477 research outputs found
Characteristics of transitional multicomponent gaseous and drop-laden mixing layers from direct numerical simulation: Composition effects
Transitional states are obtained by exercising a model of multicomponent-liquid (MC-liquid) drop evaporation in a three-dimensional mixing layer at larger Reynolds numbers, Re, than in a previous study. The gas phase is followed in an Eulerian frame and the multitude of drops is described in a Lagrangian frame. Complete dynamic and thermodynamic coupling between phases is included. The liquid composition, initially specified as a single-Gamma (SG) probability distribution function (PDF) depending on the molar mass, is allowed to evolve into a linear combination of two SGPDFs, called the double-Gamma PDF (DGPDF). The compositions of liquid and vapor emanating from the drops are calculated through four moments of their PDFs, which are drop-specific and location-specific, respectively. The mixing layer is initially excited to promote the double pairing of its four initial spanwise vortices, resulting into an ultimate vortex in which small scales proliferate. Simulations are performed for four liquids of different compositions, and the effects of the initial mass loading and initial free-stream gas temperature are explored. For reference, simulations are also performed for gaseous multicomponent mixing layers for which the effect of Re is investigated in the direct-numerical-simulation–accessible regime. The results encompass examination of the global layer characteristics, flow visualizations, and homogeneous-plane statistics at transition. Comparisons are performed with previous pretransitional MC-liquid simulations and with transitional single-component (SC) liquid-drop-laden mixing layer studies. Contrasting to pretransitional MC flows, the vorticity and drop organization depend on the initial gas temperature, this being due to drop/turbulence coupling. The vapor-composition mean molar mass and standard deviation distributions strongly correlate with the initial liquid-composition PDF. Unlike in pretransitional situations, regions of large composition standard deviation no longer necessarily coincide with those of large mean molar mass. The rotational and composition characteristics are all liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The classical energy cascade is found to be of similar strength, but the smallest scales contain orders of magnitude less energy than SC flows, which is confirmed by the larger viscous dissipation for MC flows. The kinetic energy and dissipation are liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The gas composition, of which the first four moments are calculated, is shown to be close to, but distinct from, a SGPDF. Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics of gas-phase quantities show that the different observation framework may affect the perception of the flow
The actual impedance of non-reflecting boundary conditions : implications for the computation of resonators
Non-reflecting boundary conditions are essential elements in the computation of many compressible flows: such simulations are very sensitive to the treatment of acoustic waves at boundaries. Non-reflecting conditions allow acoustic waves to propagate through boundaries with zero or small levels of reflection into the domain. However, perfectly non-reflecting conditions must be avoided because they can lead to ill-posed problems for the mean flow. Various methods have been proposed to construct boundary conditions which can be sufficiently non-reflecting for the acoustic field while still making the mean-flow problem well posed. This paper analyses a widely-used technique for non-reflecting outlets (Rudy and Strikwerda, Poinsot and Lele). It shows that the correction introduced by these authors can lead to large reflection levels and non-physical resonant behaviors. A simple scaling is proposed to evaluate the relaxation coefficient used in theses methods for a non-reflecting outlet. The proposed scaling is tested for simple cases (ducts) both theoretically and numerically
Procedimento prático para elaboração de uma tabela de produção.
Uso do dendrograma de manejo de densidade: uma aplicação prática com Hovenia dulcis Thunberg.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho Ă© fazer uma aplicação prática dos dendrogramas de manejo de densidade em uma população de HovenĂa dulcĂs localizada na regiĂŁo central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados de um povoamento de Hovenia dutcis de aproximadamente 1,3 hectares com 25 anos de idade, localizado em área da Fundação de Pesquisa Agropecuária (FEPAGRO). O dendrograma de densidade utilizado para a simulação das intervenções foi elaborado por Selle (2009), para o local e espĂ©cie. Estabeleceu-se que a melhor forma de conduzir o povoamento Ă© com a aplicação de duas intervenções silviculturais, sendo uma aplicada imediatamente e outra, quando o diâmetro da árvore de área basal mĂ©dia atingir 27 em. No primeiro desbaste devem ser retiradas 36,6% e no segundo 33,3% das árvores, correspondendo a 33,6 e 45,6% da área basal, respectivamente
High Performance Algorithms for Counting Collisions and Pairwise Interactions
The problem of counting collisions or interactions is common in areas as
computer graphics and scientific simulations. Since it is a major bottleneck in
applications of these areas, a lot of research has been carried out on such
subject, mainly focused on techniques that allow calculations to be performed
within pruned sets of objects. This paper focuses on how interaction
calculation (such as collisions) within these sets can be done more efficiently
than existing approaches. Two algorithms are proposed: a sequential algorithm
that has linear complexity at the cost of high memory usage; and a parallel
algorithm, mathematically proved to be correct, that manages to use GPU
resources more efficiently than existing approaches. The proposed and existing
algorithms were implemented, and experiments show a speedup of 21.7 for the
sequential algorithm (on small problem size), and 1.12 for the parallel
proposal (large problem size). By improving interaction calculation, this work
contributes to research areas that promote interconnection in the modern world,
such as computer graphics and robotics.Comment: Accepted in ICCS 2019 and published in Springer's LNCS series.
