408 research outputs found
Outgroup Prejudice from an Evolutionary Perspective: Survey Evidence from Europe
This study investigates the root causes of outgroup prejudice. The literature explains prejudice primarily as a result of the perception of threat or the lack of optimal intergroup contact. The literature also emphasizes that individuals who are prejudiced against one outgroup are more likely to be prejudiced against other outgroups as well. This study does not react to these established theories. Instead, it argues from an evolutionary social psychological perspective that the root cause of outgroup prejudice is an activated sense of distrust and caution. In ancestral environments, higher levels of distrust and caution helped humans better protect themselves and their offspring from outside dangers, especially that posed by other humans. Prejudice is thus a function of this general protective outlook rather than a function of the particular characteristics of outgroups. To test this hypothesis, the paper specifies six multilevel regression models and analyzes the factors that lead to prejudice against six salient minority groups: immigrants, Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, the Roma, and the people of different races. Data come primarily from the latest wave of the European Values Study, covering 43 European countries. In all six cases of outgroup prejudice, findings indicate a strong and consistent support for the proposed theoretical perspective
Spatial Integration in Explaining the Accessibility to Residential Areas: Bandirma Case
In this research the topological accessibility values have been used as an alternative parameter for accessibility to examine whether any advantages to the evaluation of the socio spatial environment that are difficult to acquire with the geometrical distance measurement. The topological accessibility have been calculated via space syntax analysis which is called as ?spatial integration?. The basic principle of the space syntax methodology is based on the strict relationship between topological structure of urban environment and human behavior. In the space syntax method, the physical structure is represented as built space as a three dimensional objects such as buildings and non-built space as a base for movements in urban space. Topological structure itself affects the movement in space which is called as ?natural movement? and this relationship also affects the other sub systems such as land use, land values, etc. As the previous researches proves, topological structure and other urban systems are strongly correlated it is expected that spatial integration value should explain the spatial variations of physical environment. In this research this relationship analysed in Bandirma case in Balikesir province of Turkey. The analysis have been carried out with three factors based on spatial analyses and questionnaires of 795 households; the satisfaction from built environment, housing prices and Euclidean distances to the port, highways, city centre, seashore, schools, and industrial area. The first regression results show that there is a complex relationship between spatial structure and topological accessibility. According to the residual values, the spatial integration values through the main arterials fit better than the other areas of Bandirma. On the other hand, there are three distinct groups in the Bandirma case: The area near the main arterials, lately developed planned areas and old city structure. Comparing the last two areas show that spatial integration values in the old city structure are more meaningful in explaining the other factors than the newly developed areas. This difference may be the result of the difference between two types of spatial development reflecting the opposite perspectives which are bottom-up and top-down approaches. This research shows that the spatial integration values can be used as another variable to measure accessibility and this parameter may also help to explain the other features of spatial environment
Altered fetal cardiac function in smoking during pregnancy
Maternal smoking during pregnancy remains a major public health issue and is associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate fetal cardiac functions in chronic maternal smoking during pregnancy and to compare them with non-smoker pregnant women. Forty-two smoker pregnant women between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation and gestational age-matched 44 non-smoker pregnant women were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Fetal cardiac functions were measured using conventional Doppler echocardiography. The peak velocities of the mitral valve during early diastole (E) and atrial contraction (A) were measured, and the E/A ratio was calculated. The following time periods were also calculated; isovolumetric contraction time (ICT), isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT), and