203 research outputs found

    Low-scale leptogenesis and soft supersymmetry breaking

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    We investigate the possibility of low-scale leptogenesis in the minimal supersymmetric standard model extended with right handed (s)neutrinos. We demonstrate that successful leptogenesis can be easily achieved at a scale as low as ~ TeV where lepton number and CP violation comes from soft supersymmetry breaking terms. The scenario is shown to be compatible with neutrino masses data.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, uses axodraw. Minor changes to match acccepted version in PR

    Self-consistent variational approach to the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions

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    The problem of mass generation is addressed by a Gaussian variational method for the minimal left-right symmetric model of electroweak interactions. Without any scalar bidoublet, the Gaussian effective potential is shown to have a minimum for a broken symmetry vacuum with a finite expectation value for both the scalar Higgs doublets. The symmetry is broken by the fermionic coupling that destabilizes the symmetric vacuum, yielding a self consistent fermionic mass. In this framework a light Higgs is only compatible with the existence of a new high energy mass scale below 2 TeV.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. New comments added and typing errors in eq. 8 and 11 correcte

    Higgs Sector of the Left-Right Model with Explicit CP Violation

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    We explore the Higgs sector of the Minimal Left-Right (LR) Model based on the gauge group SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_{B-L} with explicit CP violation in the Higgs potential. Since flavour-changing neutral current experiments and the small scale of neutrino masses both place stringent constraints on the Higgs potential, we seek to determine whether minima of the Higgs potential exist that are consistent with current experimental bounds. We focus on the case in which the right-handed symmetry-breaking scale is only ``moderately'' large, of order 15-50 TeV. Unlike the case in which the Higgs potential is CP-invariant, the CP noninvariant case does yield viable scenarios, although these require a small amount of fine-tuning. We consider a LR model supplemented by an additional U(1) horizontal symmetry, which results in a Higgs sector consistent with current experimental constraints and a realistic spectrum of neutrino masses.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Boson mass spectrum in SU(4)L⊗U(1)YSU(4)_L\otimes U(1)_Y model with exotic electric charges

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    The boson mass spectrum of the electro-weak \textbf{SU(4)L⊗U(1)YSU(4)_{L}\otimes U(1)_{Y}} model with exotic electric charges is investigated by using the algebraical approach supplied by the method of exactly solving gauge models with high symmetries. Our approach predicts for the boson sector a one-parameter mass scale to be tuned in order to match the data obtained at LHC, LEP, CDF.Comment: 12 pages, 1 Table with numerical estimates and 1 Figure added, mistaken results correcte

    Is there a monopole problem?

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    We investigate the high temperature behavior of SU(5) in its minimal version. We show that there exists a range of parameters of the Higgs potential for which the symmetry remains broken at high temperature, thus avoiding the phase transition that gives rise to the overproduction of monopoles . We also show that in such scenario the thermal production of monopoles can be suppressed in a wide range of parameters, keeping their number density below the cosmological limits
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