Supplementary content at https://mjsaldanha.com/articles/1-hpc-ssp
Accounting for convective effects in zero-Mach-number thermoacoustic models
This paper presents a methodology to account for some mean-flow effects on thermo-acoustic instabilities when using the zero-Mach-number assumption. It is shown that when a computational domain is represented under the M=0 assumption, a nonzero-Mach-number element can simply be taken into account by imposing a proper acoustic impedance at the boundaries so as to mimic the mean flow effects in the outer, not computed flow domain. A model that accounts for the coupling between acoustic and entropy waves is presented. It relies on a “delayed entropy coupled boundary condition” (DECBC) for the Helmholtz equation satisfied by the acoustic pressure. The model proves able to capture low-frequency entropic modes even without mean-flow terms in the fluctuating pressure equation
ĂŤndices de sĂtios para Hovenia dulcis Thunberg na regiĂŁo central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo construir curvas Ăndice de sĂtios florestais, a partir da altura dominante e idade, de populações localizadas na regiĂŁo central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações de trĂŞs povoamentos (sĂtios) com idades de 25 anos, localizados na Fundação de Pesquisa Agropecuária (FEPAGRO). Para classificar os sĂtios florestais, coletaram-se informações de 18 árvores dominantes nos locais, observando a metodologia para análise de tronco. Na construção das curvas de Ăndice de sĂtio, foi o selecionado o modelo de Backman, ficando constatada a necessidade da construção de dois conjuntos de curvas, com intervalo de 2 m, da idade de 5 a 25 anos, com idade Ăndice de 25 anos. Para o SĂtio I-A, foram geradas 3 curvas Ăndices, de 22 a 24 m e, para os SĂtios I-B+II+III, 6 curvas Ăndices de 8 a 18 m
Is Venice an ideal habitat for Legionella pneumophila?
Introduction. Legionella bacterium manifests itself in Legion- naire?s disease and Pontiac fever, it is mainly found and trans- mitted by aerosol produced in cooling towers, water distribution plants and medical equipment, and it affects mainly elder persons in poor health.
Methods. The population of Venice Local Health Unit was divided in two areas of study and the incidence of legionellosis in residents of Venice historical centre (Distretto Sanitario 1) and in residents of the mainland and coastal areas (Distretti Sanitari 2, 3, 4) was calculated. The cases were those notified to the Public Health Unit by law, and the population of residents was that of the eligible for health care in the archives of the Local Health Unit. Only cases of legionellosis in residents who had not travelled in the 10 days previous of the onset of disease, and not related to nosocomial clusters were considered. The standardized incidence ratio was then calculated and confidence interval were defined by Poisson distribution.
Results. Given the population of the two areas, 59801 in Distretto Sanitario 1 and 237555 in Distretti 2, 3, 4, the raw incidence of disease is respectively 87 per 100000 and 20 per 100000 in time 2002-2010. The standardized incidence ratio for the population of Distretto Sanitario 1 vs the remaining population is 4.3. Discussion. The difference in risk of getting the disease in this two residential areas geographically very close, is probably related to the different buildings? characteristics, old and difficult to main- tain in Venice historical centre
Using LES to Study Reacting Flows and Instabilities in Annular Combustion Chambers
Great prominence is put on the design of aeronautical gas turbines due to increasingly stringent regulations and the need to tackle rising fuel prices. This drive towards innovation has resulted sometimes in new concepts being prone to combustion instabilities. In the particular field of annular combustion chambers, these instabilities often take the form of azimuthal modes. To predict these modes, one must compute the full combustion chamber, which remained out of reach until very recently and the development of massively parallel computers. Since one of the most limiting factors in performing Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of real combustors is estimating the adequate grid, the effects of mesh resolution are investigated by computing full annular LES of a realistic helicopter combustion chamber on three grids, respectively made of 38, 93 and 336 million elements. Results are compared in terms of mean and fluctuating fields. LES captures self-established azimuthal modes. The presence and structure of the modes is discussed. This study therefore highlights the potential of LES for studying combustion instabilities in annular gas turbine combustors
Taxa de corte sustentável para manejo das florestas tropicais.
Existe uma grande lacuna dos planos de manejo de florestas tropicais com relação à intensidade de extração e às taxas de corte, usualmente sendo definidas de forma arbitrária. Este trabalho visa definir intensidades de corte diferenciadas para grupos de espécies arbóreas comerciais, com diferentes ritmos de crescimento, por unidade de produção, no estado do Amazonas. Utilizou-se o incremento periódico anual percentual em volume, de 26 espécies arbóreas, obtido de parcelas permanentes. O incremento periódico anual, percentual em volume, para efeito diferenciador, considerou 1% como diferença limite. Foram identificadas três intensidades de corte, para as classes comerciais: 24,4% (grupo I), 35,4% (grupo II) e 42,4% (grupo III). Considerando a exploração total sustentável por hectare, para as 26 espécies, seria de 11,5 m³ha-1 com intensidade de corte de 37%. O procedimento de cálculo é simples e pode ser utilizado pelos órgãos fiscalizadores, certificadores ou legisladores como balizador do ciclo de corte e taxa de corte
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