99 research outputs found

    Optical bistability in a GaAs based polariton diode

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    We report on a new type of optical nonlinearity in a polariton p-i-n microcavity. Abrupt switching between the strong and weak coupling regime is induced by controlling the electric field within the cavity. As a consequence bistable cycles are observed for low optical powers (2-3 orders of magnitude less than for Kerr induced bistability). Signatures of switching fronts propagating through the whole 300 microns x 300 microns mesa surface are evidenced.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Full coherent control of nuclear spins in an optically pumped single quantum dot

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    Highly polarized nuclear spins within a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) induce effective magnetic (Overhauser) fields of up to several Tesla acting on the electron spin or up to a few hundred mT for the hole spin. Recently this has been recognized as a resource for intrinsic control of QD-based spin quantum bits. However, only static long-lived Overhauser fields could be used. Here we demonstrate fast redirection on the microsecond time-scale of Overhauser fields of the order of 0.5 T experienced by a single electron spin in an optically pumped GaAs quantum dot. This has been achieved using full coherent control of an ensemble of 10^3-10^4 optically polarized nuclear spins by sequences of short radio-frequency (rf) pulses. These results open the way to a new class of experiments using rf techniques to achieve highly-correlated nuclear spins in quantum dots, such as adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating frame leading to sub-micro K nuclear spin temperatures, rapid adiabatic passage, and spin squeezing

    Polariton condensation and lasing in optical microcavities - the decoherence driven crossover

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    We explore the behaviour of a system which consists of a photon mode dipole coupled to a medium of two-level oscillators in a microcavity in the presence of decoherence. We consider two types of decoherence processes which are analogous to magnetic and non-magnetic impurities in superconductors. We study different phases of this system as the decoherence strength and the excitation density is changed. For a low decoherence we obtain a polariton condensate with comparable excitonic and photonic parts at low densities and a BCS-like state with bigger photon component due to the fermionic phase space filling effect at high densities. In both cases there is a large gap in the density of states. As the decoherence is increased the gap is broadened and suppressed, resulting in a gapless condensate and finally a suppression of the coherence in a low density regime and a laser at high density limit. A crossover between these regimes is studied in a self-consistent way analogous to the Abrikosov and Gor'kov theory of gapless superconductivity.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Continuous wave observation of massive polariton redistribution by stimulated scattering in semiconductor microcavities

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    A massive redistribution of the polariton occupancy to two specific wave vectors is observed under conditions of continuous wave excitation of a semiconductor microcavity. The “condensation” of the polaritons to the two specific states arises from stimulated scattering at final state occupancies of order unity. The stimulation phenomena, arising due to the bosonic character of the polariton quasiparticles, occur for conditions of resonant excitation of the lower polariton branch. High energy nonresonant excitation, as in most previous work, instead leads to conventional lasing in the vertical cavity structure

    Quantifying n -Photon Indistinguishability with a Cyclic Integrated Interferometer

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    We report on a universal method to measure the genuine indistinguishability of n photons - a crucial parameter that determines the accuracy of optical quantum computing. Our approach relies on a low-depth cyclic multiport interferometer with N=2n modes, leading to a quantum interference fringe whose visibility is a direct measurement of the genuine n-photon indistinguishability. We experimentally demonstrate this technique for an eight-mode integrated interferometer fabricated using femtosecond laser micromachining and four photons from a quantum dot single-photon source. We measure a four-photon indistinguishability up to 0.81±0.03. This value decreases as we intentionally alter the photon pairwise indistinguishability. The low-depth and low-loss multiport interferometer design provides an original path to evaluate the genuine indistinguishability of resource states of increasing photon number

    Collective coherence in planar semiconductor microcavities

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    Semiconductor microcavities, in which strong coupling of excitons to confined photon modes leads to the formation of exciton-polariton modes, have increasingly become a focus for the study of spontaneous coherence, lasing, and condensation in solid state systems. This review discusses the significant experimental progress to date, the phenomena associated with coherence which have been observed, and also discusses in some detail the different theoretical models that have been used to study such systems. We consider both the case of non-resonant pumping, in which coherence may spontaneously arise, and the related topics of resonant pumping, and the optical parametric oscillator.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figure