2 research outputs found

    Gender-salient family conflict talk

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    In this paper the analysis of gender aspects of the family dialogue conflict talk within the framework of symmetric relations (husband – wife) is suggested. In recent years the topic of argument has become a significant concern for research on language and communication. Conflict talk is a common practice among humans. We believe that if gender is embedded in society then it should be observeable in talk

    Gender studies: theoretical framework

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    The given article reviews the main theories of the study of gender and discourse. Three points of agreement of the theories analyzed are singled out. Gender duality and performativity are defined as the most widely debated issues. The functional and constructivist approaches to gender differences are revealed. В статті розглядоються основні теорії гендерної лінгвістики, виділяються точки дотику в різноманітних підходах і трактуванях гендеру