ejection time (ET). Then, the fetal left ventricle modified myocardial performance index (Mod-MPI) was calculated. No significant differences were noted between the groups in terms of E, A, and E/A ratio z-scores (p > 0.05). The ICT and IRT z-scores were found to be significantly higher in the study group compared with those in the control group (p = 0.001 and p = 0.034). Mod-MPI z-score was also found significantly higher in the study group than in the control group (p = 0.034). There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of ET (p > 0.05). The signs of systolic, diastolic, and global cardiac dysfunction were demonstrated in fetuses of pregnant women with chronic smoking. It, therefore, merits consideration that the fetal heart is also exposed to the detrimental effects of smoking
Yardımlı üreme teknikleri uygulamalarında serviko-vajinal lavaj ve serumdan implantasyon belirtici olarak glikodelin ve makrofaj-koloni stimülan faktör bakılmasının klinik ve prognostik önemi
İmplantasyon, endometrium ile embriyo arasında büyüme faktörleri, hormonlar, adezyon molekülleri, ekstraselüler matriks ve prostoglandinler ile oluşan karmaşık bir diyalog çerçevesinde; embriyonun desiduaya yapışması, bazal membrana doğru inmesi ve stromaya invaze olmasıdır. Günümüz Yardımlı Üreme Teknikleri (YÜT)’ndeki en yüz güldürücü nokta olan İntrasitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu (ICSI) uygulamalarında dahi ortalama 15 oosite ve %90’lık fertilizasyon oranlarına ulaşılabilmesine rağmen; ortalama canlı doğum oranı %45’i geçememektedir. Bu noktada implantasyon başarısızlıkları ve endometrial reseptivite YÜT’nin en önemli hız kısıtlayıcı basamaklarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Glikodelin ve Makrofaj-Koloni Stimülan Faktör (M-CSF) implantasyon penceresine uygun dönemde serumdan, endometrium dokusundan ve serviko-vajinal sıvılardan eksprese olmaktadırlar ve endometrial reseptiviteyi belirlemede önemli belirteçlerdir. Bizim bu çalışmadaki amacımız öncelikle ICSI planlanan hastaların embriyo transfer (ET) günü serum ve serviko-vajinal lavaj örneklerinden Glikodelin ve M-CSF düzeyleri bakılması ile elde edilecek gebelik oranları ilişkisinin gösterilmesidir. Çalışmamıza Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Ankara ve Adana Tüp Bebek Merkez’lerimize başvuran ve ICSI yapılmasını planladığımız 85 hasta dahil edilmiş; 39 yaş üzeri, kötü yanıt veren, donma-çözme siklusu olan veya zorunlu tek embriyo transferi yapılan hastalar ise hariç tutulmuştur. Örnekler embriyo transfer gününde, hem serumdan; hem de serviko-vajinal lavaj sıvılarından alınıp Biyokimya laboratuvarımızda ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) yöntemi ile çalışılmıştır. Serviko-vajinal lavaj sıvılarından bakılan Glikodelin ile M-CSF düzeyleri ve serumdan bakılan M-CSF düzeyleriyle elde edilen gebelik oranları ilişkisi istatistiksel olarak incelenerek klinik prospektif bir araştırma yapılmıştır.
Embriyo transfer günü serviko-vajinal lavajdan (lavaj) bakılan Glikodelin, M-CSF ve serumdan bakılan M-CSF düzeyleri, serum βhCG pozitif olan hastalar ile negatif olanlarda bakıldığında aradaki farklar istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bulunmamıştır (sırasıyla P: 0,143; P: 0,748; P: 0,115). Ancak sonraki kontrollerde ultrasonda gebelik kesesi saptanan hastaların (n: 37) embriyo transfer günü lavaj Glikodelin düzeyleri ortalama 94,78±170,95 ng/ml; ve gebelik kesesi olmayan hastalarda ise (n: 48) ortalama 139,42±208,23 ng/ml olup; aradaki fark istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bulunmuştur (P: 0,049). Üstelik bir sonraki ultrason kontrollerinde fetal kalp atımı (FKA) izlenen hastalarda (n: 35) embriyo transfer günü lavaj
Glikodelin düzeyleri ortalama 70,95±143,03 ng/ml; ve FKA izlenmeyen hastalarda (n: 50) ortalama 153,84±216,07 ng/ml olup; ve aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak daha da anlamlı bulunmuştur (P: 0,009). Embriyo transfer günü lavaj Glikodelin düzeyleri ROC eğrisi ile incelendiğinde 4,1 ng/ml‘nin altında olan hastalarda; %52,78 duyarlılık, %75 seçicilikte gebelik kesesi var (P: 0,0389) ve %55,9 duyarlılık, %76 seçicilikte de FKA var (P: 0,0039) şeklinde anlam izlenmiştir. Açıklanamayan infertilitesi olan hastaların embriyo transferi günü lavaj Glikodelin değerleri, serum β-hCG’si, ultrasonda gebelik kesesi ve FKA’sı pozitif olanlarda; negatif olanlara göre anlamlı ölçüde (sırasıyla P: 0,016, P: 0,001 ve P: 0,000) daha düşük bulunmuştur. Embriyo transferi günü oosit toplanması (OPU) sonrası 3. gün olan hastaların da lavaj Glikodelin değerleri, ultrasonda gebelik kesesi ve FKA’sı pozitif olanlarda; negatif olanlara göre anlamlı ölçüde (sırasıyla P: 0,049 ve P: 0,020) daha düşük bulunmuştur. Gebelik kesesi tek olan 19 hastadan 2‘si (%10,5) aborte ederken; ikiz olan 16 hastada gebelik kaybı yaşanmadı ancak ikizlerden 2’sinin de (%12,5) gebeliği, tek’e düşerek devam etti. Ultrasonda