116 research outputs found

    Going farther together:the impact of social capital on sustained participation in open source

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    Sustained participation by contributors in open-source software is critical to the survival of open-source projects and can provide career advancement benefits to individual contributors. However, not all contributors reap the benefits of open-source participation fully, with prior work showing that women are particularly underrepresented and at higher risk of disengagement. While many barriers to participation in open-source have been documented in the literature, relatively little is known about how the social networks that open-source contributors form impact their chances of long-term engagement. In this paper we report on a mixed-methods empirical study of the role of social capital (i.e., the resources people can gain from their social connections) for sustained participation by women and men in open-source GitHub projects. After combining survival analysis on a large, longitudinal data set with insights derived from a user survey, we confirm that while social capital is beneficial for prolonged engagement for both genders, women are at disadvantage in teams lacking diversity in expertise.\u3cbr/\u3

    Evolving software systems : emerging trends and challenges

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    Software evolution research is a thriving area of software engineering research. Recent years have seen a growing interest in variety of evolution topics, as witnessed by the growing number of publications dedicated to the subject. Without attempting to be complete, in this talk we provide an overview of emerging trends in software evolution research, such as extension of the traditional boundaries of software, growing attention for social and socio-technical aspects of software development processes, and interdisciplinary research applying research techniques from other research areas to study software evolution, and software evolution research techniques to other research areas. As a large body of software evolution research is empirical in nature, we are confronted by important challenges pertaining to reproducibility of the research, and its generalizability

    Emotional labor of software engineers

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    The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild in 1983, refers to the “process by which workers are expected to manage their feelings in accordance with organizationally defined rules and guidelines”. For instance, judges are expected to appear impartial, nurses—compassionate and police officers—authoritative. While software development has been traditionally stereotyped as a nerdy “lone wolf” job less likely to induce emotional labor, nowadays software developers become more and more social, on the one hand, and are subject to increasing amount of behavioral expectations, e.g., formulated as codes of conduct.\u3cbr/\u3e\u3cbr/\u3eIn this position paper we stress that software developers are subject to emotional labor, envision how emotional labor can be identified based on emotion detection techniques applied in software engineering, suggest possible antecedents and consequents of emotional labor and discuss interventions that can be designed to address the challenges of emotional labor

    Termination Analysis of Logic Programs

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    this paper, nor in the subsequent one (Sohn and Van Gelder, 1991) was the proposed methodology presented formally. To the best of our knowledge, the first formal presentation of splitting in the framework of termination analysis is due to Lindenstrauss et al. (Lindenstrauss et al., 1998). Unlike in their work, a numerical and not a symbolic domain was considered in the current paper. Section 5.5.5 presents our vision of the integrated approach, both for numeric and symbolic computations. Distinguishing different subsets of values for variables, and deriving norms and level mappings based on these subsets, links our approach to the ideas of using type information in termination analysis for symbolic computations (Bruynooghe et al., 2002; Bruynooghe et al., 2001; Vanhoof and Bruynooghe, 2002). Indeed, adornments can be seen as types, refining the predefined type integers. Unlike these works, our work does not start with a given set of types, but for each program derives a collection of types relevant to this progra

    Survey of approaches for handling static analysis alarms

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    Static analysis tools have showcased their importance and usefulness in automated detection of code anomalies and defects. However, the large number of alarms reported and cost incurred in their manual inspections have been the major concerns with the usage of static analysis tools. Existing studies addressing these concerns differ greatly in their approaches to handle the alarms, varying from automatic postprocessing of alarms, supporting the tool-users during manual inspections of the alarms, to designing of light-weight static analysis tools. A comprehensive study of approaches for handling alarms is, however, not found. In this paper, we review 79 alarms handling studies collected through a systematic literature search and classify the approaches proposed into seven categories. The literature search is performed by combining the keywords-based database search and snowballing. Our review is intended to provide an overview of various alarms handling approaches, their merits and shortcomings, and different techniques used in their implementations. Our findings include that the categorized alarms handling approaches are complementary and they can be combined together in different ways. The categorized approaches and techniques employed in them can help the designers and developers of static analysis tools to make informed choices

    Foreword to the SANER 2015 special issue

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    Gender in software engineering

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    \u3cp\u3eThe topic of gender in software engineering received significant attention during the most recent International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Papers related to gender appeared in the main research track, the Software Engineering in Society (SEIS) track, and the second Gender Equity (GE) workshop (https://sites.google.com/view/ge-icse2019). Three of the papers summarized in this column are coauthored by the column authors.\u3c/p\u3

    Software maintenance and evolution and automated software engineering

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    \u3cp\u3eThis issue's column reports on the 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution and 32nd International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. Topics include flaky tests, technical debt, QA bots, and regular expressions.\u3c/p\u3
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