific weight of a chronic rheumatic heart disease as the reasons of primary disability among all population and employable population continues to remain the same (0.4 %) without tendency to decrease. At 30–50 % of patients with rheumatic heart diseases in the anamnesis do not reveal data on the postponed acute rheumatic fever. For the last decade the incidence of a chronic rheumatic heart disease decreased by 60 %, however, mortality increased by 78 %. Dynamics of negotiability to rheumatological departament of patients with acute and chronic forms of rheumatism and feature of a course of a chronic rheumatic heart disease in modern conditions was analysed. It was established that now the chronic rheumatic heart disease develops without the previous acute rheumatic fever, it is diagnosed at a stage of the formed heart disease or development of disturbances of a heartbeat and, is compensated throughout a long time. The clinical example of the patient having a chronic rheumatic heart disease is provided. Feature of this clinical case are: the long asymptomatic course of damage of heart, initially revealed mitral and aortal defect at the age of 51 year with prevalence of a mitral stenosis complicated by fibrillation of auricles; a mitral commissurotomy at the age of 56 years with fast development of a restenosis (in 58 years) when prosthetics of the mitral valve was offered; many years (up to 76 years) rather satisfactory condition with sharp deterioration within one month, due to the revealed critical mitral stenosis, heart failure ІІІ St.Проанализирована динамика обращаемости в ревматологическое отделение больных острыми и хроническими формами ревматизма и особенности течения хронической ревматической болезни сердца в современных условиях. Установлено, что в настоящее время хроническая ревматическая болезнь сердца развивается без предшествующей острой ревматической лихорадки, диагностируется на стадии сформировавшегося порока сердца или развития нарушений сердечного ритма, является компенсированной на протяжении длительного времени

    Cyanobacterial nitrogenases: phylogenetic diversity, regulation and functional predictions

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    Introduction. This article is devoted to the problem of psychological well-being of future psychologists in the context of their personality development at the stage of University training and primary entry into the profession. The authors substantiate the need to experience the psychological well-being of the subjects of helping activities, which include professional psychologists and, accordingly, the relevance of the study of the features of the manifestation of this phenomenon during the development of students of universities the basics of psychological assistance, taking into account the severity of their professionally important personal characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on the structure of psychological well-being, represented by the six components, and on its overall level.Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of the General level and the main components of psychological well-being, as well as the degree of machiavellianism and tolerance to uncertainty among students-psychologists, practicing psychologists and students of other areas of training is carried out. Features of experience of psychological well – being by students-future psychologists with different degree of expression of tolerance to uncertainty and machiavellianism are studied.Results. The data obtained confirm the assumption that, unlike practicing psychologists and students of other areas of training for psychology students are characterized, first, lower rates, both for most of the main components, and the overall level of psychological well-being, and secondly, there is a greater tendency to deliberate manipulation of other people. At the same time, it is established that there are statistically significant differences in a number of components of psychological well – being of students-future psychologists with varying degrees of tolerance to uncertainty and machiavellianism, most of which are stated in favor of the subjects, tolerant to uncertainty and not prone to manipulation.Discussion and Conclusions. According to the results of the study identified some problem areas relating to the personal resources of students psychologists in terms of their readiness to help activities


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    Introduction. The article discusses the problem of happiness and some aspects of its study in modern foreign and domestic psychology, including the relationship of happiness with a number of personal characteristics, like age and gender features of its source. Summarize the existing approaches to understanding of essence of the phenomenon of happiness. It justifies importance of the development of the problem of happiness for modern women and men based on their age.Materials and Methods. The authors present the results of a comparative empirical research of gender-specific meanings of the phenomenon of happiness of the subjects of three age groups (early adolescence, early adulthood young and middle adulthood – maturity) total number of 90 people, obtained using the modified variant of the method of semantic differential.Results. The authors traced gender differences and gender similarities in the semantic meaning of the phenomenon of happiness in subjects of different ages. Traced gender differences and gender similarities in the semantic meaning of the phenomenon of happiness, which is characteristic for subjects of different ages, with sufficient variation found to these differences and similarities. The authors found only a single event sustainable in terms of the age dynamics of statistically significant gender differences regarding the semantic similarities of happiness with the government in favor of males. There are some internal contradictions in the system of subjective perceptions of happiness in subjects of different age groups.Discussion and Conclusions. Specific factual material shows the role of differential gender socialization in the formation of personality conceptions of happiness that, according to the findings, most clearly evident in the period of early adulthood. However, along with traditional gender values and standards in some subjects, there are some gender unconventional views, which is a consequence of the impending changes in the content of the dominant in contemporary Russian society the strategy of gender socialization

