3 research outputs found

    Achados macroscópicos de cabras após distocia: anasarca fetal e hematoma intramural no corpo do útero : Macroscopic findings of goats after distocya: fetal anasarca and intramural hematoma in the body of the uterus

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar os achados macroscópicos, de dois casos distintos, de distocias em cabras que morreram após serem submetidas a cesariana. Após horas (28 e 36 horas) de trabalho de parto sem auxílio de profissionais qualificados, as cabras foram encaminhadas para atendimento de emergência e submetidas a cesariana pelo flanco esquerdo. A cabra do Caso 1 apresentou distocia materna, não abertura da cérvix, e fetal, gestação gemelar de fetos monstros com anasarca que juntos pesavam 12 kg, causando um quadro sistêmico de anemia, desidratação e toxemia, além de laceração da mucosa externa na região medial da curvatura maior do útero. No Caso 2 a distocia foi materna, devido abertura insuficiente da cérvix, sendo extraído via cesariana dois cabritos a termo (4,0 e 3,8 kg), no entanto uma hora após o procedimento a fêmea morreu com quadro de choque hipovolêmico. A fêmea possui histórico de antes do atendimento, ter sido palpada pela vagina e recebido ocitocina na propriedade. A necrópsia foi observado aumento de volume na região do colo uterino, que ao corte revelou a presença de coágulo característico de hematoma intramural, consequente a ruptura da artéria uterina. É possível concluir que, a ausência de monitoramento pré-natal, o quadro clínico geral das fêmeas em situação de  distocias e tempo de espera por um atendimento especializado afetam consideravelmente a eficiência do procedimento realizado na cesariana


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    The present objective was to evaluate Swiss albino mice (Mus muscullus) with Ehrlich carcinoma treated with intrarectal ozone therapy and cisplatin. Twenty-four female mice, approximately 60 days of age, varying between 35g and 40g in weight were divided into four groups, Group G1: Positive control: 2.5mg/kg of cisplatin; Group G2: Ozone-oxygen mix via rectal insufflation (MOO IR); Group G3: 2.5mg/kg of cisplatin + (MOO IR), and Group G4: Negative control with 1ml of saline 0.9%. All animals underwent an eight-day adaptation period. Forty-eight hours after inoculation, the treatments were performed for six days. The mice were euthanized at the end of the experiment and the tumor was removed. There were statistically significant differences between groups for tumor weight. Mean tumor weight was greater in group G4, and lesser in group G3. These significant differences were observed between the negative control and other groups. On histopathology, there were no significant differences between groups. It is concluded that combined ozone therapy and cisplatin was shown to be the treatment where mice with Ehrlich carcinoma had the least tumor weight

    Evaluation of the effects of ozone therapy and cisplatin in an experimental model in mice with Ehrlich carcinoma

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    The present objective was to evaluate Swiss albino mice (Mus muscullus) with Ehrlich carcinoma treated with intrarectal ozone therapy and cisplatin. Twenty-four female mice, approximately 60 days of age, varying between 35g and 40g in weight were divided into four groups, Group G1: Positive control: 2.5mg/kg of cisplatin; Group G2: Ozone-oxygen mix via rectal insufflation (MOO IR); Group G3: 2.5mg/kg of cisplatin + (MOO IR), and Group G4: Negative control with 1ml of saline 0.9%. All animals underwent an eight-day adaptation period. Forty-eight hours after inoculation, the treatments were performed for six days. The mice were euthanized at the end of the experiment and the tumor was removed. There were statistically significant differences between groups for tumor weight. Mean tumor weight was greater in group G4, and lesser in group G3. These significant differences were observed between the negative control and other groups. On histopathology, there were no significant differences between groups. It is concluded that combined ozone therapy and cisplatin was shown to be the treatment where mice with Ehrlich carcinoma had the least tumor weight.Ehrlich carcinoma is an aggressive, rapidly-growing tumor used as an experimental model in female mice because it corresponds to mammary adenocarcinoma. The present objective was to evaluate Swiss albino mice (Mus musculus) with Ehrlich carcinoma treated with intrarectal ozone therapy and cisplatin. Twenty-four female mice, approximately 60 days of age, varying between 35g and 43g in weight were divided into four groups, Group 1 (G1): 1mL of cisplatin 2.5mg/kg, orally; Group 2 (G2): Ozone-oxygen mixture (OOM) 20 µg/mL, via rectal insufflation (RI); Group 3 (G3): 1mL of cisplatin 2.5mg/kg, orally+ 20 µg/mL (OOM RI), and Group 4 (G4): control with 1mL of saline 0.9%, orally. All animals underwent an eight-day adaptation period. Forty-eight hours after inoculation, the treatments were performed daily, for six days. The mice were euthanized at the end of the experiment, after treatment, and the tumor was removed. There were statistically significant differences between groups for tumor weight. Mean tumor weight was greater in G4 (3,83 ± 1.20), and lesser in G3 (0.79 ± 0.73). These significant differences were observed between the group G4 and other groups. On histopathology, there were no significant differences between groups. It is concluded that ozone therapy associated with cisplatin proved to be the treatment in which mice with Erhlich's carcinoma showed delay in tumor growth, therefore, the lowest tumor weight