FKA’sı 2 tane olan hastaların (n: 14, ortalama 163,74±189,90 ng/ml) ise ET günü bakılan lavaj Glikodelin konsantrasyonları FKA’sı tek olanlara (n: 19, ortalama 5,19±8,05 ng/ml) göre anlamlı derecede (P: 0,042) daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Glikodelin bir implantasyon belirteci olarak çok umut vericidir. Siklus periyoduna göre midsiklus fertil pencerede düşük olan düzeyleri ise fertilizasyona imkan sağlarken; midluteal implantasyon penceresi dönemindeki yüksek düzeyleri ile de implantasyona yardımcı olur. Tekrarlayan IVF başarısızlığı olan hastalarda endometrial reseptivite nedeniyle implantasyon yetmezliği bulunanların tanısında faydalı olabilir. Üstelik Glikodelin’in kontraseptif amaçlı kullanılması da mümkün gözükmektedir.
Implantation is adhesion of embryo to desidua, burrowing through basal membrane and invasion into the stroma as part of a complex dialogue involving growth factors, hormones, adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix and prostoglandines between the endometrium and the embryo. Currently, the most successful instrument of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) is intra-cytoplasmic sperm enjection (ICSI); despite an average of 15 oocyte retrivial and 90% fertilization ratios, mean live birth rates can not still increase beyond 45% ratio. The problems of the implantation and the endometrial receptivity are considered as the rate limiting steps of ART. Glycodelin and Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) are being expressed during the implantation period from the serum, the endometrial tissue and the cervico-vaginal secretions and they may play role as markers for endometrial receptivity. In this study, we aimed to point out the relation between the pregnancy ratios and the Glycodelin and M-CSF levels in the serum and cervico-vaginal secretions of the ICSI patients in the embryo transfer day. In our study we included 85 ICSI patients who applied to the Baskent Univercity Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Ankara and Adana Infertility Centers. Patients above 39 years old, poor responders, patients for thaw cycles or underwent mandatory single embryo transfers were excluded from the study. The samples were collected in the embriyo transfer (ET) day from the serum and cervico-vaginal flushings (lavage) and assessed in the Biochemistry laboratory by the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method. A clinical prospective study was made statistically between the lavage Glycodelin, M-CSF levels, serum M-CSF levels and the pregnancy ratios.
There was no significant statistically difference in the levels of the Glycodelin (P: 0,143) and M-CSF (P: 0,748) in the cervico-vaginal secretions (lavage) and in the serum (P: 0,115) sampled at the embryo transfer day in terms of pregnancy. But when patients with the presence of the gestational sacs (n: 37) were considered, the mean cervico-vaginal flushing Glycodelin level was 94,78±170,95 ng/ml compared to level of 139,42±208,23 ng/ml in the patients without gestational sac (n: 48); and the difference was statistically
significant (P: 0,049). Moreover, when patients who had (fetal) cardiac activity (n: 35) were considered the mean cervico-vaginal flushing glycodelin level was 70,95±143,03 ng/ml compared to 153,84±216,07 ng/ml in those patients without cardiac activity (n: 50); which was statistically significant (P: 0,009). By analysing the ROC curves the patients, whose cervico-vaginal flushing Glycodelin levels were below 4,1 ng/ml: had a prediction rate to have a gestational sac with 52,78% sensitivity and 75% specifity (P: 0,0389) and a prediction rate have cardiac activity with 55,9% sensitivity and 76% specifity (P: 0,0039). Cervico-vaginal flushing Glycodelin levels in patients with unexplained infertililty were statistically lower when they have a positive pregnancy test (P: 0,016), or gestational sac (P: 0,001) and the cardiac activity (P: 0,000) compared to those were not. The cervico-vaginal flushing Glycodelin levels in the patients whose embryo transfer was the third day were statistically lower if they had positive gestational sac (P: 0,049) and cardiac activity (P: 0,020) in the ultrasonography than the negative ones. In singletons (n: 19), 2 of them (10,5%) had abortion; however in twins (n: 16) no abortion took place, but 2 of them (12,5%) continued as a singleton pregnancy. The cervico-vaginal flushing Glycodelin levels in the patients with twin cardiac activity (n: 14; 163,74±189,90 ng/ml as avarage) were statistically higher than the patients with single cardiac activity (n: 19; 5,19±8,05 ng/ml as avarage) (P: 0,042). The Glikodelin is well promising as an implantation marker. While the lower rates of Glycodelin in the fertile mid-cycle enables fertilization; then the higher rates of Glycodelin in the mid-luteal phase (implantation window) facilitates the implantation. Glycodelin can help to diagnose the patients with recurrent IVF and implantation failure because of the endometrial receptivity problems. In addition Glycodelin could be feasible in the contraceptive purposes