    Features of self-concept of adolescents who are brought up in the conditions of paternal deprivation

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    Introduction: this article deals with the problem of personal development of adolescents who are brought up in the conditions of paternal deprivation, on the example of the content aspects of the main components of their Self-concept. On the basis of the analysis of the actual data presented in modern studies, the trend of growth in the number of incomplete (maternal) families and the specifics of the development of children and adolescents from such families is stated. The author gives a general assessment of the degree of study of the problem of Self-concept in adolescence and shows its lack of development in relation to adolescents raised in conditions of paternal deprivation.Materials and Methods: a comparative analysis of the features of the content aspects of the main structural components of the Self-concept of adolescents from full and maternal families, a total of 170 people was carried out. The content characteristics of the cognitive component of the Self-concept –Self-image and the manifestations of the emotional component – Self-rating, including the general self-acceptance of adolescents are studied.Results: data of some specificity of the formation of Self-concept of adolescents who are brought up in the conditions of paternal deprivation were received. In particular, the study confirmed the hypothesis that paternal deprivation has a significant impact on the content of the adolescent’s Self-image, which is reflected in both quantitative and qualitative features of their Self-descriptions. In addition, the results of comparative analysis it was determined that the presence of adolescents who are brought up mothers to lower performance in most of the parameters of the Self-rating, except in the area of romantic relationships.Discussion and Conclusions: in general, the results of the study allowed identifying the predominant Self-representation of adolescents from full and maternal families, as well as the nature of their Self-rating in the most important parameters for this age

    Psychological well-being of boys high school students with different variants of development of male identity

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    Introduction. This article is devoted to the problem of psychological well-being of the individual in the context of the formation of male identity, which has a socio-cultural character and is derived from the canons of masculinity adopted by the subject. The initial setting of the authors is the idea of multi-variant development of the male identity and consequently the availability of different types of this phenomenon. Some of the existing typologies of masculinity and masculine identity are considered. The arguments exposing the traditional standards of masculinity and the corresponding male identity are given. On the basis of the analysis of scientific primary sources the fragmentary nature of the study of certain aspects of psychological well-being of representatives of traditional variants of development of male identity is shown and the relevance of the study of this phenomenon in subjects with other variants of male identity is substantiated.Materials and Methods. In the logic of the typology of male identity N.K.Radina and A.A.Nikitina and from the standpoint of the concept of psychological well-being K.Riff in line with the emic-approach studied the specificity of the manifestation of the General level and the main components of psychological well-being in representatives of different options for the development of male identity in relation to early adolescence. A comparative analysis of the types of male identity in high school boys from full and incomplete (maternal) families is also carried out.Results. The data confirmed the validity of the assumption that the majority of young men from incomplete (maternal) families are characterized by Patriarchal and hybrid types of male identity, while their peers from full families, along with Patriarchal and hybrid order of magnitude more common alternative options for the development of male identity. It is stated that there are statistically significant differences in the majority of components of psychological well-being in young men with different types of male identity, most of which are recorded in favor of the subjects with alternative and less – Patriarchal options for the development of male identity. In addition, it was found that the highest rates of overall psychological well-being observed in young men – representatives of alternative types of male identity.Discussion and Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that it is necessary to soften the traditional norms of masculinity and to give a legitimate status to alternative standards and models of male behavior


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    Distinct changes of B-cell subpopulations are observed in most systemic rheumatic diseases associated with polyclonal B cell hyperreactivity. Immunosuppressive and cytostatic therapy may also differentially influence B lymphocyte subsets in these. We studied subpopulations of B cells in systemic rheumatic patients along treatment with cytostatics. We analyzed B cell phenotypes in ninety-nine blood samples from the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, n = 25), systemic sclerosis (n = 27), Sjogren’s syndrome (n = 47) in the course of their hospital treatment. Control group consisted of 49 healthy blood donors. Phenotyping of blood B-cell subpopulations was performed by means of flow cytometry (Beckman Coulter, USA). Naïve B-cell subpopulations in SLE patients who underwent cyclophosphan treatment, were underrepresented, if compared with normal control group, whereas plasmablast levels were increased irrespectively of medication mode. B cell population exhibits a natural heterogeneity, thus making it necessary to analyze distinct B cell subpopulations as independent functional units, when studying different rheumatic diseases. The levels of plasmablasts which are active antibody producers, remain high, despite immunosuppressive therapy performed in SLE. Thus, therapy targeted against certain B cell subsets, could be able to provide a more effective treatment for the patients with systemic rheumatic diseases