5 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Sodium Hexadecyl Sulfate and Triton X from Binary Aqueous Solutions at Thermally Graphitized Carbon Black

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    Adsorption of anionic sodium hexadecyl sulfate (SHS) and nonionic Triton X surfactants with different ethoxylation degree: TX-45, TX-100 and TX-300 from their individual and mixed aqueous solutions at the surface of thermally graphitized carbon black (CB) was studied. It was found that at low solution concentrations addition of the nonionic surfactant increases the amount of SHS adsorbed from SHS/Triton X mixtures compared to SHS amount adsorbed from its individual solution. These findings might be explained by decreasing in electrostatic repulsion between SHS ions due to inclusion of the molecules of the nonionic surfactant in the mixed adsorption layer. At higher solution concentrations, adsorption of SHS decrease as a result of displacement of SHS ions from the mixed adsorption layer by Triton X molecules. It was established that the composition of the mixed adsorption layer at CB surface notably differ from the composition of the surfactant mixture in the bulk solution. The mixed adsorption layer is enriched with the molecules of the nonionic surfactants and this conclusion is confirmed by the results of measuring zeta potential of CB particles with the adsorbed surfactants

    The Strategies for Internationalization of the Automotive TNCs in the Context of Global Financial-Economic Instability

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    The article is aimed at identifying key strategies for internationalization of automotive transnational corporations (TNCs) as one of the leading and strategically important sectors of the world economy against the backdrop of global financial and economic instability. The key internationalization strategies used by modern TNCs in the automotive industry are considered. In particular, attention is paid to the merger and acquisition agreements in the automotive industry. Along with substantiation of the need to modularization of the global automotive industry, importance of such process is considered. The outsourcing mechanism which is widely used by leading automakers world-wide is characterized. The modern corporate strategies of automotive TNCs are based on the fundamental reorganization of the geographical configuration of the global value chain, taking into consideration key trends in the development of the regional automotive markets

    Molecular Interactions in Binary Surfactant Solutions: Effect of pH

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    By using surface tension and conductivity measurements, the colloid-chemical properties of the mixtures of cationic hexadecylpyridinium bromide with nonionic Triton X-100 surfactants were investigated both in the bulk solution and at air/solution interface at different pH values. The composition of mixed micelles and adsorption layers, parameters of molecular interactions in mixed micelles βm and adsorption layers βσ, as well as standard free energies of micelle formation ΔG0mic and adsorption ΔG0ads were calculated. It was found that molecules of the nonionic surfactant presumably dominate in the mixed micelles and adsorption layers. It was shown that βm and βσ have negative values, which indicate the strengthening of intermolecular interactions in the mixed micelles and adsorption layers. Based on the data obtained, it was suggested that ion-dipole interactions are involved in the formation of intermolecular structures between nonionic and cationic surfactants in aqueous solution and at the air-solution interface. It was shown that βm, βσ as well as ΔG0mic and ΔG0ads parameter depends on the solution pH value. The complex interplay of ion-dipole, protonation and chelation processes, which occur in the surfactant mixtures at different pH and affect the strength of intermolecular interaction, should be taken into account for data analysis

    Molecular Interactions in Binary Surfactant Solutions: Effect of pH

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    Історія зародження та становлення медсестринства: європейський контекст

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    The article examines the stages of the origin and formation of such an important link in the health care as nursing. On the example of prominent figures (Countess Elizabeth Florence Nayntinhel, Mother Teresa) a brief excursion into the history of nursing in the European context is made. It is well known that the profession of nurses was launched by a nun. But nuns had the possibility to take care of patients at the same time it was extremely difficult, because contact with body was considered the prerogative of married women or prostitutes. Today there are many specialized schools which train qualified medical staff, in the eleventh century, the term «nurse» and «education» were incompatible. At the Western Europe there were created communities for women who had a desire to help physicians to care for patients. These women’ volunteer work in hospitals allow women to serve patients, and during war sick men as well. The task to alleviate the suffering of patients, had always been delegated to woman - guarantor of development and reproduction of human kin. In Northern Europe, the first who began to assist patients were “behinky” - women who spontaneously, without official church approval, gathered in groups to conduct monastic life. They inspired by their example the Tertsiarians (Italy, thirteenth century) related to the Dominicans and the Franciscans. Catherine of Siena, who belonged to the Third Order Dominicans, cared for patients with plague, being exposed to mortal danger, but it was an extraordinary situation which required a truly heroic action. The article shows difficult times, conflict and difficult conditions in which the foundations of modern nursing were formed. There has been noted a big role and a significant contribution of women to the development of medicine in general and nursing in particular.L'article examine les étapes d'origine et le développement d'un tel lien important dans le domaine des services médicaux tels que les soins infirmiers. Sur l'exemple de personnalités (comtesse Elizabeth Florence Nayntingel, Mat Tereza) une brève excursion dans l'histoire des soins infirmiers dans le contexte européen. Il reflète les temps difficiles des conflits et les conditions difficiles dans lesquelles forment les bases des soins infirmiers modernes. Il a noté un grand rôle et la contribution importante ce sont les femmes dans le développement de la médecine en général et en particulier les soins infirmiers.В статье исследуются этапы зарождения и становления такого важного звена в сфере медицинского обслуживания как медсестринство. На примере выдающихся фигур (графиня Елизавета, Флоренс Найнтингель, мать Тереза) дан краткий экскурс в историю медсестринства в европейском контексте. Отражено нелегкие времена, коллизии и сложные условия, в которых формировались основы современного медсестринства. Отмечено большую роль и значительный вклад именно женщины в развитие медицины в целом и медсестринства в частности.У статті досліджуються етапи зародження та становлення такої важливої ланки в сфері медичного обслуговування як медсестринство. На прикладі видатних постатей (графиня Єлизавета, Флоренс Найнтінгель, мати Тереза) дано короткий екскурс в історію медсестринства в європейському контексті. Відображено нелегкі часи, колізії та складні умови, в яких формувалися основи сучасного медсестринства. Відзначено велику роль та значний внесок саме жінки в розвиток медицини в цілому і медсестринства зокрема