1,118 research outputs found

    A critical review of high entropy alloys (HEAs) and related concepts

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    The field of high entropy alloys (HEAs) is barely 10 years old. It has stimulated new ideas and has inspired the exploration of the vast composition space. Here we give a critical review of this body of work, with the intent of summarizing key findings, uncovering major trends and providing guidance for future efforts. Based on detailed analysis, the following major results emerge. An intense focus is apparent on alloys based on first row transition metal elements. These efforts have discovered an extended, single-phase solid solution phase field and are exploring the extent and properties of this phase field. As a result of this focus, the vast range of complex composition space remains relatively unexplored and still offers a compelling motivation for future studies. Seven distinct alloy families have been reported, and the design of alloy families by selecting elements to achieve a specific, intended purpose is becoming established. A major hypothesis is that configurational entropy in HEAs may favor solid solution phases with simple crystal structures. Detailed analysis of current experiments and calculations does not support this hypothesis. Increasing the number of alloy constituents increases configurational entropy slowly, but increases much more rapidly the probability of including a pair of atoms with interaction energies that are sufficiently negative to overcome configurational entropy. The hypothesis that diffusion may be unusually slow in HEAs is also not supported by the current data. Data for mechanical properties of HEAs will be reviewed and suggestions for new research directions will be offered

    Changing Simplistic Worldviews

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    We study a Bayesian persuasion model with two-dimensional states of the world, in which the sender (she) and receiver (he) have heterogeneous prior beliefs and care about different dimensions. The receiver is a naive agent who has a simplistic worldview: he ignores the dependency between the two dimensions of the state. We provide a characterization for the sender's gain from persuasion both when the receiver is naive and when he is rational. We show that the receiver benefits from having a simplistic worldview if and only if it makes him perceive the states in which his interest is aligned with the sender as less likely


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    The article affects problems of the profit tax for companies. There was considered arbitration experience about importing of fixed assets to the Russian Federation

    Absence of long-range chemical ordering in equimolar FeCoCrNi

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    Equimolar FeCoCrNi alloys have been the topic of recent research as "high-entropy alloys," where the name is derived from the high configurational entropy of mixing for a random solid solution. Despite their name, no systematic study of ordering in this alloy system has been performed to date. Here, we present results from anomalous x-ray scattering and neutron scattering on quenched and annealed samples. An alloy of FeNi_3 was prepared in the same manner to act as a control. Evidence of long-range chemical ordering is clearly observed in the annealed FeNi_3 sample from both experimental techniques. The FeCoCrNi sample given the same heat treatment lacks long-range chemical order


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    The article affects problems of the profit tax for companies. There was considered arbitration experience about importing of fixed assets to the Russian Federation

    Автоматическое регулирование температуры воздуха в теплице с учетом данных прогноза погоды

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    The paper concerns the problem of improving energy efficiency and the quality of air temperature automatic control in industrial greenhouses. The article proposes a method based on the principle of disturbance compensation using weather forecast data. The plant dynamic model structure is described by the linear 1st order aperiodic link with delay both for the control circuit and for the disturbance circuit. To solve the problem of time delays in the plant mathematical model it is suggested along with the use of outside temperature sensor signal to take into account the weather forecast data for the outdoor temperature changes over the specific forthcoming interval of time. It allows the controller to generate appropriate compensation control signal in advance. The block diagram of the automatic control system of the greenhouse temperature is given. Theoretical mathematical expressions for the regulation algorithm and analysis of regulation quality are obtained and the results of numerical modeling of the temperature control process are presented. The proposed automatic control method can be used to regulate the air temperature in buildings with high requirements for microclimate parameters.Рассматриваются вопросы повышения энергоэффективности и улучшения качества автоматического регулирования температуры воздуха в промышленных теплицах. Предлагается метод управления температурой воздуха в промышленной теплице на основе принципа компенсации возмущения с использованием данных прогноза погоды. Динамические свойства объекта управления приближенно описываются линейным апериодическим звеном первого порядка с запаздыванием. Для решения проблемы наличия транспортного запаздывания в объекте управления при выработке управляющего сигнала в цепи компенсации возмущения помимо сигнала датчика наружной температуры учитываются также данные прогноза изменения наружной температуры на определенный предстоящий интервал времени, что позволяет заблаговременно осуществлять соответствующее компенсирующее управляющее воздействие. Приводятся структурная схема системы автоматического регулирования температуры в помещении, теоретические математические выражения для синтеза регулятора и анализа качества регулирования, а также результаты численного моделирования процесса регулирования температуры. Предлагаемый метод управления может быть использован при регулировании температуры воздуха в зданиях и сооружениях с повышенными требованиями к параметрам микроклимата