12 research outputs found
Phylogenetic relationships of Turkish indigenous donkey populations determined by mitochondrial DNA D-loop region
In this study, to analyze the mtDNA D-loop region and the origin of the maternal lineages of 16 different donkey populations, and to assess the domestication of Turkish indigenous donkeys in seven geographical regions, we investigated the DNA sequences of the D-loop region of 315 indigenous donkeys from Turkey. A total of 54 haplotypes, resulting from 35 polymorphic regions (27 parsimoniously informative and 6 singleton sites), were defined. Twenty-eight of these haplotypes are unique (51.85%), and 26 are shared among different Turkish indigenous donkey populations. The most frequent haplotype was Hap 1 (45.71%), followed by two haplotypes (Hap 4, 15.55% and Hap 7, 5.39%). The breed genetic diversity, evaluated by the haplotype diversity (HD ) and nucleotide diversity (?D ), for the Turkish donkey populations ranged from 0.533 ± 0.180 (Tekirdağ–Malkara, MAL) to 0.933 ± 0.122 (Aydin, AYD), and from 0.01196 ± 0.0026 (Antalya, ANT) to 0.02101 ± 0.0041 (Aydin, AYD), respectively. We observed moderate-to-high levels of haplotype diversity and moderate nucleotide diversity, indicating plentiful genetic diversity in all of the Turkish indigenous donkey populations. Phylogenetic analysis (NJT) and median-joining network analysis established that all haplotypes were distinctly grouped into two major haplogroups. The results of AMOVA analyses, based on geographic structuring of Turkish native donkey populations, highlighted that the majority of the observed variance is due to differences among samples within populations. The observed differences between groups were found to be statistically significant. Comparison among Turkish indigenous donkey mtDNA D-loop regions and haplotypes, and different countries’ donkey breeds and wild asses, identified two clades and which is named Somali (Clade IV) and Nubian (Clade V) lineages. The results can be used to understand the origin of Turkish donkey populations clearly, and to resolve the phylogenetic relationship among all of the different regions. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAK: 215O555This research was funded by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), grant number 215O555, project leader Fulya ?zdil. The authors would like to kindly thank to Selen Yatkin who provide help during the sample collection. We are also grateful to all farmers and pastoralists for allowing us to use their animal to collect blood samples for free. Many thanks to our lab team ?eref M?cahit Topalo?lu and Ayla Fidan for helping laboratory experiment. The authors want to thank four anonymous reviewers for comments on this work
Genetic characterization of native donkey (Equus asinus) populations of Turkey using microsatellite markers
This study presents the first insights to the genetic diversity and structure of the Turkish donkey populations. The primary objectives were to detect the main structural features of Turkish donkeys by microsatellite markers. A panel of 17 microsatellite markers was applied for genotyping 314 donkeys from 16 locations of Turkey. One hundred and forty‐two alleles were identified and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 12. The highest number of alleles was observed in AHT05 (12) and the lowest in ASB02 and HTG06 (4), while ASB17 was monomorphic. The mean HO in the Turkish donkey was estimated to be 0.677, while mean HE was 0.675. The polymorphic information content (PIC) was calculated for each locus and ranged from 0.36 (locus ASB02) to 0.98 (locus AHT05), which has the highest number of alleles per locus in the present study. The average PIC in our populations was 0.696. The average coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) over the 17 loci was 0.020 ± 0.037 (p < 0.01). The GST values for single loci ranged from −0.004 for LEX54 to 0.162 for COR082. Nei’s gene diversity index (Ht) for loci ranged from 0.445 (ASB02) to 0.890 (AHT05), with an average of 0.696. A Bayesian clustering method, the Structure software, was used for clustering algorithms of multi‐locus genotypes to identify the population structure and the pattern of admixture within the populations. When the number of ancestral populations varied from K = 1 to 20, the largest change in the log of the likelihood function (ΔK) was when K = 2. The results for K = 2 indicate a clear separation between Clade I (KIR, CAT, KAR, MAR, SAN) and Clade II (MAL, MER, TOK, KAS, KUT, KON, ISP, ANT, MUG, AYD and KAH) populations. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Determination of the morphometric characteristics of donkey (Equus asinus) populations reared in Turkey
