4 research outputs found


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    Gambaran eksisting sistem pengelolaan sampah domestik di Kota Palembang yaitu sistem pengumpulan sampah yang terjadi masih dalam keadaan tercampur dan tidak adanya pemisahan antar jenis sampah. Sistem pengangkutan sampah padat domestik yang telah diterapkan belum terlihat optimal seperti jadwal angkut dan jumlah angkutan. Kondisi eksisting Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) yang ada di Kota Palembang yaitu TPA Sukawinatan masih dalam sistem dan tidak ada pengolahan didalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kondisi eksisting sistem pengelolaan sampah, mengukur berat timbulan sampah Kota Palembang dan mengevaluasi tingkat pelayanan sistem pengelolaan sampah saat ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data eksisting sistem pengelolaan sampah berupa data primer maupun sekunder kemudian membandingkannya dengan kriteria ideal. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu hasil pengukuran rata-rata berat timbulan sampah 1,071 kg/KK/hari, hasil evluasi kondisi: sistem pewadahan masih dalam keadaan tercampur, sistem pengumpulan yaitu TPS memiliki tingkat pelayanan sebesar 34,3%, sistem pengangkutan memiliki tingkat pelayanan 37,04 % dan TPA memiliki tingkat pelayanan 48,49%

    Municipal Solid Waste Transport Operational Cost of Seberang Ulu Area, Palembang City

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    Transportation system is an important part of the municipal solid waste management system, and also requires substantial investment and operational costs after the landfill. The further of the service route and the more the number of trucks ritation then the greater the operational costs to be incurred. Transportation system in the research location uses two methods, namely Hauled Container System/HCS (4 units) and Stationary Container System/SCS (19 units), each with 6 m³ capacity. Armroll truck activity analysis found that one time ritation takes an average of 2.72 hours and the average amount of ritation is 3 rit / day. The operational cost required for the armroll truck is 13.433.68 IDR / m³ / day. The result of dump truck activity analysis obtained the average time in one ritation is 4.77 hours, with the amount of ritation of 2 rit / day. Operating cost for dump truck is 25.400.1 IDR / m³ / day so HCS method with armroll truck is more effective than SCS method with dump truck, although the number of units is less in the research location, this is due to the investment cost of the carosery which is slightly larger than the dump truck

    Municipal Solid Waste Transport Operational Cost of Seberang Ulu Area, Palembang City

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    Transportation system is an important part of the municipal solid waste management system, and also requires substantial investment and operational costs after the landfill. The further of the service route and the more the number of trucks ritation then the greater the operational costs to be incurred. Transportation system in the research location uses two methods, namely Hauled Container System/HCS (4 units) and Stationary Container System/SCS (19 units), each with 6 m³ capacity. Armroll truck activity analysis found that one time ritation takes an average of 2.72 hours and the average amount of ritation is 3 rit / day. The operational cost required for the armroll truck is 13.433.68 IDR / m³ / day. The result of dump truck activity analysis obtained the average time in one ritation is 4.77 hours, with the amount of ritation of 2 rit / day. Operating cost for dump truck is 25.400.1 IDR / m³ / day so HCS method with armroll truck is more effective than SCS method with dump truck, although the number of units is less in the research location, this is due to the investment cost of the carosery which is slightly larger than the dump truck