Lyophilised medial meniscus transplantations in ACL-deficient knees: a 19-year follow-up
The treatment of meniscal tears has changed since the early 1980s. Meniscus transplantation emerged as a treatment option during that period. This study aims to present the long-term results of the first lyophilised meniscus allograft transplants in Turkey. Between 1990 and 1992, four transplants of the medial meniscus combined with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction were performed on patients with a history of medial meniscectomy and anterior knee instability at our institution. For all patients who underwent meniscus lyophilised allograft transplantation and revision ACL reconstruction, clinical outcomes were evaluated over a mean period of 19 years of postoperative follow-up by clinical assessment, Tegner score, Lysholm score, Knee Society Score, radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The median value of Tegner score was 3 before index surgery and 2.5 at year 19 postoperatively. The median value of Lysholm score was 60.5 before index surgery and 62.5 at year 19. All of the patients had Outerbridge grade IV osteoarthritis by X-ray examination at year 19. Successful meniscus transplantation depends on many factors. This study examines the effect of allografts on these factors and describes experiences with lyophilised allografts in four male patients. IV
Treatment of an amniotic band syndrome with fetoscopic surgery: A case report
Objective: This study aimed to present an amniotic band syndrome case who underwent intrauterine fetoscopic surgery. Case: On ultrasound examination, edema was detected at the distal of the right upper extremity. The constrictive amniotic band tangling around the extremity at the upper part of the right elbow and around the umbilical cord was detected during the fetoscopic examination. The amniotic band was released by using endoscopic scissors and grasper. It was observed that the right hand was at the flexion position and was able to return to the neutral position on neonatal examination. Conclusion: Releasing amniotic band with fetoscopic surgery in amniotic band syndrome cases is an efficient method to prevent progressive destruction in the extremities and the procedure-related complications seem to be acceptable
Fetoscopic laser valve ablation in the posterior urethral valve case with intrauterine diagnosis
Objective: We aimed to present the procedure of intrauterine percutaneous fetoscopic laser valve ablation performed on a fetus diagnosed with lower urinary tract obstruction. Case(s): Bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, dilated bladder and oligo/ anhydramnios were found in the fetal ultrasonography examination of a 21-year-old pregnant woman who did not have regular follow-ups, and the lower urinary tract obstruction consistent with the posterior urethral valve was considered in the case. The patient who was found to have poor prognosis as a result of vesico synthesis carried out consecutively was informed about the follow-up and treatment options, and the posterior urethral valve ablation was performed by the percutaneous fetoscopic laser on 27 weeks of gestation. The amniotic fluid was at normal levels after the procedure, and the labor was carried out at term. The newborn with elevated postpartum creatinine was diagnosed with stage 2 renal failure, but dialysis was not required during the follow-ups. The newborn was discharged for outpatient follow-up upon the reduced creatinine levels. Conclusion: By taking the survival enhancing effect of the intrauterine intervention into account in the presence of lower urinary tract obstruction, we considered that intrauterine intervention can be an option in the cases who prefer to continue their pregnancies. The families should be informed in detail about the benefits and risks of intrauterine intervention to repair the obstruction
First fossil find of the Blanus strauchi complex (Amphisbaenia, Blanidae) from the Miocene of Anatolia
WOS: 000432213400008SYNTHESYS [SYNTHESYS ES-TAF-5910]; Ege University Research ProjectsEge University [TTM/001/2010, TTM/002/2011, TTM/001/2013, TTM/002/2014, 2015/Fen/17]; [TUBITAK-RFBR 111Y192]We would like to thank P. Lymberakis (NHMC), M. Calvo Revuelta (MNCN), and G. Gassner and C. Horweg (NHMW) for providing access to specimens under their care and photographs of extant specimens of Blanus spp. M. Delfino (University of Torino) provided insightful comments that enhanced the quality of the manuscript. A. Villa (University of Torino) helped with the literature. G.L.G. acknowledges travel support from SYNTHESYS (grant SYNTHESYS ES-TAF-5910) and the University of Torino. K.H., S.M., and T.K. were supported by TUBITAK-RFBR 111Y192 and Ege University Research Projects TTM/001/2010, TTM/002/2011, TTM/001/2013, TTM/002/2014, and 2015/Fen/17 during their field trips. We also thank Editor J. Head and the reviewers A. Bolet and J. Muller for their comments and help during the review process
