20,306 research outputs found

    Protocols for characterizing quantum transport through nano-structures

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    In this work, we have analyzed the exact closed-form solutions for transport quantities through a mesoscopic region which may be characterized by a polynomial functional of resonant transmission functions. These are then utilized to develop considerably improved protocols for parameters relevant for quantum transport through molecular junctions and quantum dots. The protocols are shown to be experimentally feasible and should yield the parameters at much higher resolution than the previously proposed ones.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Remark about Non-BPS D-Brane in Type IIA Theory

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    In this paper we would like to show simple mechanisms how from the action for non-BPS D-brane we can obtain action describing BPS D(p-1)-brane in Type IIA theory.Comment: 13 pages, completely rewritten pape

    An Imaging Polarimeter(IMPOL) for multi-wavelength observations

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    Taking advantage of the advances in array detector technology, an imaging polarimeter (IMPOL) has been constructed for measuring linear polarization in the wavelength band from 400-800 nm. It makes use of a Wollaston prism as the analyser to measure simultaneously the two orthogonal polarization components that define a Stoke's parameter. An achromatic half-wave plate is used to rotate the plane of polarization with respect to the axis of the analyser so that the second Stoke's parameter also can be determined. With a field of view correponding to about 30x30 sq. mm for a 1.2 m, f/13 telescope, a sensitive, liquid-nitrogen cooled CCD camera as the detector and a built-in acquisition and guidance unit, the instrument can be used for studying stellar fields or extended objects with an angular resolution close to 2 arcsec. The instrumental polarization is less than 0.05% and the accuracies of measurement are primarily limited by photon noise for typical observations.Comment: 10 pages including 5 embedded figures; submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series; available on request to A. N. Ramaprakash ([email protected] or [email protected]); quote report n

    The Schwinger SU(3) Construction - II: Relations between Heisenberg-Weyl and SU(3) Coherent States

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    The Schwinger oscillator operator representation of SU(3), studied in a previous paper from the representation theory point of view, is analysed to discuss the intimate relationships between standard oscillator coherent state systems and systems of SU(3) coherent states. Both SU(3) standard coherent states, based on choice of highest weight vector as fiducial vector, and certain other specific systems of generalised coherent states, are found to be relevant. A complete analysis is presented, covering all the oscillator coherent states without exception, and amounting to SU(3) harmonic analysis of these states.Comment: Latex, 51 page

    Spectral changes in layered ff-electron systems induced by Kondo hole substitution in the boundary-layer

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    We investigate the effect of disorder on the dynamical spectrum of layered ff-electron systems. With random dilution of ff-sites in a single Kondo insulating layer, we explore the range and extent to which Kondo hole incoherence can penetrate into adjacent layers. We consider three cases of neighboring layers: band insulator, Kondo insulator and simple metal. The disorder-induced spectral weight transfer, used here for quantification of the proximity effect, decays algebraically with distance from the boundary layer. Further, we show that the spectral weight transfer is highly dependent on the frequency range considered as well as the presence of interactions in the clean adjacent layers. The changes in the low frequency spectrum are very similar when the adjacent layers are either metallic or Kondo insulating, and hence are independent of interactions. In stark contrast, a distinct picture emerges for the spectral weight transfers across large energy scales. The spectral weight transfer over all energy scales is much higher when the adjacent layers are non-interacting as compared to when they are strongly interacting Kondo insulators. Thus, over all scales, interactions screen the disorder effects significantly. We discuss the possibility of a crossover from non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid behavior upon increasing the ratio of clean to disordered layers in particle-hole asymmetric systems.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Accelerated growth in outgoing links in evolving networks: deterministic vs. stochastic picture

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    In several real-world networks like the Internet, WWW etc., the number of links grow in time in a non-linear fashion. We consider growing networks in which the number of outgoing links is a non-linear function of time but new links between older nodes are forbidden. The attachments are made using a preferential attachment scheme. In the deterministic picture, the number of outgoing links m(t)m(t) at any time tt is taken as N(t)θN(t)^\theta where N(t)N(t) is the number of nodes present at that time. The continuum theory predicts a power law decay of the degree distribution: P(k)k121θP(k) \propto k^{-1-\frac{2} {1-\theta}}, while the degree of the node introduced at time tit_i is given by k(ti,t)=tiθ[tti]1+θ2k(t_i,t) = t_i^{\theta}[ \frac {t}{t_i}]^{\frac {1+\theta}{2}} when the network is evolved till time tt. Numerical results show a growth in the degree distribution for small kk values at any non-zero θ\theta. In the stochastic picture, m(t)m(t) is a random variable. As long as isindependentoftime,thenetworkshowsabehavioursimilartotheBarabaˊsiAlbert(BA)model.Differentresultsareobtainedwhen is independent of time, the network shows a behaviour similar to the Barab\'asi-Albert (BA) model. Different results are obtained when is time-dependent, e.g., when m(t)m(t) follows a distribution P(m)mλP(m) \propto m^{-\lambda}. The behaviour of P(k)P(k) changes significantly as λ\lambda is varied: for λ>3\lambda > 3, the network has a scale-free distribution belonging to the BA class as predicted by the mean field theory, for smaller values of λ\lambda it shows different behaviour. Characteristic features of the clustering coefficients in both models have also been discussed.Comment: Revised text, references added, to be published in PR

    Electron Density Map of Anthraquinone Crystal

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    The Structure of Anthraquinone (A Quantitative X-Ray Investigation)

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