17 research outputs found
A taxonomy of dignity: a grounded theory study
This paper has its origins in Jonathan Mann's insight that the experience of dignity may explain the reciprocal relationships between health and human rights. It follows his call for a taxonomy of dignity: "a coherent vocabulary and framework to characterize dignity."
Grounded theory procedures were use to analyze literature pertaining to dignity and to conduct and analyze 64 semi-structured interviews with persons marginalized by their health or social status, individuals who provide health or social services to these populations, and people working in the field of health and human rights.
The taxonomy presented identifies two main forms of dignity–human dignity and social dignity–and describes several elements of these forms, including the social processes that violate or promote them, the conditions under which such violations and promotions occur, the objects of violation and promotion, and the consequences of dignity violation. Together, these forms and elements point to a theory of dignity as a quality of individuals and collectives that is constituted through interaction and interpretation and structured by conditions pertaining to actors, relationships, settings, and the broader social order.
The taxonomy has several implications for work in health and human rights. It suggests a map to possible points of intervention and provides a language in which to talk about dignity
A confiabilidade dos dados de mortalidade e morbidade por doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis The accuracy of the official mortality and morbidity statistics related to chronic non-communicable diseases
As estatísticas de mortalidade constituem- se em importante subsídio para o conhecimento do perfil epidemiológico de uma população, elaboração de indicadores de saúde e conseqüente planejamento de ações desse setor. No Brasil, esses dados são rotineiramente elaborados, desde 1975, pelo Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde, que tem cobertura estimada em torno de 82%, com variações nas regiões do país. Quanto à confiabilidade dos dados, está ocorrendo uma melhora gradativa, mas há, ainda, cerca de 14% de mortes classificadas como mal definidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar a confiabilidade dos dados de mortalidade e morbidade por doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis. A partir de investigações levadas a efeito por pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais, são feitos comentários e críticas, sendo possível concluir que, embora ainda não totalmente exatos ou confiáveis, esses dados são relevantes para numerosas avaliações epidemiológicas. É bom ressaltar que os dados brasileiros de mortalidade, do ponto de vista qualitativo, têm exatidão e fidedignidade semelhantes aos de qualquer outro país de longa tradição na elaboração dessas estatísticas.<br>Mortality statistics are an important tool for the knowledge of the epidemiological profile of a population and, therefore, for planning actions in the health area. In Brazil, they are elaborated since 1975 by the Mortality Information System of the Ministry of Health, and has an estimated coverage of 82%, varying through out the country. Concerning the accuracy of data, it is in course a gradual improvement, but there are, still, about 14% of deaths classified as ill defined. The objective of this paper is to show the accuracy of mortality and morbidity statistics related to chronic non-communicable diseases. Critics and commentaries are done, based on national and international investigations. It was possible to conclude that although they are not completely exact or accurate, these statistics are very relevant for epidemiological evaluations. It is important to say that the Brazilian mortality statistics, by the quality point of view, presents the similar accuracy then any other country with a long tradition in the area of health statistics