Analyzing changes of urban pattern through fractal geometry
Kentsel doku zaman içinde değişen koşullara göre değişen dinamik bir yapıya sahiptir. Her yerleşmenin bu değişim süreciyle oluşan kendine özgü morfolojisi ve doku karakteri olması, dokunun biçimsel özelliklerinden bağımsız olan birtakım ilkelerin sistemin işleyiş ve düzeninde etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Değişim sürecinde doku karakterine yabancı müdahaleler dokunun kendine özgü karakterini bozar. Bu tür, geleneksel yöntemlerle ölçülmesi zor olan doku karakterinin ve dokuya müdahale etkilerinin incelenmesi, mekânsal organizasyonun işleyişini anlamaya katkıda bulunurken, biçim yerine dokunun mekânsal organizasyonunu değerlendirme yaklaşımı ile farklı dokulara sahip yerleşmelerin karşılaştırılmasına da olanak tanımaktadır. Dokunun zaman içindeki dinamik yapısını ve mekânsal ilişki özelliklerini analiz etmek için kaos teorisi ve fraktal geometriden yararlanmak mümkündür. Kaos teorisi dokunun zaman içindeki sürekliliği ve başlangıç koşullarının dokunun evrimi üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmeye yardımcı olurken fraktal geometri ise dokunun mekânsal organizasyon açısından değerlendirilmesine yardımcı olmaktadır. Beyazıt Meydanı ve çevresini kapsayan 1km2’lik alan üzerinde yapılan fraktal analiz sonuçları bunu desteklemektedir. Dokunun gelişimi incelendiğinde zaman içindeki değişim sürecinde devamlılık gösteren özelliklerin olduğu görülmektedir. Dokuda belirgin değişim olan dönemlerde fraktal boyutun da önemli ölçüde farklılaşması, doku özellikleri ile fraktal boyut arasındaki ilişkiyi yansıtmaktadır. Diğer yandan, İstanbul’da seçilmiş olan örneklem alanının fraktal boyut değerlerinin dünyadaki diğer örneklerden daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durum birçok farklı kültürün etkisi ve zengin doğal çevrenin etkisi ile evrimleşen dokunun daha yüksek bir karmaşıklık düzeyine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fraktal geometri, mekânsal dönüşüm, kentsel doku, Beyazıt meydanı.There are mainly two concepts that appear with the development process of urban settlements. One of them is change and the other is sustainability or continuity. Unchanged and changed properties are strictly related to the development process itself and they differ in planned and self-generated systems. The present paper is intended to contribute to understanding the principles, which lead to the spatial evolution of cities through time. Beyazıt square covering a 1km x 1km area, with its surroundings was selected for this study as it is one of the historical cores of Istanbul and has a unique character with its built environment and rich urban activities. Analyzing the changes in spatial structure in time shows the effects of the natural environment and the formerly built up environment as an initial condition. Although the general structure, which is shaped mainly by the dominance of historical environment, is unchanged, in the adaptation process for the changing social, economic and several other factors, many changes have occurred. This complicated process is examined by using the methods defined by chaos theory such as analyzing the changes in fractal dimensions in different time periods to explain the changing complexity level of spatial structure. The two key features of fractal dimension concept are generator and initiator. These features can be translated into urban pattern concept as the generation process or transformation rules and existing environment as an initial condition. Planning and self-organization represent two different processes leading to the transformation of the urban pattern. First of them is a top-down process, which has an ability to make changes on the whole urban pattern in a short time period, while second one reflects a bottom-up process, where changes are made by individual decisions and they take longer to change the spatial pattern. Moreover, these two processes generally occur in different scales: Self-organization is closely related to buildings and plots while planning is generally more comprehensive and affects building blocks, transportation routes and the whole urban pattern. Because of these, the urban pattern can be classified into three main components: buildings, building blocks and roads. Fractal dimension in different time periods for each element is calculated separately. Although urban pattern is a fractal object, there is a big difference between computer generated theoretical fractals and urban pattern: Generally theoretical fractals are purely self-similar which is not applicable for real urban patterns. Added to this, urban pattern is a highly complex structure, the fractal