9 research outputs found


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    Smart garment system is efficient for upper body movement monitoring during simple tasks. There is a lack of literature on smart textile garments being reliable for shoulder girdle motion assessment in advanced motor tasks such as high string performance. The aim of the article was to examine the reliability of the DAid Smart Shirt for Shoulder Girdle Motion Assessment during advanced motor tasks such as high string performance. Methods: 14 volunteer violinists aged 18.6 (SD 2.1) with a body mass index 20.05 (SD 2.3) were recruited. The violinists performed a legato bowing task. The DAid smart shirt worked as the assessment tool: a compression garment with textile strain sensors sewn onto it. Cronbach alpha coefficient, Interclass Correlation Coefficient were calculated to assess the within-session test-retest reliability. Results: An excellent and good result test-retest reliability was assessed in 57% of the violinists, for other 43%, the ICC and Cronbach alpha coefficient was less than 0.59. Conclusion: the DAid Smart shirt is reliable for shoulder girdle motion assessment during high string performance. The smart textile garment should be customized and suitable for the body in order to assess shoulder girdle motion during high level or advanced activities such as high string performance.

    Assessment of shoulder girdle elevation motion using daid smart shirt : A reliability and validity study

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    Funding Information: This research is co-financed by the ESF within the project ?Synthesis of textile surface coating modified in nano-level and energetically independent measurement system integration in smart clothing with functions of medical monitoring?, Project implementation agreement No." Publisher Copyright: Copyright Ā© 2019 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.Muscle function around the shoulder girdle can be impaired by pain, which leads to abnormal movement e.g. elevation. Movement faults should be assessed specifically, therefore individual sport rehabilitation strategies can be implemented. Smart garments are efficient for upper body movement assessment. There is a lack of literature stating that smart textile garments are reliable and valid for shoulder gridle elevation. The purpose of the study was to examine reliability and validity of the DAid smart shirt during shoulder girdle elevation. Twenty-one female volunteers aged 24.3. (SD3.3), body mass index 19.3 (SD 0.5) were recruited. The DAid smart shirt and 2D movement video analysis software Quintic Biomechanics v26, UK were the assessment tools utilized. Cronbach alpha coefficient and Interclass Correlation Coefficient were calculated to assess the within-session test-retest reliability. Bland - Altman analysis was applied to determine validity. Results: reliability for the right side measures: Cronbach alpha coefficient Ī± ā‰„ 0.9, ICC ā‰„ 0.9. Reliability for the left side measures: Cronbach alpha coefficient Ī± ā‰„ 0.9, ICC ā‰„ 0.91. Bland-Altman analysis presents that DAid smart shirt measures are valid during shoulder girdle elevation. Conclusion: smart shirt measures are reliable and valid during shoulder girdle elevation movements.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Smart Textile Sock System for Athletesā€™ Self-Correction during Functional Tasks: Formative Usability Evaluation

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    Funding Information: This publication has been developed with financing from the European Social Fund and Latvian state budget within the project no., ā€œSupport for involving doctoral students in scientific research and studiesā€, at RÄ«ga Stradin, Å” University. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.(1) Background: The development of a lightweight, easy-to-use system that measures the footā€™s plantar pressure is becoming an increasingly important area of research in physiotherapy. For further development of the smart sock system, a formative usability study was conducted, where the smart textile sock sensor system was used for self-correction during functional tasks; (2) Methods: Five athletes from the football school participated in the formative usability study. Athletes performed pre-defined functional tasks for self-correction when interacting with the smart textile sock system. Formative usability evaluation methods: effectiveness (task success rate, error rate), efficiency (time-based), satisfaction evaluated by System Usability Scale (SUS); (3) Results: Formative usability indicators: task completeness effectiveness ranged from 40% to 100% in the first-and second-stage tasks. Completed task efficiency time: Stage 1, from 4.2 s (SD 1.3) to 88.8 s (SD 19.8); Stage 2, from 7.2 s (SD 1.9) to 9.6 s (SD 2.1). Satisfaction was assessed by the SUS system user group with 76 points (SD 7.42), which indicates ā€œgoodā€ satisfaction; (4) Conclusions: formative usability indicators showed the need for technical improvements to the smart textile sock pressure sensor system. The SUS results indicate ā€œgoodā€ satisfaction with the smart textile sock pressure sensor system and its application.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Improving the recovery of patients with subacromial pain syndrome with the daid smart textile shirt

