8 research outputs found

    Properties of Langmuir-Blodgett Films Based on Organosoluble Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complex and Oxazine Dye

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    Preparation procedure of organosoluble stoichiometric polycomplex based on cationic polyelectrolyte and anionic surfactant has been described. It was shown the formation of mixed monolayers consisting of polyelectrolyte-surfactant complex and dye molecules at the water-air interface. Assembling conditions of fluorescent nanosized solid Langmuir-Blodgett films based on polycomplex and dye Nile Red were defined and the spectral-luminescent properties of obtained films were studied. Absorption and fluorescence spectra of mixed Langmuir-Blodgett films revealed that electrostatic interaction between polycomplex and dye molecules is responsible for formation of dimers. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3500

    Preparation and Properties of Nanofilms Based on Polymethine Dyes by Langmuir-Blodgett Technology

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    A study of physico-chemical properties of monomolecular layers of amphiphilic cationic polymethine dye - thiacarbocyanine on the surface of the water subphase and the conditions of obtaining of Langmuir- Blodgett (LB) films are presented. The value of area, occupied by one molecule of the dye in different states of monolayer was defined. The spectral-luminescent properties of cationic polymethine dye was studied. An excimer fluorescence in LB films was revealed. It was shown, that in LB films, unlike solutions excimer not forms from monomers, but it forms from dimers of dyes. A possible mechanism of their formation was considered. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3515

    Receptor-mediated endocytosis of lysozyme in renal proximal tubules of the frog Rana temporaria

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    <p>The mechanism of protein reabsorption in the kidney of lower vertebrates remains insufficiently investigated in spite of raising interest to the amphibian and fish kidneys as a useful model for physiological and pathophysiological examinations. In the present study, we examined the renal tubular uptake and the internalization rote of lysozyme after its intravenous injection in the wintering frog <em>Rana temporaria</em> using immunohisto- and immunocytochemistry and specific markers for some endocytic compartments. The distinct expression of megalin and cubilin in the proximal tubule cells of lysozyme-injected frogs was revealed whereas kidney tissue of control animals showed no positive immunoreactivity. Lysozyme was detected in the apical endocytic compartment of the tubular cells and colocalized with clathrin 10 min after injection. After 20 min, lysozyme was located in the subapical compartment negative to clathrin (endosomes), and intracellular trafficking of lysozyme was coincided with the distribution of megalin and cubilin. However, internalized protein was retained in the endosomes and did not reach lysosomes within 30 min after treatment that may indicate the inhibition of intracellular trafficking in hibernating frogs. For the first time, we provided the evidence that lysozyme is filtered through the glomeruli and absorbed by receptor-mediated clathrin-dependent endocytosis in the frog proximal tubule cells. Thus, the protein uptake in the amphibian mesonephros is mediated by megalin and cubilin that confirms a critical role of endocytic receptors in the renal reabsorption of proteins in amphibians as in mammals.</p

    Синдром Штурге-Вебера у детей. Особенности клиники, диагностики и подходов к терапии пароксизмальных состояний на примере трех клинических наблюдений

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    Sturge-Weber syndrome belongs to the group of phacomotoses and is characterized by a combined lesion of the skin, eyes, nervous system and internal organs. The clinical course of Sturge-Weber syndrome is quite diverse. Of particular interest in the practice of pediatric neurology and neurosurgery is the fact that 72-90% of patients present with epilepsy. Of particular difficulty is the differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures and stroke-like episodes. The article presents clinical cases of patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome of various ages with epileptic seizures and transient ischemic attacks.Синдром Штурге-Вебера (СШВ) относится к группе факомотозов и характеризуется сочетанным поражением кожи, глаз, нервной системы и внутренних органов. Клиническое течение заболевания отличается большим разнообразием. СШВ вызывает особый интерес в практике детской неврологии и нейрохирургии, поскольку в 72-90% случаев приводит к развитию эпилепсии. Определенные трудности при СВШ представляет дифференциальная диагностика эпилептических приступов и инсультоподобных состояний. В статье приведены 3 клинических наблюдения пациентов с СШВ разного возраста, имевших эпилептические приступы и транзиторные ишемические атаки

    Оценка сортообразцов сафлора красильного на семенную продуктивность в аридных условиях Прикаспия

