6 research outputs found

    Structural Stability and Endonuclease Activity of PI-SceI GFP-Fusion Protein

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    Homing endonucleases are site-specific and rare cutting endonucleases often encoded by intron or intein containing genes. They lead to the rapid spread of the genetic element that hosts them by a process termed ‘homing’; and ultimately the allele containing the element will be fixed in the population. PI-SceI, an endonuclease encoded as a protein insert or intein within the yeast V-ATPase catalytic subunit encoding gene (vma1), is among the best characterized homing endonucleases. The structures of the Sce VMA1 intein and of the intein bound to its target site are known. Extensive biochemical studies performed on the PI-SceI enzyme provide information useful to recognize critical amino acids involved in self-splicing and endonuclease functions of the protein. Here we describe an insertion of the Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP) into a loop which is located between the endonuclease and splicing domains of the Sce VMA1 intein. The GFP is functional and the additional GFP domain does not prevent intein excision and endonuclease activity. However, the endonuclease activity of the newly engineered protein was different from the wild-type protein in that it required the presence of Mn2+ and not Mg2+ metal cations for activity

    Conservation of Intron and Intein Insertion Sites: Implications for Life Histories of Parasitic Genetic Elements

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    Background: Inteins and introns are genetic elements that are removed from proteins and RNA after translation or transcription, respectively. Previous studies have suggested that these genetic elements are found in conserved parts of the host protein. To our knowledge this type of analysis has not been done for group II introns residing within a gene. Here we provide quantitative statistical support from an analyses of proteins that host inteins, group I introns, group II introns and spliceosomal introns across all three domains of life. Results: To determine whether or not inteins, group I, group II, and spliceosomal introns are found preferentially in conserved regions of their respective host protein, conservation profiles were generated and intein and intron positions were mapped to the profiles. Fisher\u27s combined probability test was used to determine the significance of the distribution of insertion sites across the conservation profile for each protein. For a subset of studied proteins, the conservation profile and insertion positions were mapped to protein structures to determine if the insertion sites correlate to regions of functional activity. All inteins and most group I introns were found to be preferentially located within conserved regions; in contrast, a bacterial intein-like protein, group II and spliceosomal introns did not show a preference for conserved sites. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that inteins and group I introns are found preferentially in conserved regions of their respective host proteins. Homing endonucleases are often located within inteins and group I introns and these may facilitate mobility to conserved regions. Insertion at these conserved positions decreases the chance of elimination, and slows deletion of the elements, since removal of the elements has to be precise as not to disrupt the function of the protein. Furthermore, functional constrains on the targeted site make it more difficult for hosts to evolve immunity to the homing endonuclease. Therefore, these elements will better survive and propagate as molecular parasites in conserved sites. In contrast, spliceosomal introns and group II introns do not show significant preference for conserved sites and appear to have adopted a different strategy to evade loss

    Cellular Roles of DNA Polymerase Beta

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    Since its discovery and purification in 1971, DNA polymerase ß (Pol ߆) is one of the most well-studied DNA polymerases. Pol ß is a key enzyme in the base excision repair (BER) pathway that functions in gap filling DNA synthesis subsequent to the excision of damaged DNA bases. A major focus of our studies is on the cellular roles of Pol ß. We have shown that germline and tumor-associated variants of Pol ß catalyze aberrant BER that leads to genomic instability and cellular transformation. Our studies suggest that Pol ß is critical for the maintenance of genomic stability and that it is a tumor suppressor. We have also shown that Pol ß functions during Prophase i of meiosis. Pol ß localizes to the synaptonemal complex and is critical for removal of the Spo11 complex from the 5’ ends of double-strand breaks. Studies with Pol ß mutant mice are currently being undertaken to more clearly understand the function of Pol ß during meiosis. in this review, we will highlight our contributions from our studies of Pol ß germline and cancer-associated variants

    Mutation of A DNA Repair Enzyme Causes Lupus in Mice

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    A replication study of a previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) suggested that a SNP linked to the POLβ gene is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This SNP is correlated with decreased expression of Pol β, a key enzyme in the base excision repair (BER) pathway. To determine whether decreased Pol β activity results in SLE, we constructed a mouse model of POLβ that encodes an enzyme with slow DNA polymerase activity. We show that mice expressing this hypomorphic POLβ allele develop an autoimmune pathology that strongly resembles SLE. Of note, the mutant mice have shorter immunoglobulin heavy-chain junctions and somatic hypermutation is dramatically increased. These results demonstrate that decreased Pol β activity during the generation of immune diversity leads to lupus-like disease in mice, and suggest that decreased expression of Pol β in humans is an underlying cause of SLE

    Y265C DNA Polymerase Beta Knockin Mice Survive Past Birth and Accumulate Base Excision Repair Intermediate Substrates

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    DNA is susceptible to damage by a wide variety of chemical agents that are generated either as byproducts of cellular metabolism or exposure to man-made and harmful environments. Therefore, to maintain genomic integrity, having reliable DNA repair systems is important. DNA polymeraseβis known to be a key player in the base excision repair pathway, and mice devoid of DNA polymerase beta do not live beyond a few hours after birth. In this study, we characterized mice harboring an impaired polβvariant. This Y265Cpolβ variant exhibits slow DNA polymerase activity but WT lyase activity and has been shown to be a mutator polymerase. Mice expressing Y265C polβ are born at normal Mendelian ratios. However, they are small, and 60% die within a few hours after birth. Slow proliferation and significantly increased levels of cell death are observed in many organs of the E14 homozygous embryos compared with WT littermates. Mouse embryo fibroblasts prepared from the Y265C polβ embryos proliferate at a rate slower than WT cells and exhibit a gap-filling deficiency during base ex-cision repair. As a result of this, chromosomal aberrations and single- and double-strand breaks are present at significantly higher levels in the homozygous mutant versus WT mouse embryo fibroblasts. This is study in mice is unique in that two enzymatic activities of polβ have been separated; the data clearly demonstrate that the DNA polymerase activity of polβ is essential for survival and genome stability