2 research outputs found

    Injection Kicker for HESR at FAIR using Semi-Conductor Switches

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    The High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) is a part of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt. The ring is used for hadron physics experiments with a pellet target and the PANDA detector, and will supply antiprotons of momenta from 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c. To cover the whole energy range a flexible adjustment of transition energy and the corresponding gamma-t value is foreseen. For Injection and Accumulation of Antiprotons delivered from the CR at a momentum of 3.8 GeV/c (gamma=4.2), the HESR optics will be tuned to gamma-t=6.2. For deceleration down to a momentum of 1.5 GeV/c this optic is suitable as well. Stochastic cooling at an intermediate energy is required to avoid beam losses caused by adiabatic growth of the beam during deceleration. For acceleration to 8 GeV/c (gamma=8.6) the optics will be changed after accumulation of the antiproton beam to gamma-t=14.6. For momenta higher than 8 GeV/c the beam will be debunched at 8 GeV/c, optics will be changed to gamma-t=6.2, and after adiabatic rebunching the beam will be accelerated to 15 GeV/c (gamma=16). Simulations show the feasibility of the described procedures with practically no beam losses

    Developments for the Injection Kicker Vacuum System of the HESR at FAIR

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    The Research Center Jülich has taken the leadership of a consortium being responsible for the design and manufacturing of the High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) going to be part of FAIR. The HESR is designed both for antiprotons and for heavy ion experiments. The injection kicker system of the HESR is located directly behind the septum and consists of two pumping crosses for pumps and measurement devices as well as two vacuum tanks housing the four ferrite magnets which will be operated with 40 kV, 4kA. As well as the magnets, the adjustments frames and the electrical feedthroughs will be installed inside the tanks. Due to the large surface of the magnets the injection kicker system will be very sensitive with regard to the achievable vacuum quality that is expected to be in the order of 10⁻¹¹ mbar or better. Thus the vacuum system is designed to heat up to 250°C. In order to investigate the achievable end pressure and to develop the heating system a test facility was constructed. The actual vacuum layout of the injection kicker system as well as the experimental test results will be presented and in similar the layout of the control system of the test facility will be described