8 research outputs found

    Escaping into the world of make-up routines in Iran

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    Traditionally, and as a result of cultural turn's emphasis on identity, Iranian women's use of dress and make-up has been an arena – sometimes a battleground – for identity negotiation. The present study questions the current over-emphasis on identity and the prevalent tendency to look for identity meanings in the use of hejab (veiling) and cosmetics. The results of fifteen interpretive in-depth interviews with young adult women in Iran reveal that these individuals' make-up practices are largely associated with a total immersion in the experiential, creative aspects of make-up use and with ways to uplift their tired spirits in a monotonous environment. Make-up routines provide these women with opportunities to escape from boredom and immerse themselves in the playful fantasies of the world of cosmetics. Despite facing various challenges, including frequent stigmatisation on account of their use of make-up, the informants in the study derive high levels of satisfaction from their make-up practices. The study establishes that changing socio-cultural dynamics give rise to new forms of consumption experiences in contemporary society and calls for further investigation of such experiences in women's everyday lives

    Globalization, reflexivity and the project of the self : a virtual intercultural learning process

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    In this paper, we examine the consumption practices of young adult Iranians in the context of cultural globalization. Based on analysis of qualitative data collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups with 28 individuals in Tehran and Karaj, we demonstrate how, through its cultural flow (circulation of images, signs, products, etc.) globalization stimulates reflexivity in ‘an ongoing process of virtual intercultural learning’ through which people reconstitute their lives and change their everyday consumption practices and lifestyle choices. The key contribution of the study lies in the fact that it examines consumers’ subjective consumption experiences in a society where the traditional/institutional dynamics enforce their own values and ideal lifestyles on individuals


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    The refugee crisis experienced by Europe over recent years has generated widespread concern over migration across various European countries. This concern has also fuelled nationalist sentiments amongst European citizens, who fear that their ways of life stand to be displaced or eroded by others. In particular, concerns surrounding the presence and role of Islam in Europe remain acute. Over recent years, hostilities between marginalised Muslim communities in Europe and others who oppose Muslim practices have continued to spiral. Issues such as the war in Syria, terrorist attacks on European soil, the integration of Muslim communities in Europe, and Turkey’s accession into Europe remain heavily contested and highly debated. The present chapter investigates representations of Islam in six European countries, namely Greece, Italy, Malta, Romania, France and the UK. The study involved the analysis of randomly selected articles published in various newspapers in these six countries over a number of years. The findings demonstrate the trajectory of representations of Islam over time, with issues concerning violence and oppression remaining salient in recent years. The findings further demonstrate a polarisation whereby the plight of refugees is recognised, whilst the weariness of Islam as a threat to European values remains. The chapter concludes by reviewing implications for policy targeting the spiral of conflict between non-Muslim and Muslim communities in European countries