20 research outputs found


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    This article is dedicated to the connection between laryngealinflammatory pathology and influenza/common cold.The purpose is to study the frequency of different form of laryngitis in children with common cold/ influenza, influenced of carried laryngitis within common cold on laryngeal structures and also the effectiveness of preventive measures against acute respiratory infections.Material and methods are the results of the examination (including laryngeal endoscopy) and analysis of medical files of 3169 patients and also the data of the annual report of one Moscow semi-clinic.Results. Inflammation laryngeal pathology was revealed in 152 (4,79%) cases, in 129 (84,9%) – non-obstructive. 91 patient (59,8%) belonged to category “frequently and often sick”. The recurrent episodes were seen in patients with both forms of laryngitis. Different laryngeal pathology (laryngitis, vocal nodules) was seen after common cold treatment with 43,5% obstructive and 18,63% non-obstructive laryngitis patient as well as dysphonia in 3-14% getting worse with the following common cold episodes. The preventative measures carried among patients with laryngitis allowed to decrease spreading of this pathology notwithstanding the fact of annual growth of common cold in children.Conclusion. Thus taking to account the high circulation of respiratory viruses the absence of specific preventative measures and the especial role of viruses in development all forms of laryngitis it is recommended to include special drugs in preventative techniques of laryngitis prophylactics. Different methods of non-specific prophylactic are effective in decreasing the amount of common cold episodes, decrease the frequency and severity all forms of laryngitis in children and also tend to stabilize/normalize the voice quality in different laryngeal pathology children.Статья посвящена взаимосвязи воспалительной патологии гортани и ОРВИ/гриппа.Цель: изучить частоту встречаемости различных форм ларингита у детей с респираторной острой вирусной инфекцией; влияние перенесенного ларингита на фоне ОРВИ на состояние структур гортани у детей, а также эффективность профилактических мероприятий против ОРВИ/гриппа в отношении различных форм ларингита.Материалы и методы: результаты обследования и анализа амбулаторных карт 3169 пациентов, а такжеданные годового отчета одной из детских поликлиник г. Москвы.Результаты: воспалительная патология гортани была выявлена у 152 (4,79%) пациентов, у 129 пациентов (84,9%) – необструктивная. 91 пациент (59,8%) относился к категории «часто и длительно болеющие» дети. Рецидивы наблюдались у пациентов с обеими формами ларингита (60,90% (ОЛ) и 62,02% (НОЛ)). Органическая патология гортани сохранялась после проведенного лечения у 43,5%, перенесших обструктивную форму, и 18,63%, перенесших необструктивную форму, как и изменение тембра голоса (у 3–14% пациентов), ухудшаясь при очередной респираторной вирусной инфекции. Профилактические мероприятия, проводимые среди пациентов, перенесших различные формы ларингита, позволили снизить распространенность данной патологии, несмотря на ежегодный рост заболеваемости ОРВИ у детей в аналогичный временной период.Заключение:учитывая высокую циркуляцию возбудителей респираторных инфекций, отсутствие специфической профилактики (кроме гриппа), а также особую роль вирусов в развитии различных форм ларингита, рекомендуется включать в технологии профилактики ОРВИ и гриппа препараты различных механизмов действия и форм выпуска, в том числе и в организованных детских коллективах. Различные методы неспецифической профилактики эффективны в снижении заболеваемости респираторными вирусными инфекциями, уменьшают частоту возникновения и тяжесть течения различных форм ларингита у детей, а также способствуют нормализации/улучшению качества голоса у детей с различной патологией гортани

    Association of genotypes of cows of the Kholmogory breed by beta-casein with milk productivity

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    The aim of the study is to identify the frequency of occurrence of various allelic variants and genotypes of beta-casein in cows of the Kholmogory breed and their relationship with dairy productivity. The tasks of the research are genotyping of cattle of the Kholmogory breed by the beta-casein locus and establishing its connection with qualitative and quantitative indicators of dairy productivity. As the objects for the research there were taken 150 cows of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lactation. An allele-specific variant of the PCR method (AS-PCR) was used to identify A1 and A2 beta-casein. As the result it had been established that in the studied part of the herd, 23 % of animals had the A2A2 genotype, 43 % of animals had the A1A1 genotype and 34 % of animals had the A1A2 genotype. For 100 days of the first lactation, animals with A1A2 genotype showed the highest value in milk yield. Animals with A2A2 genotype for 305 days of lactation had the highest milk yield and the amount of milk protein, however, the difference was not statistically significant compared to the animals with A1A2 genotype. Genotype A1A1 has lower indicators by all the parameters studied, with a significant difference relative to genotypes A1A2 and A2A2. Thus, the study of CSN2 is a promising area of scientific research, and the results of the study of beta-casein genotypes can be used as a marker selection in improving the herds of the Kholmogory breed


