116 research outputs found

    Population Distributions of Thymic Function in Adults: Variation by Sociodemographic Characteristics and Health Status

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    The thymus is critical for mounting an effective immune response and maintaining health. However, epidemiologic studies characterizing thymic function in the population setting are lacking. Using data from 263 adults in the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study, we examined thymic function as measured by the number of signal joint T-cell receptor excision circles (sjTREC) and assessed associations with established indicators of physiological health. Overall, increasing age and male gender were significantly associated with reduced thymic function. Adjusting for covariates, individuals with elevated levels of the pro-inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (β: −0.50 [95% CI: −0.82, −0.18] for moderate elevation; β: −0.29 [95% CI: −0.59, 0.00] for high elevation) and interleukin-6 (β: −0.60 [95% CI: −0.92, −0.28] for moderate elevation; β: −0.43 [95% CI: −0.77, −0.08] for severe elevation) also had lower thymic function. Compared to individuals with a BMI <25, individuals who were overweight (β: 0.36 [95% CI: 0.07, 0.64]) or obese (β: 0.27 [95% CI: −0.03, 0.56]) had higher thymic function. Differences by self-rated health were not statistically significant. Our findings underscore demographic- and health-related gradients in thymic function among adult residents of Detroit, suggesting thymic function may be an important biomarker of health status in adults at the population level

    Bioluminescence imaging to track bacterial dissemination of Yersinia pestis using different routes of infection in mice

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    Background: Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium that disseminates inside of the host at remarkably high rates. Plague bacilli disrupt normal immune responses in the host allowing for systematic spread that is fatal if left untreated. How Y. pestis disseminates from the site of infection to deeper tissues is unknown. Dissemination studies for plague are typically performed in mice by determining the bacterial burden in specific organs at various time points. To follow bacterial dissemination during plague infections in mice we tested the possibility of using bioluminescence imaging (BLI), an alternative non-invasive approach. Fully virulent Y. pestis was transformed with a plasmid containing the luxCDABE genes, making it able to produce light; this lux-expressing strain was used to infect mice by subcutaneous, intradermal or intranasal inoculation. Results: We successfully obtained images from infected animals and were able to follow bacterial dissemination over time for each of the three different routes of inoculation. We also compared the radiance signal from animals infected with a wild type strain and a Δcaf1ΔpsaA mutant that we previously showed to be attenuated in colonization of the lymph node and systemic dissemination. Radiance signals from mice infected with the wild type strain were larger than values obtained from mice infected with the mutant strain (linear regression of normalized values, P<0.05). Conclusions: We demonstrate that BLI is useful for monitoring dissemination from multiple inoculation sites, and for characterization of mutants with defects in colonization or dissemination

    Cervicovaginal Microbiota Predicts Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical Presentation

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection of the female lower genital tract can present with a spectrum of phenotypes ranging from asymptomatic carriage to symptomatic cervical inflammation, or cervicitis. The factors that contribute to the development of asymptomatic or symptomatic infections are largely uncharacterized. We conducted a pilot study to assess differences in the cervicovaginal microbial community of patients presenting with symptomatic vs. asymptomatic N. gonorrhoeae infections to a sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinic. DNA was isolated from cervicovaginal swab specimens from women who tested positive for N. gonorrhoeae infection using a clinical diagnostic nucleic acid amplification test. We performed deep sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplicons, followed by microbiome analyses with QIIME, and species-specific real-time PCR to assess the composition of microbial communities cohabitating the lower genital tract with the infecting N. gonorrhoeae. Specimens collected from asymptomatic individuals with N. gonorrhoeae infection and no co-infection with Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Trichomonas vaginalis carried Lactobacillus-dominant microbial communities more frequently than symptomatic patients without co-infection. When compared to asymptomatic individuals, symptomatic women had microbial communities characterized by more diverse and heterogenous bacterial taxa, typically associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV) [Prevotella, Sneathia, Mycoplasma hominis, and Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacterium-1 (BVAB1)/“Candidatus Lachnocurva vaginae”]. Both symptomatic and asymptomatic N. gonorrhoeae patients with additional STI co-infection displayed a BV-like microbial community. These findings suggest that Lactobacillus-dominant vaginal microbial community may protect individuals from developing symptoms during lower genital tract infection with N. gonorrhoeae

    Innate Immune Cell Recovery Is Positively Regulated by NLRP12 during Emergency Hematopoiesis

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    With enhanced concerns of terrorist attacks, dual exposure to radiation and thermal combined injury (RCI) has become a real threat with devastating immunosuppression. NLRP12, a member of the NOD-like receptor family, is expressed in myeloid and bone marrow cells and has been implicated as a checkpoint regulator of inflammatory cytokines as well as an inflammasome activator. We show that NLRP12 has a profound impact on hematopoietic recovery during RCI by serving as a checkpoint of TNF signaling and preventing hematopoietic apoptosis. Using a mouse model of RCI, increased NLRP12 expression was detected in target tissues. Nlrp12−/− mice exhibited significantly greater mortality, inability to fight bacterial infection, heightened levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, overt granulocyte/monocyte progenitor cell apoptosis and failure to reconstitute peripheral myeloid populations. Anti-TNF antibody administration improved peripheral immune recovery. These data suggest that NLRP12 is essential for survival after RCI by regulating myelopoiesis and immune reconstitution

