146 research outputs found

    Workflow processing using ERP objects

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    Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems, and Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) evolved parallel in the past. The main business drivers for automation came from the ERP world, but the WFMS solutions discovered their own way figuring out the necessity of such applications without ERP as well. In our paper we follow only the usage of workflows in ERP systems. The central elements of built-in workflows are the ERP objects, which embed and handle the business data providing real life meaning of business objects as well. The capabilities of built-in workflow systems of such ERP solutions are presented via two market-leaders: SAP and Microsoft Dynamics AX. Both solutions are dealing with ERP objects in sence of the workflow management. We recognized and present the weaknesses and restrictions of the built-in workflow systems on these two ERP examples. In our paper we describe the results of our analysis of the interoperability of the built-in workflow systems as well and demonstrate the required add-on functionalities to provide usable cross-system workflows in such an environment. We also mention the possibility of using a built-in workflow as a full-featured WFMS

    A hĂșsipari termĂ©kek minƑsĂ©galakulĂĄsa 1972-ben

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    L’actualitĂ© gravĂ©e au temple de mĂ©moire

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    PĂ©riodique mondain fondĂ© en 1672 par Jean Donneau de VisĂ©, le Mercure galant est dotĂ© au tournant de l’annĂ©e 1678 d’un programme d’illustration significatif qui se maintient jusqu’à la mort de son fondateur et directeur en 1710. Le prĂ©sent article s’attache Ă  identifier ses fonctions principales (Ă©ditoriales, poĂ©tiques et historiographiques) au moment de sa mise en place. Donneau de VisĂ© construit en effet l’illustration du pĂ©riodique comme un Ă©vĂšnement destinĂ© Ă  fidĂ©liser un large lectorat. Mais surtout : entretenant un rapport Ă©troit avec la promotion de l’image royale, l’estampe dans le pĂ©riodique rend visible l’élaboration d’un rĂ©gime d’historicitĂ© singulier, qui fait de la nouveautĂ© une valeur dĂ©finitoire de ce qui est digne de mĂ©moire.Jean Donneau de VisĂ© created the socialite gazette le Mercure galant in 1672, and in 1678 the magazine became heavily illustrated. In this article we study how Donneau de VisĂ© developed this new pictorial component, which remained part of the gazette until his death in 1710. We show he meant it as a way to build up a loyal audience, and used it for editorial, poetic and historiographic purposes. Beyond this, prints were a medium tightly linked to royal propaganda, and this era of the Mercure galant illustrates a changing relation to history, where novelty becomes the defining feature of what constitutes a historic event

    Saintes corruptions. L’édification romanesque de Jean-Pierre Camus au miroir des adaptations d’Agathonphile (1621)

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    Le roman hagiographique de Jean-Pierre Camus, Agathonphile ou les Martyrs siciliens (1621), dĂ©cline sur prĂšs de huit cents pages le motif de la saintetĂ© et, en contrepoint, celui de la condition dĂ©chue. Si les visĂ©es Ă©difiantes sont Ă©videntes, la question de la lĂ©gitimitĂ© du recours Ă  la fiction, qui se dĂ©ploie prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  la faveur de la corruption qui marque l’homme avant sa conversion, se pose de maniĂšre aiguĂ«. Camus prend, comme l’on sait, grand soin Ă  dissiper toute Ă©quivoque et, partant, Ă  orienter l’acte de lecture. Il demeure que la sĂ©duction d’un lecteur peu disposĂ© Ă  la dĂ©votion est Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  la reprĂ©sentation de la part sombre de l’humain, dont le roman camusien dĂ©veloppe Ă©galement gĂ©nĂ©reusement les possibles. Les deux adaptations dramatiques de l’Agathonphile, Les Chastes Martirs (1650) de Marthe Cosnard et Agathonphile Martyr (1655) de Françoise Pascal, ainsi que l’abrĂ©gĂ© du roman proposĂ© par l’abbĂ© Cusson sous le titre laĂŻcisĂ© d’Agathon et Tryphine. Histoire sicilienne (1712), reconduisent la tension inhĂ©rente entre fiction et apologĂ©tique ; le motif de la corruption permettra d’en mesurer plus spĂ©cifiquement les enjeux

    New approaches of storing ERP data

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    Machines à voir. Pour une histoire du regard instrumenté (XVIIe-XIXe siÚcles). Anthologie établie par Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud

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    L’anthologie Ă©tablie par Delphine Gleizes et Denis Reynaud apporte Ă  l’histoire du regard une contribution majeure, en dĂ©clinant les rĂ©alitĂ©s et les possibles d’une « histoire du regard instrumenté » Ă  une pĂ©riode charniĂšre (XVIIe-XIXe siĂšcles) qui voit l’invention d’une multitude d’appareils modifiant en profondeur le regard occidental. En privilĂ©giant une approche articulant histoires littĂ©raire et culturelle, concentrĂ©e sur le domaine français, les auteurs saisissent avant tout ces « machi..

    Software as a Service operation model in cloud based ERP systems

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    Cloud based operation model has become a new standard in ERP system implementation. This has brought a new software abstraction layer over the already existing datacentre model, which covered all the middleware, operating system and database level architecture elements. This new abstraction layer covers the complexity of the middleware and below layers, making it possible for the owners to deal with only implementing the core business logic. There is always a risk that more resources are allocated to the infrastructure side, using this model resources can be reallocated back to the business side. Overall this could lead to longer software lifecycle, because the core logic is separated from the rapidly changing implementation layer. The standard release management, which covered the way from pre alpha state to the gold release, was substituted in this model with a continuous release process. This leads to the possibility of using the latest version of the software always in the Software as a Service operating model. The code reusability (and refactoring) is also modified, having an abstraction layer between the platform independent model and the platform specific model. The transformation layer between these two has to be able to ensure the long term reliability of the software product. Having a proper transformation layer keeps the roles separated, the end user do not have to build up an IT support background, because this layer hides the infrastructure questions. This paper focuses on the change management procedures when change the operation environment from the standard datacentre solution to the cloud based SaaS model. This paper describes the different directions which can be used for an ERP environment offered by cloud technology, and focuses on the diverse change management procedures on switching the operation environment from the standard on premise datacenter solution to the cloud based SaaS model

    Germaine de Staël et Benjamin Constant : des passions au sentiment religieux

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    To this day, the intellectual exchanges between Germaine de Staël and Benjamin Constant are little known, particularly in the field of religion. Yet their writings, published or in manuscript, contain many traces of a joint reflection which, after their meeting in Sep- tember 1794, and in the aftermath of the Terreur, focused on the passions and their effects on human beings. Religion became a central topic of their analysis: is religion the source of passionate outbursts or an inner resource to be directed against the evils of the passions? These questions led de Staël and Constant to increasingly distinguish between inner and outer religion, the passions gradually being ousted from their reflections, parti- cularly under the influence of German thought, in favour of religious feeling