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    Hepatitis E is enterically transmitted infection and is the cause of outbreaks and sporadic cases. Disease was originally registered only in the developing subtropical and tropical countries and has been connected with I or II genotypes of hepatitis E virus (HEV). Later sporadic hepatitis E has been registered in a number of the deve- loped countries of Western Europe, North America, South East Asia and Ocenia. These cases have been caused, as a rule, by III or IV genotypes of HEV. Until recently it was considered, that the disease is usually self-limited except pregnant women in which HEV infection is more severe, often leading to fulminant liver failure and death in a significant proportion of patients. The current review represents the analysis of publications of the last years reflecting the facts that HEV infection may develop in immunosuppressed patients, in particular in liver transplant recipients, who may then serve as long-term carriers of the virus with progression to cirrhosis. The information on the first attempts of antiviral therapy in these patients is presented. Гепатит Е относится к группе энтеральных гепатитов и может иметь характер как эпидемической, так и спорадической инфекции. Заболевание первоначально регистрировалось только в развивающихся суб- тропических и тропических странах и было связано с заражением I или II генотипами вируса. Позже спо- радический гепатит Е был зарегистрирован в ряде развитых стран Западной Европы, Северной Америки, Юго-Восточной Азии и Океании. Эти случаи были обусловлены инфицированием, как правило, III или IV генотипами вируса гепатита Е (HEV). До недавнего времени считалось, что течение болезни имеет об- ратимый характер и обычно завершается выздоровлением за исключением случаев заражения женщин на поздних сроках беременности, у которых была описана возможность развития фульминантного гепатита. Настоящий обзор посвящен анализу публикаций последних лет, отражающих течение HEV-инфекции у больных с иммунодефицитом, в частности у реципиентов трансплантатов солидных органов, для кото- рых совсем недавно была показана возможность хронизации болезни и трансформации ее в цирроз пече- ни. Представлена информация о первых попытках противовирусной терапии у этих больных.

    Inflammation laryngeal changes in common cold children

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    This article is dedicated to the connection between laryngealinflammatory pathology and influenza/common cold.The purpose is to study the frequency of different form of laryngitis in children with common cold/ influenza, influenced of carried laryngitis within common cold on laryngeal structures and also the effectiveness of preventive measures against acute respiratory infections.Material and methods are the results of the examination (including laryngeal endoscopy) and analysis of medical files of 3169 patients and also the data of the annual report of one Moscow semi-clinic.Results. Inflammation laryngeal pathology was revealed in 152 (4,79%) cases, in 129 (84,9%) – non-obstructive. 91 patient (59,8%) belonged to category “frequently and often sick”. The recurrent episodes were seen in patients with both forms of laryngitis. Different laryngeal pathology (laryngitis, vocal nodules) was seen after common cold treatment with 43,5% obstructive and 18,63% non-obstructive laryngitis patient as well as dysphonia in 3-14% getting worse with the following common cold episodes. The preventative measures carried among patients with laryngitis allowed to decrease spreading of this pathology notwithstanding the fact of annual growth of common cold in children.Conclusion. Thus taking to account the high circulation of respiratory viruses the absence of specific preventative measures and the especial role of viruses in development all forms of laryngitis it is recommended to include special drugs in preventative techniques of laryngitis prophylactics. Different methods of non-specific prophylactic are effective in decreasing the amount of common cold episodes, decrease the frequency and severity all forms of laryngitis in children and also tend to stabilize/normalize the voice quality in different laryngeal pathology children

    Problems of Providing Epidemiological Safety of Nonsterile Endoscopic Interventions

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    For comparative (with 2006) estimates of the system of epidemiological safety of endoscopic manipulations were interviewed 1066 endoscopic units 46 of the administrative territories of the Russian Federation. Rooms for endoscope reprocessing is not equipped in 23.2% of hospitals (in 2006 - 64,4%); the manual way of reprocessing (77% in 2014 against 94.1% in 2006) in containers prevails; 28.5% of hospitals for the HLD use the disinfectants without a sporocidal activity (in 2006 - 33.3% of hospitals); the technical equipment for AERs, cabinets for drying and storage of endoscopes since 2006 significantly didn't change; the medical staff for endoscope reprocessing allocated only in 4.5% of endoscopic units

    Russian virosomal vaccine Efficacy and safety evaluation

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    Virosomal vaccines are new generation vaccines which activate humoral and cell-mediated immunity, induce stronger immunogenicity and sustain long-term protective immunity. The article tells about the results of clinical studies of the Russian next generation influenza vaccine Ultriks®, demoinstrating its safety, high immunogenic activity against influenza viruses H1N1, H3N2 and B, as well as epidemiological effectiveness

    Age-related changes in production of short-chain fatty acids by gut microbiome in patients without gastroenterological diseases

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    Rationale: Multiple biological effects of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the possibility to modify their composition by probiotics and prebiotics is in the focus of attention of researchers and clinicians. However, big studies with assessment of the whole spectrum of SCFA produced by gut microbiome and calculated indexes of their relative content are lacking.Aim: To determine concentrations and ratios of fecal SCFA (functional activity of the gut microbiome) depending on the age of patients without gastrointestinal disorders.Materials and methods: SCFA fecal concentrations were measured by gas liquid chromatography in 6836 patients aged from 1 month to 85 years without any functional or chronic gastrointestinal pathology, infectious diseases and/or obesity. The time periods with homogenous values of the parameters were determined by identification of constant trends of their means (medians) with 1-month accuracy in children below 5 years of age and with 1-year accuracy in the patients above 1 years of age. The results obtained for the chosen time intervals were compared with Mann-Whitney's test at 95% significance level (p < 0.05).Results: We performed descriptive statistics for absolute and relative content of SCFA and their structural indexes. It was shown that the parameters characterizing functional activity of gut microbiome have different critical stages in their age-related changes. For each parameter, 2 or 3 stages of changes were identified that occurred at early age, mainly before the age of two. The final SCFA structure was stable by 2 years and 5 months of age. Total SCFA levels reached those typical for adults by the age of 12. The structural index was most sensitive to integrated changes of the microbiome structure.Conclusion: Age-related characteristics of gut microbiome should be taken into account when performing clinical studies on effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and assessing the parameters in a given patient