21 research outputs found


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    Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) telah lama dilaksanakan di sejumlah negara, baik di lembaga formal maupun nonformal. Negaranegara tersebut, antara lain Jepang, Australia, Amerika Serikat, dan negara-negara Eropa lain. Semakin meningkatnya pembelajar BIPA di negara-negara tersebut, pengajaran BIPA di Indonesia pun telah dilaksanakan di berbagai lembaga dan perguruan tinggi. Misalnya, Universitas Padjadajaran telah menyediakan program untuk penutur asing dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Para penutur asing tersebut berasal dari berbagai negara, antara lain Jepang, Korea, Belanda, Jerman, dan Afrika. Dewasa ini Jepang termasuk negara yang paling intensif menyebarluaskan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di berbagai jenjang sekolah dan lembaga-lembaga swasta. Menurut Shigeru (1994), di Jepang tercatat 28 perguruan tinggi, baik negeri maupun swasta telah mengajarkan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembelajar bahasa Indonesia di Jepang, pengajaran bahasa Indonesia mempunyai berbagai masalah, antara lain fasilitas laboratorium bahasa sangat kurang, media dan bahan pengajaran, seperti buku teks, kaset, CD, dan VCD sangat terbatas, serta penelitian terhadap pendekatan, metode, teknik dan model pengajaran BIPA belum banyak dilakukan sehingga metode pengajaran yang digunakan di Jepang adalah metode yang masih tradisional. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis melakukan penelitian yang berjudul "Model Artikulatoris dalam Pengajaran Pelafalan Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA), Khususnya Penutur Bahasa Jepang" (studi eksperimen- pada penutur bahasa Jepang diProgram BIPA Universitas Padjadjaran, Tahun Akademik 2002/2003). Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kesulitan dan kemudahan dalam melafalkan fonem, kata, pasangan minimal, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia oleh penutur bahasa Jepang, serta usaha-usaha untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut dengan menggunakan model artikulatoris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan one-group pretest-posttest design. Metode tersebut digunakan dengan bertujuan untuk mengujicobakan model artikulatoris, yaitu sebuah model pengajaran pelafalan bahasa Indonesia untuk penutur bahasa Jepang yang menampilkan titik dan tempat artikulasi serta cara bekerja alat ucap dalam menghasilkan bunyi bahasa Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes berupa pretes dan postes, angket, dan wawancara kepada penutur bahasa Jepang dan pengajar bahasa Indonesia di Program BIPA di Universitas Padjadjaran. Berdasarkan hasil pretes dan postes dapat diketahui bahwa penutur bahasa Jepang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melafalkan fonem, kata, pasangan niinimal, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Misalnya, bunyi [r] dilafalkan [1] atau [el], dan bunyi [1] dilafalkan [el] atau [r], akan tetapi setelah dilakukan pengajaran model artikulatoris, hasil postes tersebut terlihat adanya peningkatan. Hal ini terbukti bahwa hasil antara pretes dan postes terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan, yaitu 3,3 > 2,74 atau thitUng> ttabei

    Anterior Limbus Vertebra and Intervertebral Disk Degeneration in Japanese Collegiate Gymnasts

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown that gymnasts have a high prevalence of radiologicalabnormalities, such as intervertebral disk degeneration (IDD) and anterior limbus vertebra (ALV). These 2 abnormalities may coexistat the same spinal level. However, the relationship between IDD and ALV remains unclear.Hypothesis: A significant relationship exists between IDD and ALV in Japanese collegiate gymnasts.Study Design: Case-control study.Methods: A total of 104 Japanese collegiate gymnasts (70 men and 34 women; age, 19.7 + 1.0 years) with 11.8 + 3.6 years ofsporting experience participated. T1- and T2-weighted MRIs were used to evaluate ALV and IDD.Results: The prevalence among the gymnasts of IDD and ALV was 40.4% (42/104) and 20.2% (21/104), respectively. Theprevalence of IDD was significantly higher in gymnasts with ALV than those without ALV, as determined using the chi-square test.Logistic regression analysis demonstrated a significant association between IDD and ALV (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 6.60; 95%confidence interval [CI], 2.14-20.35). IDD was further grouped by whether it was present in the upper lumbar region (L1-2, L2-3,and L3-4 disks) or in the lower lumbar region (L4-5 and L5-S1 disks). Upper IDD had a greater association with ALV (adjustedOR, 33.17; 95% CI, 7.09-155.25) than did lower IDD (adjusted OR, 6.71; 95% CI, 1.57-28.73).Conclusion: In Japanese collegiate gymnasts, ALV is a predictor of IDD, especially in the upper lumbar region.Clinical Relevance: Information regarding ALV is important to prevent IDD in Japanese collegiate gymnasts.Keywords: endplate lesion; gymnastics; intervertebral disk degeneration; magnetic resonance imagin