dimension changes in different scales and different sub regions. Fractal generation in computer environment starts with the simple initiator object and generation rule, however, in urban realm, generally, the existing patterns are very heterogeneous and there are many interacted factors that affect the evolution process as a generation rule which result in various fractal dimensions. This feature is called as “multifractality”. There are several methods to calculate fractal dimension such as: Hausdorff dimension, Self similarity dimension, Box counting dimension, Divider or ruler dimension, Lyapunov dimension, Information dimension, Dilation dimension. Box counting method is the most preferred to other methods in physical science. Box counting method is relatively easy to calculate and suitable to measure spatial elements of urban pattern. Because of these advantages, box counting method was selected to calculate the fractal dimension of uban pattern. The preliminary measurement results show that the fractal dimension of the Beyazıt sample is over 1.7 that is higher than the values of 1.4-1.6 measured in modern settlement patterns. These results are considered to be a reflection of the complexity of the spatial structure of the study area. Detailed measurements of urban pattern revealed the multifractality of Beyazıt sample. Beyazıt has different fractal dimensions in different scales. The more diversity of spatial elements and heterogeneous structure of urban pattern bring together the increase in the range of fractal dimension values. On the other hand, fractal dimension values are generally over 1,7 and very close to each other with the exception of the year of 1819, which demonstrates very different pattern. Similar fractal dimensions of different time periods reflect the continuity of spatial character especially after 1900s. On the other hand, the changes in fractal dimension values are the result of spatial changes such as widened roads or changing building blocks and buildings demonstrating the relationship between fractal dimension and spatial configuration. Keywords:Fractal geometry, spatial transformation, Urban pattern, Beyazıt Square
Perspectives of Preservice Teachers on the Statements Related to Preservice Teachers and Competence of Lecturers
This study aims to find out the attitude of preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education to the statements related to preservice teachers and competence of lecturers. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers includes following statements: “Productivity of the courses taken in the school enable them to understand the qualifications that a teacher must have.”, “Students take advantages of the education process which brings them sufficient teaching experience”, ”During their education, students experience many fascinating features related to teaching professions which they haven’t seen before.”, ”Opportunities and facilities that the students have in the school let them have rich variety of experiences related to communication with people.”, ”The students who have thought that they couldn’t be teacher understand they are in wrong to assume it after they experience teaching.” B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers includes following statements: “Lecturers have enough professional competence since they have received decent undergraduate education.”, “Lecturers can convey their knowledge to students by showing their class related to class management and employing different methods to teach since they don’t teach the lessons with the exception of their professional fields.”, “Lecturers can plan the teaching-learning process successfully thanks to their professional teaching knowledge.”, “Scientific dignity that the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes them reach the exemplary positions.”, “The high level of service delivery qualifications which the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes the students apply their knowledge to real life.” A questionnaire which includes questions related to A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers is conducted to determine the attitudes of preservice teachers towards. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers and B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers. The sample for the research is composed of 121 preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education. According to the findings of the research; it is seen that the preservice teachers have answered the questions containing information on A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers with variable rates. The results which are mentioned above make it possible to come to that conclusion that preservice teachers have responded to questionnaire which is reliable according to its Cronbach’s Alpha value (α=0.91) in varying ratios (Field, 2013)
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