This research aims to determine the morphometric characteristics of the donkey (Equus asinus) populations reared in Turkey. For this purpose, live weights and body measurements were collected from 500 donkeys. The donkeys were grouped according to the factors of color, age, sex, and province and the live weights (LW) (kg), withers heights (WH), rump heights (RH), body lengths (BL), chest circumferences (CC), chest depths (CD), front shank circumferences (FSC), head lengths (HL) and ear lengths (EL) (cm) of the donkeys were measured. In the study, the males were found to have higher values of live weight, withers height, rump height, and chest depth than the females (p < 0.05). Significant differences in the live weights of the donkeys were seen by province, age, color, and sex (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05). Significant differences were found among the age groups as well (p < 0.01). Accordingly, the least squares means of the animals aged 1???3 years, 4???5 years, 6???8 years, and 9 years and over for live weight were measured as 112.10 ?? 3.11 kg, 141.54 ?? 2.76 kg, 153.98 ?? 2.42 kg, and 152.95 ?? 2.34 kg, respectively. The least squares mean of live weights were also determined as significant between the female and male animals (138.08 ?? 1.96 kg) and (142.21 ?? 2.25 kg), respectively (p 0.05). The highest correlation coefficient was calculated between live weight and body length among the donkeys (r = 0.83). Furthermore, the classical method (CM) and the fixed object photo (FOP) method were compared for photographed animals in the study. No difference in WH, RH, CD or HL was seen between the two methods (p 0.05). In conclusion, the morphometric characteristics of the donkeys were determined and it was shown that the populations were not distinguished clearly from each other and that this was fundamentally due to the transitions among the donkey populations for long years
The relationship between international migration and labor market: An empirical application
Hızla artan nüfus sorununun yanında, mülteci krizi ve artan göç hareketleri nedeniyle göç sorunları son yıllarda daha da ön plana çıkmıştır. Kökeni ne olursa olsun göçlerin toplum üzerinde önemli etkileri bulunmaktadır ve bunlar tartışmalı olabilmektedir. İktisadi perspektifte göçler, hem tüketici talebine hem de mal ve hizmet üretiminde kullanılan emek talebine katkıda bulunabilir. Göçün ekonomik etkileriyle ilgili tartışmalar eğitim ve istihdam gibi alanlarda politikaların oluşturulmasında son derece önemlidir. Bu nedenle bu tez çalışmasının amacı, 1990-2019 dönemi baz alınarak en çok göçmen barındıran 7 ülkenin uluslararası göç ve işgücü piyasası arasındaki ilişkinin ekonomik etkilerini ampirik yönden incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, paneli oluşturan birimler arasında yatay kesit bağımlılığını dikkate alan Durbin-H ve heterojen katsayıların tahminine imkan sağlayan CCE tekniklerine dayalı ekonometrik modeller kullanılmıştır. Seriler arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi Kónya tarafından geliştirilen bootstrap panel nedensellik testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Tahmincilerden elde edilen bulgular, işgücü piyasasının uluslararası göç üzerinde etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bulgulara dayanarak işgücü piyasasında açık veren ve büyük sermayeli ülkelerin uluslararası göçe neden olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Buna ek olarak nedensellik analizinden elde edilen bulgular, göçlerden ücretlere doğru tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bulgu, bahsi geçen ülkelerde meydana gelen göç hareketlerinin ücret seviyelerini değiştirme gücüne ve kapasitesine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışma ayrıca, uluslararası göçlerin emek zengini ile sermaye zengini ülkeler arasındaki ücretlerde ortaya çıkan farklılıklardan kaynaklandığını savunan Neoklasiklerin makroekonomik göç teorisi ile de uyumlu bulgular elde etmiştir.In addition to the rapidly increasing population problem, migration problems have become more prominent in recent years due to the refugee crisis and increasing migration movements. Whatever their origin, migrations have significant impacts on society and these can be controversial. From an economic perspective, migrations can contribute to both consumer demand and the demand for labor used in the production of goods and services. Discussions about the economic effects of migration are extremely important in policy making in areas such as education and employment. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to empirically examine the economic effects of the relationship between international migration and labor market in the 7 countries with the highest number of immigrants, based on the period 1990-2019. In this direction, econometric models based on Durbin-H, which takes into account the cross-sectional dependence between the units forming the panel, and CCE techniques that allow the estimation of heterogeneous coefficients were used. The causality relationship between the series was analyzed with the bootstrap panel causality test developed by Kónya. Findings from the estimators show that the labor market has an impact on international migration. Based on these findings, it has been concluded that countries with a deficit in the labor market and large capitals cause international migration.In addition, the findings from the causality analysis show that there is a unidirectional causality relationship from migration to wages. This finding shows that the migration movements in the mentioned countries have the power and capacity to change wage levels. The study also provides findings consistent with the neoclassical macroeconomic migration theory, which argues that international migration is caused by the differences in wages between labor-rich and capital-rich countrie
Spinal arteriovenous malformation: Use of intraoperative color Doppler ultrasonography guidance for surgical resection. Case report