    Lifespan-Extending Caloric Restriction or mTOR Inhibition Impair Adaptive Immunity of Old Mice By Distinct Mechanisms

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    Aging of the world population and a concomitant increase in age-related diseases and disabilities mandates the search for strategies to increase healthspan, the length of time an individual lives healthy and productively. Due to the age-related decline of the immune system, infectious diseases remain among the top 5–10 causes of mortality and morbidity in the elderly, and improving immune function during aging remains an important aspect of healthspan extension. Calorie restriction (CR) and more recently rapamycin (rapa) feeding have both been used to extend lifespan in mice. Preciously few studies have actually investigated the impact of each of these interventions upon in vivo immune defense against relevant microbial challenge in old organisms. We tested how rapa and CR each impacted the immune system in adult and old mice. We report that each intervention differentially altered T-cell development in the thymus, peripheral T-cell maintenance, T-cell function and host survival after West Nile virus infection, inducing distinct but deleterious consequences to the aging immune system. We conclude that neither rapa feeding nor CR, in the current form/administration regimen, may be optimal strategies for extending healthy immune function and, with it, lifespan

    Analysis of human innate immune responses to PRINT fabricated nanoparticles with cross validation using a humanized mouse model

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    Ideal nanoparticle (NP)-based drug and vaccine delivery vectors should be free of inherent cytotoxic or immunostimulatory properties. Therefore, determining baseline immune responses to nanomaterials is of utmost importance when designing human therapeutics. We characterized the response of human immune cells to hydrogel NPs fabricated using Particle Replication in Non-wetting Templates (PRINT) technology. We found preferential NP uptake by primary CD14+ monocytes, which was significantly reduced upon PEGylation of the NP surface. Multiplex cytokine analysis of NP treated primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hu-PBMC) suggests that PRINT based hydrogel NPs do not evoke significant inflammatory responses nor do they induce cytotoxicity or complement activation. We furthered these studies using an in vivo humanized mouse model and similarly found preferential NP uptake by human CD14+ monocytes without systemic inflammatory cytokine responses. These studies suggest that PRINT hydrogel particles form a desirable platform for vaccine and drug delivery as they neither induce inflammation nor toxicity

    Dusp3 and Psme3 are associated with murine susceptibility to Staphylococcus aureus infection and human sepsis.

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    Using A/J mice, which are susceptible to Staphylococcus aureus, we sought to identify genetic determinants of susceptibility to S. aureus, and evaluate their function with regard to S. aureus infection. One QTL region on chromosome 11 containing 422 genes was found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to S. aureus infection. Of these 422 genes, whole genome transcription profiling identified five genes (Dcaf7, Dusp3, Fam134c, Psme3, and Slc4a1) that were significantly differentially expressed in a) S. aureus -infected susceptible (A/J) vs. resistant (C57BL/6J) mice and b) humans with S. aureus blood stream infection vs. healthy subjects. Three of these genes (Dcaf7, Dusp3, and Psme3) were down-regulated in susceptible vs. resistant mice at both pre- and post-infection time points by qPCR. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Dusp3 and Psme3 induced significant increases of cytokine production in S. aureus-challenged RAW264.7 macrophages and bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) through enhancing NF-ÎşB signaling activity. Similar increases in cytokine production and NF-ÎşB activity were also seen in BMDMs from CSS11 (C57BL/6J background with chromosome 11 from A/J), but not C57BL/6J. These findings suggest that Dusp3 and Psme3 contribute to S. aureus infection susceptibility in A/J mice and play a role in human S. aureus infection

    Hexa-Acylated Lipid A Is Required for Host Inflammatory Response to Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Experimental Gonorrhea

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    ABSTRACT Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection characterized by inflammation of the cervix or urethra. However, a significant subset of patients with N. gonorrhoeae remain asymptomatic, without evidence of localized inflammation. Inflammatory responses to N. gonorrhoeae are generated by host innate immune recognition of N. gonorrhoeae by several innate immune signaling pathways, including lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and other pathogen-derived molecules through activation of innate immune signaling systems, including toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) processing complex known as the inflammasome. The lipooligosaccharide of N. gonorrhoeae has a hexa-acylated lipid A. N. gonorrhoeae strains that carry an inactivated msbB (also known as lpxL1 ) gene produce a penta-acylated lipid A and exhibit reduced biofilm formation, survival in epithelial cells, and induction of epithelial cell inflammatory signaling. We now show that msbB -deficient N. gonorrhoeae induces less inflammatory signaling in human monocytic cell lines and murine macrophages than the parent organism. The penta-acylated LOS exhibits reduced toll-like receptor 4 signaling but does not affect N. gonorrhoeae -mediated activation of the inflammasome. We demonstrate that N. gonorrhoeae msbB is dispensable for initiating and maintaining infection in a murine model of gonorrhea. Interestingly, infection with msbB -deficient N. gonorrhoeae is associated with less localized inflammation. Combined, these data suggest that TLR4-mediated recognition of N. gonorrhoeae LOS plays an important role in the pathogenesis of symptomatic gonorrhea infection and that alterations in lipid A biosynthesis may play a role in determining symptomatic and asymptomatic infections
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