    Toll-like receptor pre-stimulation protects mice against lethal infection with highly pathogenic influenza viruses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Since the beginning of the 20th century, humans have experienced four influenza pandemics, including the devastating 1918 'Spanish influenza'. Moreover, H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses are currently spreading worldwide, although they are not yet efficiently transmitted among humans. While the threat of a global pandemic involving a highly pathogenic influenza virus strain looms large, our mechanisms to address such a catastrophe remain limited. Here, we show that pre-stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2 and 4 increased resistance against influenza viruses known to induce high pathogenicity in animal models. Our data emphasize the complexity of the host response against different influenza viruses, and suggest that TLR agonists might be utilized to protect against lethality associated with highly pathogenic influenza virus infection in humans.</p

    Viral Replication Rate Regulates Clinical Outcome and CD8 T Cell Responses during Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Mice

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    Since the first recorded infection of humans with H5N1 viruses of avian origin in 1997, sporadic human infections continue to occur with a staggering mortality rate of >60%. Although sustained human-to-human transmission has not occurred yet, there is a growing concern that these H5N1 viruses might acquire this trait and raise the specter of a pandemic. Despite progress in deciphering viral determinants of pathogenicity, we still lack crucial information on virus/immune system interactions pertaining to severe disease and high mortality associated with human H5N1 influenza virus infections. Using two human isolates of H5N1 viruses that differ in their pathogenicity in mice, we have defined mechanistic links among the rate of viral replication, mortality, CD8 T cell responses, and immunopathology. The extreme pathogenicity of H5N1 viruses was directly linked to the ability of the virus to replicate rapidly, and swiftly attain high steady-state titers in the lungs within 48 hours after infection. The remarkably high replication rate of the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus did not prevent the induction of IFN-β or activation of CD8 T cells, but the CD8 T cell response was ineffective in controlling viral replication in the lungs and CD8 T cell deficiency did not affect viral titers or mortality. Additionally, BIM deficiency ameliorated lung pathology and inhibited T cell apoptosis without affecting survival of mice. Therefore, rapidly replicating, highly lethal H5N1 viruses could simply outpace and overwhelm the adaptive immune responses, and kill the host by direct cytopathic effects. However, therapeutic suppression of early viral replication and the associated enhancement of CD8 T cell responses improved the survival of mice following a lethal H5N1 infection. These findings suggest that suppression of early H5N1 virus replication is key to the programming of an effective host response, which has implications in treatment of this infection in humans

    Genetic Evidence for Single-Strand Lesions Initiating Nbs1-Dependent Homologous Recombination in Diversification of Ig V in Chicken B Lymphocytes

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    Homologous recombination (HR) is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). However, it remains unclear whether single-strand lesions also initiate HR in genomic DNA. Chicken B lymphocytes diversify their Immunoglobulin (Ig) V genes through HR (Ig gene conversion) and non-templated hypermutation. Both types of Ig V diversification are initiated by AID-dependent abasic-site formation. Abasic sites stall replication, resulting in the formation of single-stranded gaps. These gaps can be filled by error-prone DNA polymerases, resulting in hypermutation. However, it is unclear whether these single-strand gaps can also initiate Ig gene conversion without being first converted to DSBs. The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex, which produces 3′ single-strand overhangs, promotes the initiation of DSB-induced HR in yeast. We show that a DT40 line expressing only a truncated form of Nbs1 (Nbs1p70) exhibits defective HR-dependent DSB repair, and a significant reduction in the rate—though not the fidelity—of Ig gene conversion. Interestingly, this defective gene conversion was restored to wild type levels by overproduction of Escherichia coli SbcB, a 3′ to 5′ single-strand–specific exonuclease, without affecting DSB repair. Conversely, overexpression of chicken Exo1 increased the efficiency of DSB-induced gene-targeting more than 10-fold, with no effect on Ig gene conversion. These results suggest that Ig gene conversion may be initiated by single-strand gaps rather than by DSBs, and, like SbcB, the MRN complex in DT40 may convert AID-induced lesions into single-strand gaps suitable for triggering HR. In summary, Ig gene conversion and hypermutation may share a common substrate—single-stranded gaps. Genetic analysis of the two types of Ig V diversification in DT40 provides a unique opportunity to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the filling of gaps that arise as a consequence of replication blocks at abasic sites, by HR and error-prone polymerases


