5,488 research outputs found

    Lie algebra cohomology and group structure of gauge theories

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    We explicitly construct the adjoint operator of coboundary operator and obtain the Hodge decomposition theorem and the Poincar\'e duality for the Lie algebra cohomology of the infinite-dimensional gauge transformation group. We show that the adjoint of the coboundary operator can be identified with the BRST adjoint generator Q†Q^{\dagger} for the Lie algebra cohomology induced by BRST generator QQ. We also point out an interesting duality relation - Poincar\'e duality - with respect to gauge anomalies and Wess-Zumino-Witten topological terms. We consider the consistent embedding of the BRST adjoint generator Q†Q^{\dagger} into the relativistic phase space and identify the noncovariant symmetry recently discovered in QED with the BRST adjoint N\"other charge Q†Q^{\dagger}.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex, Revised version submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann-BGK model near a global Maxwellian

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    In this paper, we are interested in the Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann-BGK model for a general class of collision frequencies. We prove that the Boltzmann-BGK model linearized around a global Maxwellian admits a unique global smooth solution if the initial perturbation is sufficiently small in a high order energy norm. We also establish an asymptotic decay estimate and uniform L2L^2-stability for nonlinear perturbations.Comment: 26 page

    Measurement of statistical evidence on an absolute scale following thermodynamic principles

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    Statistical analysis is used throughout biomedical research and elsewhere to assess strength of evidence. We have previously argued that typical outcome statistics (including p-values and maximum likelihood ratios) have poor measure-theoretic properties: they can erroneously indicate decreasing evidence as data supporting an hypothesis accumulate; and they are not amenable to calibration, necessary for meaningful comparison of evidence across different study designs, data types, and levels of analysis. We have also previously proposed that thermodynamic theory, which allowed for the first time derivation of an absolute measurement scale for temperature (T), could be used to derive an absolute scale for evidence (E). Here we present a novel thermodynamically-based framework in which measurement of E on an absolute scale, for which "one degree" always means the same thing, becomes possible for the first time. The new framework invites us to think about statistical analyses in terms of the flow of (evidential) information, placing this work in the context of a growing literature on connections among physics, information theory, and statistics.Comment: Final version of manuscript as published in Theory in Biosciences (2013

    Emergent modular neural control drives coordinated motor actions.

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    A remarkable feature of motor control is the ability to coordinate movements across distinct body parts into a consistent, skilled action. To reach and grasp an object, 'gross' arm and 'fine' dexterous movements must be coordinated as a single action. How the nervous system achieves this coordination is currently unknown. One possibility is that, with training, gross and fine movements are co-optimized to produce a coordinated action; alternatively, gross and fine movements may be modularly refined to function together. To address this question, we recorded neural activity in the primary motor cortex and dorsolateral striatum during reach-to-grasp skill learning in rats. During learning, the refinement of fine and gross movements was behaviorally and neurally dissociable. Furthermore, inactivation of the primary motor cortex and dorsolateral striatum had distinct effects on skilled fine and gross movements. Our results indicate that skilled movement coordination is achieved through emergent modular neural control

    Growth control of oxygen stoichiometry in homoepitaxial SrTiO3 films by pulsed laser epitaxy in high vacuum

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    In many transition metal oxides (TMOs), oxygen stoichiometry is one of the most critical parameters that plays a key role in determining the structural, physical, optical, and electrochemical properties of the material. However, controlling the growth to obtain high quality single crystal films having the right oxygen stoichiometry, especially in a high vacuum environment, has been viewed as a challenge. In this work, we show that through proper control of the plume kinetic energy, stoichiometric crystalline films can be synthesized without generating oxygen defects, even in high vacuum. We use a model homoepitaxial system of SrTiO3 (STO) thin films on single crystal STO substrates. Physical property measurements indicate that oxygen vacancy generation in high vacuum is strongly influenced by the energetics of the laser plume, and it can be controlled by proper laser beam delivery. Therefore, our finding not only provides essential insight into oxygen stoichiometry control in high vacuum for understanding the fundamental properties of STO-based thin films and heterostructures, but expands the utility of pulsed laser epitaxy of other materials as well

    Optically mediated nonlinear quantum optomechanics

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    We consider theoretically the optomechanical interaction of several mechanical modes with a single quantized cavity field mode for linear and quadratic coupling. We focus specifically on situations where the optical dissipation is the dominant source of damping, in which case the optical field can be adiabatically eliminated, resulting in effective multimode interactions between the mechanical modes. In the case of linear coupling, the coherent contribution to the interaction can be exploited e.g. in quantum state swapping protocols, while the incoherent part leads to significant modifications of cold damping or amplification from the single-mode situation. Quadratic coupling can result in a wealth of possible effective interactions including the analogs of second-harmonic generation and four-wave mixing in nonlinear optics, with specific forms depending sensitively on the sign of the coupling. The cavity-mediated mechanical interaction of two modes is investigated in two limiting cases, the resolved sideband and the Doppler regime. As an illustrative application of the formal analysis we discuss in some detail a two-mode system where a Bose-Einstein condensate is optomechanically linearly coupled to the moving end mirror of a Fabry-P\'erot cavity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Emergent Geometry and Quantum Gravity

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    We explain how quantum gravity can be defined by quantizing spacetime itself. A pinpoint is that the gravitational constant G = L_P^2 whose physical dimension is of (length)^2 in natural unit introduces a symplectic structure of spacetime which causes a noncommutative spacetime at the Planck scale L_P. The symplectic structure of spacetime M leads to an isomorphism between symplectic geometry (M, \omega) and Riemannian geometry (M, g) where the deformations of symplectic structure \omega in terms of electromagnetic fields F=dA are transformed into those of Riemannian metric g. This approach for quantum gravity allows a background independent formulation where spacetime as well as matter fields is equally emergent from a universal vacuum of quantum gravity which is thus dubbed as the quantum equivalence principle.Comment: Invited Review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 17 page

    Optical spectroscopic investigation on the coupling of electronic and magnetic structure in multiferroic hexagonal RMnO3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, and Ho) thin films

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    We investigated the effects of temperature and magnetic field on the electronic structure of hexagonal RMnO3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, and Ho) thin films using optical spectroscopy. As the magnetic ordering of the system was disturbed, a systematic change in the electronic structure was commonly identified in this series. The optical absorption peak near 1.7 eV showed an unexpectedly large shift of more than 150 meV from 300 K to 15 K, accompanied by an anomaly of the shift at the Neel temperature. The magnetic field dependent measurement clearly revealed a sizable shift of the corresponding peak when a high magnetic field was applied. Our findings indicated strong coupling between the magnetic ordering and the electronic structure in the multiferroic hexagonal RMnO3 compounds.Comment: 16 pages including 4 figure
