13 research outputs found

    From New to Large Field Inflation: Comparison with WMAP3

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    We briefly summarize and update a class of inflationary models from the early eighties based on a quartic (Coleman-Weinberg) potential for a gauge singlet scalar (inflaton) field. For vacuum energy scales comparable to the grand unification scale, the scalar spectral index n_s=0.94-0.97, in very good agreement with the WMAP three year results. The tensor to scalar ratio r<~0.14 while alpha=dn_s/d ln k=~-10^-3. For vacuum energy scales >~10^16 GeV, the inflationary scenario switches from `new' to `large-field' (V\propto\phi^2) inflation. An SO(10) version naturally explains the observed baryon asymmetry via non-thermal leptogenesis.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Based on a talk given by Q. Shafi at the 2nd International Conference on The Dark Side of the Universe (DSU 2006), Madrid (Spain), 20-24 June 200

    Smooth hybrid inflation in supergravity with a running spectral index and early star formation

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    It is shown that in a smooth hybrid inflation model in supergravity adiabatic fluctuations with a running spectral index with \ns >1 on a large scale and \ns <1 on a smaller scale can be naturally generated, as favored by the first-year data of WMAP. It is due to the balance between the nonrenormalizable term in the superpotential and the supergravity effect. However, since smooth hybrid inflation does not last long enough to reproduce the central value of observation, we invoke new inflation after the first inflation. Its initial condition is set dynamically during smooth hybrid inflation and the spectrum of fluctuations generated in this regime can have an appropriate shape to realize early star formation as found by WMAP. Hence two new features of WMAP observations are theoretically explained in a unified manner.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    P-term, D-term and F-term inflation

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    P-term inflation is a version of hybrid inflation which naturally appears in some brane inflation models. It was introduced in the framework of N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory where superconformal SU(2,2|2) symmetry is broken down to N=2 supersymmetry by the vev of the auxiliary triplet field P. Depending on the direction of this vev, one can get either D-term inflation or F-term inflation with a particular relation between Yukawa and gauge coupling, or a mix of these models. We show that F and D models, before coupling to gravity is included, are related by a change of variables. Coupling of this model to N=1 supergravity breaks this symmetry and introduces a class of P-term models interpolating between D-term and F-term inflation. The difference between these models is determined by the direction of the vector P, which depends on the fluxes in the underlying D3/D7 model of brane inflation. We discuss cosmological consequences of various versions of P-term inflation.Comment: 18 pages, a footnote is adde

    Constraints from Solar and Reactor Neutrinos on Unparticle Long-Range Forces

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    We have investigated the impact of long-range forces induced by unparticle operators of scalar, vector and tensor nature coupled to fermions in the interpretation of solar neutrinos and KamLAND data. If the unparticle couplings to the neutrinos are mildly non-universal, such long-range forces will not factorize out in the neutrino flavour evolution. As a consequence large deviations from the observed standard matter-induced oscillation pattern for solar neutrinos would be generated. In this case, severe limits can be set on the infrared fix point scale, Lambda_u, and the new physics scale, M, as a function of the ultraviolet (d_UV) and anomalous (d) dimension of the unparticle operator. For a scalar unparticle, for instance, assuming the non-universality of the lepton couplings to unparticles to be of the order of a few per mil we find that, for d_UV=3 and d=1.1, M is constrained to be M > O(10^9) TeV (M > O(10^10) TeV) if Lambda_u= 1 TeV (10 TeV). For given values of Lambda_u and d, the corresponding bounds on M for vector [tensor] unparticles are approximately 100 [3/Sqrt(Lambda_u/TeV)] times those for the scalar case. Conversely, these results can be translated into severe constraints on universality violation of the fermion couplings to unparticle operators with scales which can be accessible at future colliders.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes due to precision in numerical factors and correction in figure labels. References added. Conclusions remain unchange

    Black Hole Lasers Revisited

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    The production of Hawking radiation by a single horizon is not dependent on the high-frequency dispersion relation of the radiated field. When there are two horizons, however, Corley and Jacobson have shown that superluminal dispersion leads to an amplification of the particle production in the case of bosons. The analytic theory of this "black hole laser" process is quite complicated, so we provide some numerical results in the hope of aiding understanding of this interesting phenomenon. Specifically, we consider sonic horizons in a moving fluid. The theory of elementary excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate provides an example of "superluminal" (Bogoliubov) dispersion, so we add Bogoliubov dispersion to Unruh's equation for sound in the fluid. A white-hole/black-hole horizon pair will then display black hole lasing. Numerical analysis of the evolution of a wave packet gives a clear picture of the amplification process. By utilizing the similarity of a radiating horizon to a parametric amplifier in quantum optics we also analyze the black hole laser as a quantum-optical network.Comment: 16 page