WOS: 000345159600019PubMed ID: 25463896Spinal arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) may be associated with sensory and motor deficits, bowel or bladder dysfunction, radicular pain or deficit, and back pain. Hemorrhage can occur in the parenchyma leading to the acute onset of symptoms. Neurosurgical resection is one of the way of treatment. Several techniques including intraoperative angiography, dye-injection and the micro Doppler method have proven to be useful during the surgical resection of spinal vascular lesions. Herein, we report our experience with intraoperative ultrasonography (IOUS) and color Doppler ultrasonography guidance for visualizing a spinal cord AVM during surgery. IOUS is a time-saving and noninvasive method for intraoperative imaging of spinal AVM
Frontal lobe lipoma associated with cortical dysplasia and abnormal vasculature
Intracranial lipomas (ICLs) are rare lesions, the vast majority encountered as incidental findings on imaging studies. ICLs are generally pericallosal midline lesions and thought to be asymptomatic and can be accompanied by additional intracranial congenital malformations. We describe a 17-year old male with an unusual case of ICL on the frontal lobe associated with cortical dysplasia and abnormal vasculature mimicking arteriovenous malformation on magnetic resonance images
Relation of apparent diffusion coefficient with Ki-67 proliferation index in meningiomas
WOS: 000368418500004PubMed ID: 26537690Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Ki-67 proliferation indexes and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of low-grade and atypical/anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. Methods: Pre-operative diffusion-weighted imaging and histopathological evaluation of 44 patients with meningiomas were performed retrospectively. Regions of interest (ROIs) were manually drawn on the ADC images. In total six ROI measurements were taken in three consecutive slices, and the average of the mean ADC value was used. The relationship between the ADC and Ki-67 values was investigated, and the ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas were compared. Results: 31 (70%) patients had low-grade the meningiomas. 10 (23%) patients had atypical and 3 (7%) had anaplastic meningiomas. ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas were 0.81 +/- 0.12 x 10(-3) and 0.66 +/- 0.08 x 10(-3) mm(2) s(-1), respectively. Ki-67 proliferation indexes were 2.19% +/- 1.14% for low-grade and 11.20% 6 9.80% for high-grade meningiomas. A statistically significant negative correlation between Ki-67 proliferation index and ADC values of the low-grade and high-grade meningiomas was detected (r(2) - 0.326, p < 0.001). High-grade meningiomas had lower ADC values than that of low-grade meningiomas. There was statistically significant difference between the ADC values of the lowgrade and high-grade meningiomas (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our data provide an inverse correlation between the ADC and Ki-67 proliferation index values of meningiomas. ADC values can be used for histopathological characterization of the meningiomas and presurgical planning. Advances in knowledge: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Ki-67 proliferation indexes and ADC values of low-grade and atypical/ anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. In addition, we compared the ADC and Ki-67 proliferative index values of the low-grade and atypical/anaplastic (high-grade) meningiomas. We concluded that there was an inverse correlation between the ADC and Ki-67 proliferation index values in meningiomas, and we have found statistically significant difference between the ADC values of the lowgrade and high-grade meningiomas. ADC values can be used for histopathological characterization of the meningiomas and pre-surgical planning
Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalına Yansıyan Cinsel İstismar Olgularının ve Bu Olgular İçinde Çocuk İstismarı ve Mental Retardasyonun Değerlendirilmesi
Cinsel istismar olgularında çok çeşitli etmenler söz konusu olup, bu çalışmada yetişkin-çocuk ve özürlü cinsel istismar mağdurlarının yoğunluk ve dağılımına dikkat çekilmek amaçlandı ve Anabilim Dalımıza Ocak 2000 - Mart 2008 tarihleri arasında başvuran 205 cinsel istismar olgusu çalışma kapsamına alınarak değerlendirildi. Olguların 78’i (%38) erkek, 127’si (%62) kadın olup 103’ü (%50.2) çocuktu. Çocukların en küçüğü 5, en büyüğü ise 18 yaşında olup, yaş ortalaması 14.03 + 3.56 olarak belirlendi. Çocuk olguların 48’i (%46.6) erkek, 55’i (%53.4) kız idi. 42 çocukta (%40.8) travma sonrası stres bozukluğu tespit edildi. 98 çocuğun (%95.1) istismar zanlıları yabancılardı. Okul çağma gelmiş olan 24 çocuk (%23.3) okuma-yazma bilmemekteydi. İstismara uğrayan 26 çocukta (%25.2) aynı zamanda darp-cebir izleri de görüldü, böylelikle cinsel istismarla birlikte fiziksel istismara da maruz kaldıkları belirlendi. Çocuk olguların 16’sının (%15.5) hafif mental retarde oldukları belirlendi. 7’si erkek (%43.8), 9’u (%56.2) kadın olan mental retarde çocukların yaş ortalaması 16.25+2.543 olarak hesaplandı ve en küçüğünün 11, en büyüğünün ise 18 yaşında olduğu belirlendi. Sadece bir mental retarde çocukta travma sonrası stres bozukluğu tespit edildi. Mental retarde çocukların 6’sında (%37.5) fiziksel istismar da tespit edildi. Mental retarde çocukların tamamının yabancılar tarafından istismar edildiği tespit edildi. Cinsel istismarlarda çok çeşitli etmenler söz konusu olsa da istismara uğrayanlar arasında mental retardasyonlu çocuk olguların da önemli bir yer tuttuğu, seksüel saldırılara karşı bu olguların daha korumasız kaldığı, bu olgulara yönelik seçici ve spesifik eğitim programları ile tıbbi ve sosyal olarak destek olunması gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.
Anahtar kelimeler: Cinsel istismar, fiziksel istismar, çocuk, mental retardasyo