6 research outputs found
Response to Letter to the Editor, "Dentin Bonding Testing Using a Mini-interfacial Fracture Toughness Approach"
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/07/2016
- Field of study
status: publishe
Response to Letter to the Editor, “Dentin Bonding Testing Using a Mini-interfacial Fracture Toughness Approach”
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Microhybrid and Nanofilled Composites after pH-Cycling and Simulated Toothbrushing
- Author
- Attin T Buchalla W, Hellwig E.
- Beun S Glorieux T, Devaux J, Vreven J, Leloup G.
- Charig A Winston A, Flickinger M.
- Choi MS Lee YK, Lim BS, Rhee SH, Yang HC.
- Heintze SD.
- Ikejima I Nomoto R, McCabe JF.
- Mitra SB Wu D, Holmes BN.
- Mondelli RF Wang L, Garcia FC, Prakki A, Mondelli J, Franco EB, Ishikiriama A.
- Ortengren U Andersson F, Elgh U, Terselius B, Karlsson S.
- Prakki A Cilli R, Mondelli RF, Kalachandra S, Pereira JC.
- Sarrett DC Coletti DP, Peluso AR.
- Senawongse P Pongprueksa P.
- Serra MC Cury JA.
- Teixeira EC Thompson JL, Piascik JR, Thompson JY.
- Terry DA.
- Turssi CP de Magalhães CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues Júnior AL.
- Turssi CP Ferracane JL, Ferracane LL.
- Turssi CP Ferracane JL, Vogel K.
- Turssi CP Hara AT, de Magalhães CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues AL Jr.
- Wang L Garcia FC, Amarante de Araújo P, Franco EB, Mondelli RF.
- Watari F.
- Yap AU Chew CL, Ong LF, Teoh SH.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Finite Element Analysis of the Endodontically-treated Maxillary Premolars restored with Composite Resin along with Glass Fiber Insertion in Various Positions
- Author
- Ausiello P Apicella A, Davidson CL, Rengo S.
- Belli S Erdemir A, Ozcopur M, Eskitascioglu G.
- Belli S Erdemir A, Yildirim C.
- Chung SM Yap AU, Koh WK, Tsai KT, Lim CT.
- Dyer SR Lassila LV, Jokinen M, Vallittu PK.
- Dyer SR Lassila LV, Jokinen M, Vallittu PK.
- Eraslan O Eraslan O, Eskitascioglu G, Belli S.
- Ereifej N Silikas N, Watts DC.
- Faria AC Rodrigues RC, de Almeida Antunes RP, de Mattos Mda G, Ribeiro RF.
- Fennis WM Kuijs RH, Barink M, Kreulen CM, Verdonschot N, Creugers NH.
- Garoushi S Lassila LV, Tezvergil A, Vallittu PK.
- Gorucu J Ozgunaltay G.
- Hitz T Ozcan M, Gohring TN.
- Jafari Navimipour E Ebrahimi Chaharom ME, Alizadeh Oskoee P, Mohammadi N, Bahari M, Firouzmandi M.
- Magne P Perakis N, Belser UC, Krejci I.
- Oskoee PA Ajami AA, Navimipour EJ, Oskoee SS, Sadjadi J.
- Peroz I Blankenstein F, Lange KP, Naumann M.
- Pongprueksa P Kuphasuk W, Senawongse P.
- Powers J Sakaguchi R.
- Roulet JF.
- Sagsen B Aslan B.
- Sengun A Cobankara FK, Orucoglu H.
- Seow LL Toh CG, Wilson NH.
- Shintani H Satou N, Satou J.
- Soares CJ Soares PV, de Freitas Santos-Filho PC, Castro CG, Magalhaes D, Versluis A.
- Soares PV Santos-Filho PC, Gomide HA, Araujo CA, Martins LR, Soares CJ.
- Soares PV Santos-Filho PC, Queiroz EC, Araujo TC, Campos RE, Araujo CA, Soares CJ.
- Suzuki S Saimi Y, Ono T.
- Widmalm SE Ericsson SG.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Surface Texture and Optical Properties of Self-Adhering Composite Materials after Toothbrush Abrasion
- Author
- Aker JR.
- Antonson SA Yazici AR, Kilinc E, et al.
- Ardu S Gutemberg D, Krejci I, et al.
- Bayne SC Thompson JY, Swift EJ Jr, et al.
- Bektas O Eren D, Akini EG, Akin H.
- Cadenaro M Codan B, Navarra CO, et al.
- Da Costa J Adams-Belusko A, Riley K, Ferracane JL.
- Da Silva EM Doria J, da Silva JR, et al.
- Dietschi D Campanile G, Holz J, Meyer JM.
- Eliades A Birpou E, Eliades T, Eliades G.
- Eliades A Birpou E, Eliades T, Eliades G.
- Eliades G.