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    In conditions of the Astrakhan region, as it is a region of insufficient moisture, crop production depends more on water availability of field crops during growing season. Oilseed cultivation is not common here due to lowand unstable yields. Conversely, safflower is a drought!resistant crop that can provide stable yields in almost any soil and climatic conditions, which is very important for arid territories. The study was conducted at theexperimental sites of Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the RAS in 2017!2018. The goal was to study the varieties from Institute of Plant Industry collection and identify the most productive and adapted cultivars for arid conditions. The two!year study revealed the following cultivars: ! by early maturity ! Milyutinsky 144, Akmay (85 days) and Nurlan, Tsentr 70 (86 days); ! by number of anthodium per plant ! Alkyzyl (Kazakhstan)- 16.7, Lesaf 175!1 (Canada) ! 14.5, Milyutinsky 114 ! 14.0; by diameter of anthodium - Shifo and Tsambuli (Tajikistan) ! 20.9!24.2 mm, respectively; by mass of seeds per plant ! Tsambuli (Tajikistan) ! 9.2 g and Lesaf 175!1 (Canada) ! 9.0 g; ! by 1000 seeds weight ! Tsenter 70 (Kazakhstan) ! 51.5 g, Tsambuli (Tajikistan) !51.3 g and Alkyzyl (Kazakhstan) ! 48.1 g. The most productive cultivars were: Alkyzyl (Kazakhstan), Tsenter 70 (Kazakhstan), Tsambuli (Tajikistan) ! 0.87!1.46 t/ha, which can be used in breeding,when creating new varieties adapted to arid soil!climatic conditions.В условиях Астраханской области, как в регионе недостаточного увлажнения, продуктивность растениеводства в большей степени зависит от водообеспеченности полевых культур во время их вегетации. Здесь возделывание масличных культур не распространено из-за низких и неустойчивых урожаев. Сафлор в свою очередь является засухоустойчивой культурой, которая может обеспечивать стабильный урожай практически в любых почвенно-климатических условиях, что весьма актуально для аридных территорий. Изучение проводилось в 2017-2018 гг. на экспериментальных участкахФГБНУ «ПАФНЦ РАН». Целью исследования являлось изучение сортообразцов из коллекции ВИР с выделением наиболее продуктивных и адаптированных сортов для аридных условий. На основе проведенных двухлетних исследований можно выделить следующие сортообразцы: по скороспелости - Милютинский 144, Акмай (85суток) и Нурлан, Центр 70(86 суток); по количеству корзинок на одном растении - Алкызыл (Казахстан) - 16,7 шт., Lesaf 175-1 (Канада) - 14,5 шт., Милютинский 114 (Милютинская ГСС) - 14 шт.; по диаметру корзинок -- Шифо и Цамбули (Таджикистан)- 20,9-24,2 мм, соответственно; по массе семян с одного растения - Цамбули (Таджикистан) - 9,2 г и Lesaf 175-1 (Канада) - 9 г; по массе 1000 семян - Центр 70 (Казахстан) - 51,5 г, Цамбули (Таджикистан) - 51,3 г и Алкызыл (Казахстан) - 48,1 г. По главному показателю - урожайности были выделены сорта Алкызыл (Казахстан), Центр 70 (Казахстан), Цамбули (Таджикистан) - 0,87-1,46 т/га. По основным показателям структурных элементов семенной продуктивности лучшими были сортообразцы Алкызыл (Казахстан), Цамбули (Таджикистан), Центр 70 (Казахстан), Lesaf 175-1 (Канада), которые могут быть использованы в селекционной работе, при создании новых адаптированных к сложным аридным почвенно-климатическим условиям сортов

    Arterial ischemic stroke in children: The use of thrombolytic therapy

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    In recent years, the number of diagnosed cases of arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) in children has increased significantly. Intravenous and endovascular thrombolytic therapy of AIS is the most effective treatment for adults. Currently, the literature provides descriptions of a series of clinical observations in children with AIS, that received therapy with thrombolysis. This type of therapy is recommended to be performed on the basis of pediatric stroke primary centers. Since 2018, on the basis of the Center for Cerebrovascular Pathology Treatment, Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital, 34 children with AIS aged 3,5-14 years received intravenous thrombolytic therapy. The article describes the clinical observations of 4 patients with AIS who underwent treatment with thrombolysis. © 2020, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved