54 research outputs found

    Adaptation and migration of a population between patches

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    A Hamilton-Jacobi formulation has been established previously for phenotypically structured population models where the solution concentrates as Dirac masses in the limit of small diffusion. Is it possible to extend this approach to spatial models? Are the limiting solutions still in the form of sums of Dirac masses? Does the presence of several habitats lead to polymorphic situations? We study the stationary solutions of a structured population model, while the population is structured by continuous phenotypical traits and discrete positions in space. The growth term varies from one habitable zone to another, for instance because of a change in the temperature. The individuals can migrate from one zone to another with a constant rate. The mathematical modeling of this problem, considering mutations between phenotypical traits and competitive interaction of individuals within each zone via a single resource, leads to a system of coupled parabolic integro-differential equations. We study the asymptotic behavior of the stationary solutions to this model in the limit of small mutations. The limit, which is a sum of Dirac masses, can be described with the help of an effective Hamiltonian. The presence of migration can modify the dominant traits and lead to polymorphic situations

    Dirac mass dynamics in multidimensional nonlocal parabolic equations

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    Nonlocal Lotka-Volterra models have the property that solutions concentrate as Dirac masses in the limit of small diffusion. Is it possible to describe the dynamics of the limiting concentration points and of the weights of the Dirac masses? What is the long time asymptotics of these Dirac masses? Can several Dirac masses co-exist? We will explain how these questions relate to the so-called "constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equation" and how a form of canonical equation can be established. This equation has been established assuming smoothness. Here we build a framework where smooth solutions exist and thus the full theory can be developed rigorously. We also show that our form of canonical equation comes with a structure of gradient flow. Numerical simulations show that the trajectories can exhibit unexpected dynamics well explained by this equation. Our motivation comes from population adaptive evolution a branch of mathematical ecology which models darwinian evolution

    Concentration in Lotka-Volterra parabolic or integral equations: a general convergence result

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    We study two equations of Lotka-Volterra type that describe the Darwinian evolution of a population density. In the first model a Laplace term represents the mutations. In the second one we model the mutations by an integral kernel. In both cases, we use a nonlinear birth-death term that corresponds to the competition between the traits leading to selection. In the limit of rare or small mutations, we prove that the solution converges to a sum of moving Dirac masses. This limit is described by a constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equation. This was already proved by B. Perthame and G. Barles for the case with a Laplace term. Here we generalize the assumptions on the initial data and prove the same result for the integro-differential equation

    Singular limits for reaction-diffusion equations with fractional Laplacian and local or nonlocal nonlinearity

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    International audienceWe perform an asymptotic analysis of models of population dynamics with a fractional Laplacian and local or nonlocal reaction terms. The first part of the paper is devoted to the long time/long range rescaling of the fractional Fisher-KPP equation. This rescaling is based on the exponential speed of propagation of the population. In particular we show that the only role of the fractional Laplacian in determining this speed is at the initial layer where it determines the thickness of the tails of the solutions. Next, we show that such rescaling is also possible for models with non-local reaction terms, as selection-mutation models. However, to obtain a more relevant qualitative behavior for this second case, we introduce, in the second part of the paper, a second rescaling where we assume that the diffusion steps are small. In this way, using a WKB ansatz, we obtain a Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the limit which describes the asymptotic dynamics of the solutions, similarly to the case of selection-mutation models with a classical Laplace term or an integral kernel with thin tails. However, the rescaling introduced here is very different from the latter cases. We extend these results to the multidimensional case

    A Hamilton-Jacobi approach for a model of population structured by space and trait

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    International audienceWe study a non-local parabolic Lotka-Volterra type equation describing a population structured by a space variable x 2 Rd and a phenotypical trait 2 . Considering diffusion, mutations and space-local competition between the individuals, we analyze the asymptotic (long- time/long-range in the x variable) exponential behavior of the solutions. Using some kind of real phase WKB ansatz, we prove that the propagation of the population in space can be described by a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with obstacle which is independent of . The effective Hamiltonian is derived from an eigenvalue problem. The main difficulties are the lack of regularity estimates in the space variable, and the lack of comparison principle due to the non-local term

    Asymptotic analysis of a selection model with space

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    International audienceSelection of a phenotypical trait can be described in mathematical terms by 'stage structured' equations which are usually written under the form of integral equations so as to express competition for resource between individuals whatever is their trait. The solutions exhibit a concentration effect (selection of the fittest); when a small parameter is introduced they converge to a Dirac mass. An additional space variable can be considered in order to take into account local environmental conditions. Here we assume this environment is a single nutrient which diffuses in the domain. In this framework, we prove that the solution converges to a Dirac mass in the physiological trait which depends on time and on the location in space with Lipschitz continuity. The main difficulties come from the lack of compactness in time and trait variables. Strong convergence can be recovered from uniqueness in the limiting constrained equation after Hopf-Cole change of unknown. Our analysis is motivated by a model of tumor growth introduced by Lorz et al. (preprint) in order to explain emergence of resistance to therapy

    A homogenization approach for the motion of motor proteins

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    International audienceWe consider the asymptotic behavior of an evolving weakly coupled Fokker-Planck system of two equations set in a periodic environment. The magnitudes of the diffusion and the coupling are respectively proportional and inversely proportional to the size of the period. We prove that, as the period tends to zero, the solutions of the system either propagate (concentrate) with a fixed constant velocity (determined by the data) or do not move at all. The system arises in the modeling of motor proteins which can take two different states. Our result implies that, in the limit, the molecules either move along a filament with a fixed direction and constant speed or remain immobile

    Influence of a spatial structure on the long time behavior of a competitive Lotka-Volterra type system

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    International audienceTo describe population dynamics, it is crucial to take into account jointly evolution mechanisms and spatial motion. However, the models which include these both aspects, are not still well-understood. Can we extend the existing results on type structured populations, to models of populations structured by type and space, considering diffusion and nonlocal competition between individuals? We study a nonlocal competitive Lotka-Volterra type system, describing a spatially structured population which can be either monomorphic or dimorphic. Considering spatial diffusion, intrinsic death and birth rates, together with death rates due to intraspecific and interspecific competition between the individuals, leading to some integral terms, we analyze the long time behavior of the solutions. We first prove existence of steady states and next determine the long time limits, depending on the competition rates and the principal eigenvalues of some operators, corresponding somehow to the strength of traits. Numerical computations illustrate that the introduction of a new mutant population can lead to the long time evolution of the spatial niche
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