231 research outputs found


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    Italiano: Questa tesi si è proposta di progettare, integrare e costruire il prototipo di un bisturi meccatronico, uno strumento attivo per la cancellazione del tremore fisiologico del chirurgo impegnato in operazioni oftalmiche, che presenta il vantaggio di mantenere una forma di chirurgia diretta, rilevando il movimento imposto dalla mano del medico e compensandone attivamente le componenti indesiderate. E' stata, inoltre, definita la sensoristica da alloggiare all'interno dello strumento meccatronico e si è provveduto a caratterizzare, tramite l'utilizzo di due banchi prova appositamente progettati e costruiti, il segnale di due giroscopi e di un accelerometro triassiale scelti per la rilevazione del movimento. Il bisturi riesce a soddisfare le specifiche fisiologiche individuate, anche grazie a un nuovo sistema ibrido di attuazione interna, in cui un'amplificazione meccanica e una di tipo idraulico sono abbinate ad attuatori piezoelettrici. In particolare test preliminari hanno mostrato che lo strumento è in grado di compensare componenti di moto di ampiezza pari a oltre 500 \u3bcm e contenuto in frequenza fino a 60 Hz. Il lavoro svolto costituisce la base per una serie di prossimi esperimenti atti a validare l'efficacia di questo strumento. English: The aim of this thesis was to design, integrate and fabricate a handheld microsurgical mechatronic instrument. The device is intended to be exploited for active suppression of physiological tremor, which limits the accuracy during ophthalmic and neurological microsurgery. The working principle is to detect the surgeon's hand movement and to compensate involuntary components. A dedicated setup has been developed for characterisation of the 2 microelectromechanical gyroscopes and of the triaxial accelerometer which are adopted for motion detection. The tool meets the requirements given by the medical applications, thanks mainly to a new hybrid concept for internal actuation, where mechanical and hydraulic amplifications are coupled with piezoelectric actuators. In particular preliminary tests proved that the device is able to compensate motion components whose maximum amplitude is greater than 500 \u3bcm and frequency content is up to 60 Hz. This work is the basis for future experiments aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the tool

    Effects of non-pharmacological or pharmacological interventions on cognition and brain plasticity of aging individuals.

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    Brain aging and aging-related neurodegenerative disorders are major health challenges faced by modern societies. Brain aging is associated with cognitive and functional decline and represents the favourable background for the onset and development of dementia. Brain aging is associated with early and subtle anatomo-functional physiological changes that often precede the appearance of clinical signs of cognitive decline. Neuroimaging approaches unveiled the functional correlates of these alterations and helped in the identification of therapeutic targets that can be potentially useful in counteracting age-dependent cognitive decline. A growing body of evidence supports the notion that cognitive stimulation and aerobic training can preserve and enhance operational skills in elderly individuals as well as reduce the incidence of dementia. This review aims at providing an extensive and critical overview of the most recent data that support the efficacy of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions aimed at enhancing cognition and brain plasticity in healthy elderly individuals as well as delaying the cognitive decline associated with dementia

    The mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger upregulates glucose dependent Ca2+ signalling linked to insulin secretion.

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    Mitochondria mediate dual metabolic and Ca(2+) shuttling activities. While the former is required for Ca(2+) signalling linked to insulin secretion, the role of the latter in β cell function has not been well understood, primarily because the molecular identity of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) transporters were elusive and the selectivity of their inhibitors was questionable. This study focuses on NCLX, the recently discovered mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger that is linked to Ca(2+) signalling in MIN6 and primary β cells. Suppression either of NCLX expression, using a siRNA construct (siNCLX) or of its activity, by a dominant negative construct (dnNCLX), enhanced mitochondrial Ca(2+) influx and blocked efflux induced by glucose or by cell depolarization. In addition, NCLX regulated basal, but not glucose-dependent changes, in metabolic rate, mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial resting Ca(2+). Importantly, NCLX controlled the rate and amplitude of cytosolic Ca(2+) changes induced by depolarization or high glucose, indicating that NCLX is a critical and rate limiting component in the cross talk between mitochondrial and plasma membrane Ca(2+) signalling. Finally, knockdown of NCLX expression was followed by a delay in glucose-dependent insulin secretion. These findings suggest that the mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, NCLX, shapes glucose-dependent mitochondrial and cytosolic Ca(2+) signals thereby regulating the temporal pattern of insulin secretion in β cells
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