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    Pengajaran Bahasa indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) telah lama dilaksanakan di sejumlah negara, baik di lembaga formal maupun nonformal. Negara- negara tersebut, antara lain Jepang. Australia. Amerika Serikat, dan negara-negara Eropa lain. Semakin meningkatnya pembelajar BIPA di negara-negara tersebut, pengajaran BIPA di Indonesia pun telah dilaksanakan di berbagai lembaga dan perguruan tinggi. Misalnya, Universitas Padjadajaran telah menyediakan program untuk penutur asing dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Para penutur asing tersebut berasal dari berbagai negara, antara lain Jepang, Korea, Belanda, Jerman, dan Afrika. Dewasa ini Jepang termasuk negara yang paling intensif menyebarluaskan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di berbagai jenjang sekolah dan lembaga-lembaga swasta. Menurut Shigeru (1994), di Jepang tercatat 28 perguruan tinggi, baik negeri maupun swasta telah mengajarkan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembelajar bahasa Indonesia di Jepang, pengajaran bahasa Indonesia mempunyai berbagai masalah, antara lain fasilitas laboratorium bahasa sangat kurang, media dan bahan pengajaran, seperti buku teks, kaset, CD, dan VCD sangat terbatas, serta penelitian terhadap pendekatan, metode, teknik dan model pengajaran BIPA belum banyak dilakukan sehingga metode pengajaran yang digunakan di Jepang adalah metode yang masih tradisional. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis melakukan penelitian yang berjudul "Model Artikulatoris dalam Pengajaran Pelafalan Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA), Khususnya Penutur Bahasa Jepang" (studi eksperimen- pada penutur bahasa Jepang di Program BIPA Universitas Padjadjaraa, Tahun Akademik 2002/2003). Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kesulitan dan kemudahan dalam melafalkan fonem, kata, pasangan minimal, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia oleh penutur bahasa Jepang, serta usaha-usaha untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut dengan menggunakan model artikulatoris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan one-group pretest-posttest design. Metode tersebut digunakan dengan bertujuan untuk mengujicobakan model artikulatoris, yaitu sebuah model pengajaran pelafalan bahasa Indonesia untuk penutur bahasa Jepang yang menampilkan titik dan tempat artikulasi serta cara bekerja alat ucap dalam menghasilkan bunyi bahasa Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes berupa pretes dan postes, angket, dan wawancara kepada penutur bahasa Jepang dan pengajar bahasa Indonesia di Program BIPA di Universitas Padjadjaran. Berdasarkan hasil pretes dan postes dapat diketahui bahwa penutur bahasa Jepang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melafalkan fonem, kata, pasangan minimal, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Misalnya, bunyi [r] dilafalkan [l] atau [el], dan bunyi [1] dilafalkan [el] atau [r], akan tetapi setelah dilafalkan pengajaran model aitikulatoris, hasil postes tersebut terlihat adanya peningkatan. Hal ini terbukti bahwa hasil antara pretes dan postes terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan, yaitu 3,3 > 2,74 atau thitung> ttabe


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    The purposes of this study were to describe how female gymnasts generate a double twist in the backward stretched somersault and to draw suggestions to improve twist techniques of female gymnasts by analysing female gymnasts twist motion three-dimensionally. Three varsity female gymnasts performed thebackward stretched somersault with a double twist several times and were motion-captured with a Vicon system (250 Hz). The angular velocities and angular momenta of the body segments and whole bodywere calculated, based on the Tang’s method. The female gymnasts of the contact-type twisted the trunk, especially the upper torso largely before the aerial-type onelaterallyflexed her trunk after the toe-off with her right arm swinging down.For female gymnasts who intend to gain larger twist angular momentum or increase it, it is recommended to quickly move the opposite arm and twist the upper torso toward the twist direction during the take-off phase

    Qualitative study of the association between psychosocial health and physical activity/sleep quality in toddlers

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    Abstract Physical activity and sleep are important factors of mental and physical health in children, with some reports indicating that their effects can persist into adulthood. However, there is limited research on the qualitative aspects of physical activity and sleep in preschool children, particularly in those aged < 3 years. Therefore, to elucidate the association between psychosocial health and physical activity/sleep in early childhood in terms of qualitative aspects, we conducted a retrospective cohort study in 2985 3-year-old children (37.2 ± 0.75 months) in Shanghai, China. An analysis using structural equation modeling indicated that current physical activity had a direct and moderate impact on current psychosocial health evaluated using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. In particular, past physical activity had an indirect and mild effect on current psychosocial health via current physical activity in girls. However, regardless of sex, past sleep quality had slight impact on current psychosocial health, not only indirectly via current sleep quality, but also directly. These findings highlight the importance of considering the qualitative aspects of physical activity and sleep quality as significant factors influencing the current and future psychosocial health of children, even at a very early age (< 3 years)