72 research outputs found

    Influence of Soil Substrate and Ozone plus Acid Mist on the Pigment Content and Composition of Needles from Young Norway Spruce Trees.

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    The influence of an ozone + acid mist treatment on photosynthetic pigments has been examined with the needles of the (Picea abies) clones 11, 14, 16, and 133 by spectrophotometric analysis of the total pigment extract and of single components upon HPLC separation (Part A), and in terms of a detailed pigment analysis of the 1987 and 1986 needles of clone 14 by TLC (Part B). Clone 14 had been already analysed prior to the onset of the experiment. At the end of the 14-month experiment, which incorporated frost events during a simulated winter period, neither symptoms corresponding to those of spruce Type I or IV decline, nor those of ozone damage could be observed. However, the 1986 needles of the trees on soil 1, which exhibit an adequate nutrient content, showed zonal chlrrosis independenly of the ozone + acid mist treatment. Analysis of variance of chlorophyll contents and needle ages showed a clear reduction to nearly 50% in the 1986 needles of clone 11, soil 1, and clone 16, soil 2. In contrast, clones 14 and 16 (soil 1) formed significantly more chlorophylls during the shorter exposure time in the 1987 flush. The detailed analysis of the individual pigment components of clone 14 needles provided no evidence for a destructive influence of the treatment on the chlorophylls, xanthophylls and β-carotene in the two needle generations which had developed during the experiment, in spite of the distinct K deficiency of the 1986 needles of the trees on soil 2 and the common chlorosis of the needles of the trees on soil 1. The observed increase in violaxanthin content upon O3-treatment observed in clone 14 can be considered as an expression of the protective function of the xanthophylls against photooxidative processes.In conclusion, the observed differences in the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents are better correlated with the individual clone and soil character than with the ozone + acid mist treatment. Comparing the results of the pigment analyses of the needles the differences in the pigment concentrations reflect the N and K contents (Pfirrmann et al., 1990), which differ significantly between the clones. Thus it is not possible to pool the pigment data of all clones wihtout considering the different nutrient levels

    Einfluss der Mineralstoffernaehrung auf die neuartige Erkrankung ('akute Vergilbung') der Fichte im Rahmen biotischer Faktorenuntersuchungen Abschlussbericht

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    The project is a contribution towards understanding the phenomenon of 'acute chlorosis' in spruces. In continuation of an older project, it deals with investigations regarding the influence of mineral supply on container spruces. The following were investigated in particular: effect of K and N availability on chloroses, rate of incremental growth, mineral content of needles and fine roofs, pigment composition of needles, photosynthesis capacity, frost hardiness and ozone sensitivity. The authors' conclusions are as follows: 1) 'acute chlorosis' is characterized by an unequivocal set of phenomena, 2) it is associated with deficiency in Mg(+Ca) or K or K(+Mg), which cause identical symptoms, 3) it is reversible and upon rapid propagation shifts to renewed greening, 4) it is soil-related and can be triggered experimentally, 5) it is caused by K or Mg deficiency and 6) the causes of the nutrient deficiency are yet to be elucidates. (UWA)Das Projekt soll einen Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der 'montanen Vergilbung' bei Fichten leisten. In Fortfuehrung eines aelteren Projektes standen nun Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Mineralstoff-Versorgung auf Container-Fichten im Mittelpunkt. Insbesondere die Wirkung der K- und N-Verfuegbarkeit auf Chlorosen, Zuwachsleistung Mineralstoffgehalt von Nadeln u. Feinwurzeln, Pigmentzusammensetzung der Nadeln, Photosynthesekapazitaet, Frostresistenz und Ozonempflindlichkeit wurden erforscht. Die Autoren folgern, dass die 'akute Vergilbung' (1) durch ein eindeutiges Schadbild gekennzeichnet ist (2) mit einem Mg(+Ca)- oder K- bzw. K(+Mg)-Mangel verbunden ist und diese gleiche Symptome hervorrufen (3) reversible ist und nach rascher Ausbreitung in Wiederergruenung umschwingt (4) bodenbuertig ist und sich experimentell ausloesen laesst (5) durch K- bzw. Mg-Mangel verursacht wird und dass (6) die Ursachen des Naehrstoff-Mangels noch ungeklaert sind. (UWA)Available from TIB Hannover: FR 6289 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Identification of galactinol in potato tubers

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