29 research outputs found

    Some aspects on the distribution of radiocarbon dates from the Mesolithic and Neolithic of European Russia

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    The Stone age chronology for the main regions of European Russia based on radiocarbon dating is presented. The source of information is a database consisting of ali available radiocarbon dates created in the 14C Laboratory at the Institute of the History of Material Culture. Special attention is paid to the correlation of radiocarbon chronology with climatic data obtained by different isotopic methods

    Calibration curves and the chronology of key monuments at Sayan-Altai

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    Studies of the chronology of the elite barrows at Sayan-Altai are of a great importance for the determination of the origin and development of the cultures of the Scythian period. In this work dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating have been combined. Statistical calculations were used to obtain the best fit of the radiocarbon dates for the tree-ring series to the bidecadal calibration curve and thus to determine the zero point of the floatin g tree-ring chronology on the calendar time scale. The results obtained position the zero point of the floating tree-ring series in the calendar time period 380–420 BC with the confidence probability of 0.95. The goodness of fit can be improved by shifting the Arzhan tree-ring dates relative to the other tree-ring scale by 40 years. For all cases the age of the Arzhan barrow lies in the limit of 800 years BC. The results from chronological investigations of the constructions at the elite barrows of Sayan-Altai are summarised


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    The authors worked out and checked out rational Z-approach to the Achilles tendon with taking into consideration anatomical, physiological and biomechanical features of this region. Entrance allowed trustworthy reduce frequency and area of postoperative wound rim necrosis, and allowed statistic trustworthy reduce number of complications after surgical treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures.Авторами разработан и апробирован рациональный Z-образный доступ к ахиллову сухожилию с учетом анатомо-физиологических и биомеханических особенностей данной области. Его применение позволило достоверно снизить частоту и площадь краевых некрозов послеоперационной раны и как следствие - частоту послеоперационных осложнений при хирургическом лечении разрывов ахиллова сухожилия