22 research outputs found

    Городище Пакуль и проблема выделения ладейской культуры

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    The article carries in scientific turn information about history and culture of medieval tribes of Krasnoyarsk forest steppe which was received in the course of field work in 2008. Authors characterize the results, define cultural and chronological attribute of materials, and reconstruct aspects of economic life of population of ladeyskaya culture.В данной статье вводятся в научный оборот сведения по истории и культуре средневековых племен Красноярской лесостепи, полученные в ходе полевых работ 2008 года. Авторами дана характеристика результатов, определена культурно-хронологическая принадлежность материалов, реконструированы аспекты хозяйственной жизни населении ладейской культуры


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    Problems of domestic meat production in terms of food embargo relevant for the development of further import substitution. A key factor to ensure a balance of internal market of dairy products is the dynamic development of domestic agricultural production, raw materials and food and the replacement of imported products. The article examines the dynamics of the market of animal products to reflect changes in its geographical pattern, the volume and value of import to the Russian Federation in the conditions of embargo. To address issues of import substitution of agricultural products of the pastoral industries is necessary to study regional problems of sustainable development of rural areas taking into account features of development of the village, including the production characteristics of beef cattle

    Thin Cordoned Ceramics of the End of the Early Iron Age from the Pinchuga-6 Burial Ground (Lower Angara Region)

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    The first half of the 1st millennium AD is a practically unexplored period of the Lower Angara region history. The Pinchuga-6 was the first completely excavated burial ground of the end of the Early Iron Age in the region. It dates back to the 3rd to the 4th centuries AD. The materials of the burial ground allow for the first time to make a guess about the particular pottery that existed at that time in the Lower Angara region. Five typologically uniform vessels were found in the burial ground. The article provides a detailed description of the ceramics from the burials, including technical and morphological characteristics of the vessels and their location within the burials. Identification of Yazaevka, being a new type of thin cordoned ceramics, is substantiated on the basis of the distinguished features. Known material similarities were provided, the area of this type of vessels, limited by the southern taiga of the Middle Yenisei and the Lower Angara, was identified. Several features of ceramics of the Yazaevka type have been identified: medium-sand molding mass with the inclusion of stone-pounded temper; bottom-capacitive program for constructing; construction by patchwork within the model form using a leather lining; vessels can be round-bottomed, flat-bottomed and sharp-bottomed; the body can be either low spherical or high paraboloid; the ceramic is ornamented in the upper third of the form with the thin raised borders formed by finger pinches; the upper part of the vessel is decorated with impressions or notches, and the neck with finger pricks. Ceramics of the same type are present both in the burial and settlement complexes. The Yazaevka type of pottery dates back to the second quarter of the 1st millennium AD, however these vessels type are no longer encountered at the sites of the second half of the 1st millennium AD

    Beads of the population of the lower angara region in the high middle ages (by materials from Prospikhinskaya Shivera-IV burial ground)

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    The article presents the results of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of a collection of beads from the burial ground of 11 th -14 th centuries, known as Prospikhinskaya Shivera-IV. The necropolis was abandoned by the boreal population of Central Siberia and was located in the lower reaches of the Angara river. The aim of the study was to determine the origin and the material used in manufacturing of such beads. The chemical composition of the decorations showed that they were made of glass, earthenware, natural minerals. The main centers of production of the studied beads were Central Asia, the middle East, but the leading role was played by China

    Бронзовые двусоставные застежки в материалах могильника Проспихинская Шивера-iv на нижней ангаре

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    At the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River, which was used in 11-14 centuries 26 bronze bipartite buckles were found. There are three main types among them: buckles with openwork circular, rhombic and solid round body. They have numerous analogies in the materials found between the rivers Ob, Irtysh and Angara. The round buckles with a solid body were found in the graves of all chronological groups of the burial, whereas the other types are typical for complexes of the 11-12 centuries. The buckles were cast according to a lost wax method, in one-piece clay forms. For three of the buckles X-ray fluorescence alloy analysis was conducted, which showed that they all were cast of lead-tin bronze. The quality of these pieces of jewelry in this category is relatively low; they have underfilled spaces, alloy overflows and metal deformation of the original shapeВ Нижнем Приангарье на могильнике Проспихинская Шивера-IV, функционировавшем в XI–XIV вв., было найдено 26 экз. двусоставных бронзовых застежек. Среди них выделяется три основных типа: застежки с ажурным круглым, ромбическим и сплошным круглым туловом. Они имеют многочисленные аналогии в материалах Обь-Иртышского междуречья и Приангарья. Круглые застежки со сплошным туловом найдены в могилах всех хронологических групп могильника, тогда как другие типы характерны для комплексов XI – XII вв. Застежки отливались по утрачиваемым восковым моделям, в неразъемных глиняных формах. Для трех застежек был проведен рентгенофлюоресцентный анализ сплава, который показал, что все они отлиты из свинцово-оловянной бронзы. Качество изготовления украшений этой категории невысокое, на них фиксируются недоливы, заливы металла, деформация исходной форм