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the Activity ā€œPostā€doctoral Research Aidā€ of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 ā€œTo increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructureā€ of the Operational Program ā€œGrowth and Employmentā€ (No. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Wearable technologies provide many possibilities for applications in medicine, and especially in physiotherapy, where tracking and evaluation of body motion are of utmost importance. Despite the existence of multiple smart garments produced for applications in physiotherapy, there is limited information available on the actual impact of these technologies on the clinical outcomes. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of the Double Aid (DAid) smart shirt, a purely textileā€based system, on the training process of patients with subacromial pain syndrome. A randomized controlled trial was performed where patients with subacromial pain syndrome had to perform the assigned training exercises while employing the DAid smart shirt system. The core point of each exercise was to perform a movement while holding the shoulders stationary. The smart shirt was designed to sense even slight shoulder motion thus providing the patient with feedback on the accuracy of the motion, and allowing the patient to adjust the movement. The appropriate muscles should be strengthened through an increased effort to control the shoulder motion. The recovery of patients using the feedback system at the end of the treatment was compared to that of a reference group through standardized testsā€”the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand score (DASH score), Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability test (CKCUES test), and internal/external rotation ratio. The test group that used the DAid system demonstrated significantly better results of the performed tests for all applied outcome measures compared to the reference group (p <0.001). An overall positive impact on the patient recovery was observed from the DAid smart shirt system when applied for rehabilitation training of patients with subacromial pain syndrome.Peer reviewe

    Application of DAid Smart Shirt Technology in Therapy for Patients with Subacromial Pain Syndrome. Doctoral Thesis

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    Promocijas darbs izstrādāts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē, RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē, Latvijā. AizstāvÄ“Å”ana: VeselÄ«bas un sporta zinātnes promocijas padomes atklātā sēdē 2022. gada 4. novembrÄ« plkst. 14:00 attālināti, tieÅ”saistes platformā Zoom.Ievads. Pēdējos gados ir palielinājies valkājamo tehnoloÄ£iju (wearable technologies), kā viedā tekstila apģērbi, lietojums personalizētajā medicÄ«nā. AugŔējās ekstremitātes rehabilitācijas procesā, kur ir bÅ«tisks kustÄ«bu monitorings, viedā tekstilmateriāla apģērbu lietoÅ”ana sākta pavisam nesen. Lai gan literatÅ«rā ir aprakstÄ«ts viedā apģērba lietojums rehabilitācijā, trÅ«kst informācijas par tā ietekmi uz klÄ«niskajiem rezultātiem pacientiem ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu. MērÄ·is. IzpētÄ«t DAid viedā krekla prototipa nodroÅ”inātās objektÄ«vās atgriezeniskās saites ietekmi uz pacientu ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu fizioterapijas funkcionālajiem un paÅ”ziņotajiem rezultātiem. Metodes. Promocijas darbs iekļauj divus tehnoloÄ£ijas pārneses vadÄ«bas procesa posmus. Pirmajā posmā ā€œAnalizēt tehnoloÄ£ijas attÄ«stÄ«bas iespējas un pamatotÄ«buā€ veikts DAid viedā krekla prototipa eksperimentāls lietojums fizioterapijā ā€“ viena gadÄ«juma analÄ«ze ā€“ un noteikts DAid viedā krekla prototipa mērÄ«jumu noturÄ«gums un pamatotÄ«ba. Otrajā posmā ā€œAttÄ«stÄ«t un demonstrēt DAid viedā krekla prototipuā€ veikts nejauÅ”ināts kontrolēts pētÄ«jums, lai noteiktu DAid viedā krekla prototipa kā atgriezeniskās saites ietekmi uz pacientu ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu funkcionālajiem rādÄ«tājiem, izmantojot funkcionālo testu un paÅ”ziņota mērÄ«juma rezultātus. Rezultāti. Pirmā posma rezultāti: DAid viedā krekla prototips ir objektÄ«vs un ērti lietojams rÄ«ks, lai sniegtu atgriezenisko saiti par pleca joslas stabilitāti fizioterapijas vingrojumu laikā. DAid viedā krekla tehnoloÄ£ijas prototipa mērÄ«jumu rezultāti ir noturÄ«gi: kreisās puses mērÄ«jumu ICC vērtÄ«bas: 0,91 (95 % TI 0,9ā€“0,92) lÄ«dz 0,99 (95 % TI 0,99ā€“0,99) (p Ė‚ 0,0001). Labās puses mērÄ«jumu ICC vērtÄ«bas: 0,91 (95 % TI 0,9ā€“0,91) lÄ«dz 0,99 (95 % TI 0,99ā€“0,99) (p Ė‚ 0,0001). DAid viedā krekla prototipa mērÄ«jumi ir pamatoti plecu joslas elevācijas novērtÄ“Å”anai. Otrā posma rezultāti: DAid viedā krekla grupas pacienti ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu uzrādÄ«ja statistiski ticami labākus rezultātus funkcionālo testu (ER/IR attiecÄ«ba, CKCUEST tests) un paÅ”ziņota DASH mērÄ«juma moduļos, salÄ«dzinot ar kontroles grupu (p < 0,001), kur tika izmantotas konvencionālās metodes. Secinājumi. Pacientiem ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu fizioterapijā, lietojot DAid viedā krekla tehnoloÄ£ijas prototipa nodroÅ”inātu objektÄ«vu atgriezenisko saiti, tiek sasniegti labāki funkcionālo testu un labāki paÅ”ziņota DASH mērÄ«juma rezultāti, salÄ«dzinot ar konvencionālām metodēm.Promocijas darbs veikts Eiropas ReÄ£ionālās attÄ«stÄ«bas fonda projekta ā€œGudrā tekstila sistēmas medicÄ«nai un sportamā€ ietvaros, projekta Ä«stenoÅ”anas lÄ«guma Nr.:

    DAid viedā krekla tehnoloģijas izmantoŔana terapijā pacientiem ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums

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    The Doctoral Thesis was developed at RÄ«ga StradiņŔ University, Latvia. Defence: at the public session of the Promotion Council of 4 November 2022 at 14.00 remotely via online platform Zoom.Background. In recent years, the use of wearable technologies as smart textiles in personalized medicine has increased. In the process of physiotherapy of the upper limb, where there must be movement monitoring, in which the use of textile clothing has only recently begun. Although the use of smart clothing in physiotherapy or rehabilitation overall has been described in the literature, there is a lack of information on its impact on clinical outcomes inpatient population with subacromial pain syndrome. Aim and objectives. To investigate the effect of objective feedback provided by the DAid smart shirt system prototype on the functional and self-reported results of physiotherapy in patients with subacromial pain syndrome. Materials and methods. The doctoral thesis includes two stages of the Technology Transfer Management process. In the first stage: To analyze the possibilities and justification of technology development, the experimental application of the DAid smart shirt system in physiotherapy is performed ā€“ one case analysis and the reliability and validity of DAid smart shirt technology measurements are determined. Phase 2: To develop and demonstrate a DAid smart shirt prototype, a randomized controlled trial was conducted to determine the effect of the DAid smart shirt prototype system as feedback on the functional performance of patients with subacromial pain syndrome using functional tests and self-reported measurement results. Results. Results of the first stage: The prototype of the DAid smart shirt is an objective and easy-to-use tool to provide feedback on the stability of the shoulder girdle during physiotherapy exercises. DAid smart shirt technology prototype measurement results are stable: left-hand ICC values: 0.91 (95 % CI 0.9ā€“0.92) to 0.99 (95 % CI 0.99ā€“0.99) (p Ė‚ 0.0001). ICC values for right-hand measurements: 0.91 (95 % CI 0.9ā€“0.91) to 0.99 (95 % CI 0.99ā€“0.99) (p Ė‚ 0.0001). Measurements of the DAid smart shirt prototype are based on estimating shoulder girdle elevation. Phase 2 results: Patients in the DAid smart shirt group with subacromial pain syndrome showed statistically significantly better results in the functional test (ER/IR ratio, CKCUEST test) and self-reported DASH measurement modules compared to the control group (p < 0.001), where conventional methods were used. Conclusion. The use of DAid smart shirt technology prototype in physiotherapy of patients with subachromial pain syndrome provides better functional tests and better self-reported DASH measurement results compared to conventional methods.The work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund project ā€œSynthesis of textile surface coating modified in nano-level and energetically independent measurement system integration in smart clothing with functions of medical monitoringā€, agreement

    Application of DAid Smart Shirt Technology in Therapy for Patients with Subacromial Pain Syndrome. Summary of the Doctoral Thesis