- Ergucu Z Turkun LS.
- Falkensammer F Arnetzl GV, Wildburger A, Freudenthaler J.
- Ferracane JL.
- Fu J Kakuda S, Pan F, et al.
- Goldstein GR Lerner T.
- Heintze S Forjanic M, Ohmiti K, Rousson V.
- Holzmeier M Schaubmayr M, Dasch W, Hirschfelder U.
- Jefferies SR.
- Ji W Pointer MR, Luo RM, Dakin J.
- Johnston WM Kao EC.
- Jones CS Billington RW, Pearson GJ.
- Kakaboura A Fragouli M, Rahiotis C, Silikas N.
- Kamonkhantikul K Arksornnukit M, Takanashi H, et al.
- Karaarslan ES Bulbul M, Yildiz E, et al.
- Kawai K Iwami Y, Ebisu S.
- Kuehni FG Marcus RT.
- Lee YK Lu H, Oguri M, Powers JM.
- Lefever D Perakis N, Roig M, et al.
- Leloup FB Pointer MR, Dutre P, Hanselaer P.
- Lu H Roeder LB, Lei L, Powers JM.
- Mundim FM Pires-de-Souza FC, Garcia L, Consani S.
- Nasim I Neelakantan P, Sujeer R, Subbarao CV.
- Obein G Knoblauch K, Viénot F.
- Oguri M Yoshida YC, Yoshihara K, et al.
- Oliveira DC Souza-Junior EJ, Prieto LT, et al.
- Pointevin A De Munck J, Van Ende A, et al.
- Roselino LM Cruvinel DR, Chinelatti MA, Pires-de-Souza FC.
- Ruyter IE Nilner K, Moller B.
- Sabatini C Campillo M, Aref J.
- Salgado VE Cavalcante LM, Silikas N, Schneider LF.
- Senawongse P Pongprueksa P, Tagami J.
- Silikas N Kavvadia K, Eliades G, Watts DC.
- Sofia D Efstratios P, Vasileios M, et al.
- Soherholm K-JM Lambrechts P, Sarrett D, et al.
- Takanashi R Jian J, Nikaido T, et al.
- Turssi CP Ferracane JL, Vogel K.
- Uchimura JY Sato F, Bianchi G, et al.
- Vich A Margvelashvili M, Goracci C, et al.
- Yoshida Y Nagakane K, Fukuda R, et al.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Toothbrush Abrasion of Resin Composites with Different Filler Concepts
- Author
- Boaro L Versluis A, Braga R.
- Bollen CML Lambrechts P, Quirynen M.
- Bollen CML Papaioannou W, van Eldere J, Schepers E, Quirynen M, van Steenberghe D.
- Cerutti F Acquaviva PA, Gagliani M, Madini L, Mangani F, Depero LE, Cerutti A.
- Cho LR Yi YJ, Heo SJ.
- Da Costa J Adams-Beluska A, Riley K, Ferracane JL.
- Dyer D Addy M, Newcombe RG.
- Heath JR Wilson HJ.
- Heintze SD Forjanic M.
- Jain V Platt JA, Moore BK, Borges GA.
- Kawai K Iwami Y, Ebisu S.
- Kon M Kakuta K, Ogura H.
- Lewis R Dwyer-Joyce RS, Pickles MJ.
- Marchesi G Breschi L, Antoniolli F, Di Lenarda R, Ferracane J, Cadenaro M.
- Martinelli J Pires-de-Souza F, Casemiro LA, Tirapelli C, Panzeri H.
- Moraes RR Gonçalves L, Lancellotti AC, Consani S, Correr-Sobrinho L, Sinhoreti MA.
- Murakami M.
- Parry J Harrington E, Rees GD, McNab R, Smith AJ.
- Rawls HR Mkwayi-Tulloch NJ, Casella R, Cosgrove R.
- Redmalm G Rýden H.
- Senawongse P Pongprueksa P.
- Suzuki T Kyoizumi H, Finger WJ, Kanehira M, Endo T, Utterodt A, Hisamitsu H, Komatsu M.
- Tanoue N Matsumura H, Atsuta M.
- Tellefsen G Liljeborg A, Johannsen A, Johannsen G.
- Texeira ECN Thompson JL, Piascik JR, Thompson JY.
- Turssi CP de Magalhães CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues AL.
- Turssi CP Hara AT, de Magalhães CS, Serra MC, Rodrigues AL Jr.
- Van der Weiden GA Timmerman MF, Danser MM, van der Velden U.
- Van Dijken JWV Stadigh J, Meurman JM.
- Volpenhein DW Walsh ME, Dellerman PA, Burkett TA.
- Wang L Garcia FC, Amarante de Araujo P, Franco EB, Mondelli RF.
- Wiegand A Kuhn M, Sener B, Roos M, Attin T.
- Wonglamsam A Kakuta K, Ogura H.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study