    Morphology of the bronze objects from the Pinchuga-6 burial ground

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    The article is concerned with bronze objects of the end of the Early Iron Age from the fully excavated burial ground of Pinchuga-6 in the Lower Angara River region. The cemetery is dated to the 3rd–4th centuries BC. All burials were made following the rite of burial on the side. Three categories of copper alloy products have been distinguished: belt set parts, jewelry, and cult castings. The components of the belt sets include flat openwork buckles, hoops and bird-shaped overlays. Flat openwork buckles have no analogues in the neighbouring territories. They appeared on the basis of the circle of post-Hunnic cultures of Southern Siberia and were used in the Angara taiga until the mid-1st millennium AD. One belt hoop with volutes and an openwork patch is of a typical Tashtyk Culture appearance. At the end of the Early Iron Age, bird-headed belt plates were used across a vast territory that stretched from the Ural Mountains in the west to the banks of the Yenisei and Angara Rivers in the east. The jewelry includes tubular cast and spiral beads, stripes and pendants. The majority of items are multi-functional — they could be worn different ways. All of them were widespread in the first half of the 1st millennium AD, and they do not have a clear cultural and chronological reference. At Pinchuga-6, various objects of cult casting were found, including ornitho-, zoo- and ichthyomorphic images, and disks with a circular ornament. These items have similarities among the Ishim and Kholmogory collections, materials from the Aidashinskaya cave, and Tomsk and Ust-Abinsk burial grounds. Pinchuga-6 is currently the farthest northeastern site where such objects have been found. The grave goods of the cemetery contain items of different cultural attribution made of copper-based alloys. In this single complex in the Angara River region, objects from Western Siberia, Khakass-Minusinsk depression, and, possibly, of local origin have been found. XRF analysis of the items has been carried out. Lead-tin and tin bronze prevail, although being in approximately equal quantities, individual objects are made of copper, a small amount of arsenic is traced in two buckles, one ornithomorphic image is cast from an alloy with a significant amount of silver. The closest in this feature, as well as in the amount of tin and lead in the alloys, are the products of the Tomsk burial ground

    Городище Пакуль и проблема выделения ладейской культуры

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    The article carries in scientific turn information about history and culture of medieval tribes of Krasnoyarsk forest steppe which was received in the course of field work in 2008. Authors characterize the results, define cultural and chronological attribute of materials, and reconstruct aspects of economic life of population of ladeyskaya culture.В данной статье вводятся в научный оборот сведения по истории и культуре средневековых племен Красноярской лесостепи, полученные в ходе полевых работ 2008 года. Авторами дана характеристика результатов, определена культурно-хронологическая принадлежность материалов, реконструированы аспекты хозяйственной жизни населении ладейской культуры

    Formation of a system for increasing the sustainability and productivity of the agro-industrial complex

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    Research into the issues of increasing the sustainability and productivity of the agro-industrial complex is becoming more and more in demand. The agro-industrial complex acts as a point of concentration of resources in the sphere of material production, a catalyst for economic development, and ensures an increase in the quality of life. This article discusses the issue of measures to increase the sustainability and productivity of the agro-industrial complex as part of strategic planning, ensuring continuous economic growth and the formation of food security, including using methods of effective human resource management. The authors analyzed the problematic aspects of the internal and external environment that affect the productivity of the agro-industrial complex, and also formulated relevant proposals to overcome pressing problems. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Beads of the population of the lower angara region in the high middle ages (by materials from Prospikhinskaya Shivera-IV burial ground)

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    The article presents the results of a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of a collection of beads from the burial ground of 11 th -14 th centuries, known as Prospikhinskaya Shivera-IV. The necropolis was abandoned by the boreal population of Central Siberia and was located in the lower reaches of the Angara river. The aim of the study was to determine the origin and the material used in manufacturing of such beads. The chemical composition of the decorations showed that they were made of glass, earthenware, natural minerals. The main centers of production of the studied beads were Central Asia, the middle East, but the leading role was played by China