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    Promocijas darbs izstrādāts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē, RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē, Latvijā. AizstāvÄ“Å”ana: VeselÄ«bas un sporta zinātnes promocijas padomes atklātā sēdē 2022. gada 4. novembrÄ« plkst. 14:00 attālināti, tieÅ”saistes platformā Zoom.Ievads. Pēdējos gados ir palielinājies valkājamo tehnoloÄ£iju (wearable technologies), kā viedā tekstila apģērbi, lietojums personalizētajā medicÄ«nā. AugŔējās ekstremitātes rehabilitācijas procesā, kur ir bÅ«tisks kustÄ«bu monitorings, viedā tekstilmateriāla apģērbu lietoÅ”ana sākta pavisam nesen. Lai gan literatÅ«rā ir aprakstÄ«ts viedā apģērba lietojums rehabilitācijā, trÅ«kst informācijas par tā ietekmi uz klÄ«niskajiem rezultātiem pacientiem ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu. MērÄ·is. IzpētÄ«t DAid viedā krekla prototipa nodroÅ”inātās objektÄ«vās atgriezeniskās saites ietekmi uz pacientu ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu fizioterapijas funkcionālajiem un paÅ”ziņotajiem rezultātiem. Metodes. Promocijas darbs iekļauj divus tehnoloÄ£ijas pārneses vadÄ«bas procesa posmus. Pirmajā posmā ā€œAnalizēt tehnoloÄ£ijas attÄ«stÄ«bas iespējas un pamatotÄ«buā€ veikts DAid viedā krekla prototipa eksperimentāls lietojums fizioterapijā ā€“ viena gadÄ«juma analÄ«ze ā€“ un noteikts DAid viedā krekla prototipa mērÄ«jumu noturÄ«gums un pamatotÄ«ba. Otrajā posmā ā€œAttÄ«stÄ«t un demonstrēt DAid viedā krekla prototipuā€ veikts nejauÅ”ināts kontrolēts pētÄ«jums, lai noteiktu DAid viedā krekla prototipa kā atgriezeniskās saites ietekmi uz pacientu ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu funkcionālajiem rādÄ«tājiem, izmantojot funkcionālo testu un paÅ”ziņota mērÄ«juma rezultātus. Rezultāti. Pirmā posma rezultāti: DAid viedā krekla prototips ir objektÄ«vs un ērti lietojams rÄ«ks, lai sniegtu atgriezenisko saiti par pleca joslas stabilitāti fizioterapijas vingrojumu laikā. DAid viedā krekla tehnoloÄ£ijas prototipa mērÄ«jumu rezultāti ir noturÄ«gi: kreisās puses mērÄ«jumu ICC vērtÄ«bas: 0,91 (95 % TI 0,9ā€“0,92) lÄ«dz 0,99 (95 % TI 0,99ā€“0,99) (p Ė‚ 0,0001). Labās puses mērÄ«jumu ICC vērtÄ«bas: 0,91 (95 % TI 0,9ā€“0,91) lÄ«dz 0,99 (95 % TI 0,99ā€“0,99) (p Ė‚ 0,0001). DAid viedā krekla prototipa mērÄ«jumi ir pamatoti plecu joslas elevācijas novērtÄ“Å”anai. Otrā posma rezultāti: DAid viedā krekla grupas pacienti ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu uzrādÄ«ja statistiski ticami labākus rezultātus funkcionālo testu (ER/IR attiecÄ«ba, CKCUEST tests) un paÅ”ziņota DASH mērÄ«juma moduļos, salÄ«dzinot ar kontroles grupu (p < 0,001), kur tika izmantotas konvencionālās metodes. Secinājumi. Pacientiem ar subakromiālo sāpju sindromu fizioterapijā, lietojot DAid viedā krekla tehnoloÄ£ijas prototipa nodroÅ”inātu objektÄ«vu atgriezenisko saiti, tiek sasniegti labāki funkcionālo testu un labāki paÅ”ziņota DASH mērÄ«juma rezultāti, salÄ«dzinot ar konvencionālām metodēm.Promocijas darbs veikts Eiropas ReÄ£ionālās attÄ«stÄ«bas fonda projekta ā€œGudrā tekstila sistēmas medicÄ«nai un sportamā€ ietvaros, projekta Ä«stenoÅ”anas lÄ«guma Nr.:

    A Proof-of-Concept Study on Smart Gloves for Real-Time Chest Compression Performance Monitoring

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    Correctly performed Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a critical element in preventing deaths caused by cardiac arrest (CA). To improve the outcomes and quality of CPR, stand-alone devices that monitor the performance and provide feedback have been developed. However, these devices have multiple limitations due to their rigidity and stiffness. Furthermore, most of the devices do not account for complete chest recoil as a metric of quality CPR, reducing the quality of compressions. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes smart gloves equipped with e-textiles-based pressure sensors and inertial measurement units (IMUs) to monitor the quality adult CPR in real-time. The prototype development combined data-driven design and Research Through Design (RtD) methods, taking into account not only the accuracy but also the usability of the smart gloves. A preliminary study with nine participants performing CPR on a doll was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and wearability of the smart gloves. Study results show that the smart gloves accurately detect chest compression parameters, including compression depth, compression rate, chest recoil and interruption between compressions based on the intelligent fusion of pressure sensors and IMUs. In addition, the newly developed smart gloves are lightweight, hand adaptable, and easily replicable as an alternative for hard case devices. The design methods used in this study can be applied to design other accessible and comfortable wearable devices in healthcare settings