1,275 research outputs found

    Head-to-Head Comparison of EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L Health Values

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    The EQ-5D is a widely used preference-based instrument to measure health-related quality of life. Some methodological drawbacks of its three-level version (EQ-5D-3L) prompted development of a new format (EQ-5D-5L). There is no clear evidence that the new format outperforms the standard version.The objective of this study was to make a head-to-head comparison of the EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L in a discrete choice model setting giving special attention to the consistency and logical ordering of coefficients for the attribute levels and to the differences in health-state values.Using efficient designs, 240 pairs of EQ-5D-3L health states and 240 pairs of EQ-5D-5L health states were generated in a pairwise choice format. The study included 3698 Dutch general population respondents, analyzed their responses using a conditional logit model, and compared the values elicited by EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L for different health states.No inconsistencies or illogical ordering of level coefficients were observed in either version. The proportion of severe health states with low values was higher in the EQ-5D-5L than in the EQ-5D-3L, and the proportion of mild/moderate states was lower in the EQ-5D-5L than in the EQ-5D-3L. Moreover, differences were observed in the relative weights of the attributes.Overall distribution of health-state values derived from a large representative sample using the same measurement framework for both versions showed differences between the EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L. However, even small differences in the phrasing (language) of the descriptive system or in the valuation protocol can produce differences in values between these two versions.</p

    Kinetics of Amyloid Formation by Different Proteins and Peptides: Polymorphism and Sizes of Folding Nuclei of Fibrils

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    Aggregation of peptides and proteins into amyloid structure is one of the most intensively studied biological phenomena at the moment. To date, there is no developed theory that would allow one to determine what kind of mechanism presents in the given experiment on the basis of aggregation kinetic data. Debates concerning the mechanism of the amyloid fibrils formation and, in particular, the size of the amyloidogenic nucleus are still going on. We created such a theory on the basis of the kinetics of amyloid aggregates formation. In the presented chapter, theoretical and experimental approaches were employed for studding the process of amyloid formation by different proteins and peptides. The current kinetic models described in this chapter adequately describe the key features of amyloid nucleation and growth

    Eye tracking to explore attendance in health-state descriptions

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>A crucial assumption in health valuation methods is that respondents pay equal attention to all information components presented in the response task. So far, there is no solid evidence that respondents are fulfilling this condition. The aim of our study is to explore the attendance to various information cues presented in the discrete choice (DC) response tasks.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Eye tracking was used to study the eye movements and fixations on specific information areas. This was done for seven DC response tasks comprising health-state descriptions. A sample of 10 respondents participated in the study. Videos of their eye movements were recorded and are presented graphically. Frequencies were computed for length of fixation and number of fixations, so differences in attendance were demonstrated for particular attributes in the tasks.</p><p>Results</p><p>All respondents completed the survey. Respondents were fixating on the left-sided health-state descriptions slightly longer than on the right-sided. Fatigue was not observed, as the time spent did not decrease in the final response tasks. The time spent on the tasks depended on the difficulty of the task and the amount of information presented.</p><p>Discussion and conclusion</p><p>Eye tracking proved to be a feasible method to study the process of paying attention and fixating on health-state descriptions in the DC response tasks. Eye tracking facilitates the investigation of whether respondents fully read the information in health descriptions or whether they ignore particular elements.</p></div

    Algal and cyanobacterial diversity in saline rivers of the Elton Lake Basin (Russia) studied via light microscopy and next-generation sequencing

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    Naturally saline rivers are known in various regions of the world. Saline rivers with a salinity gradient from the source to the mouth are particularly interesting, because the range of salinity is the structure-forming factor of the hydrobiont assemblage. Such rivers are represented by saline rivers of the Elton Lake Basin in Volgograd region of Russia (the Bolshaya Samoroda River and the Malaya Samoroda River). Herein, we analyzed taxonomic structure and species diversity of microalgae and Cyanobacteria of the saline rivers flowing into the Elton Lake by light microscopy and next-generation sequencing. The differences and possible causes of inconsistencies in the results obtained by these methods are discussed. In total, 91 taxa of microorganisms were identified by integrated approach in the assemblages of microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the middle course of the Bolshaya Samoroda River, and 60 taxa – in the river mouth. The species diversity of those assemblages in the hypersaline Malaya Samoroda River was lower: 27 taxa from the middle course and 23&nbsp;taxa from the mouth. Next-generation sequencing allowed us to refine and expand the list of microalgae taxa in the studied saline rivers due to detection of species which were hard to identify, low-abundance taxa, as well as extremely small-cell forms. Some discrepancies between the data obtained by light microscopy and next-generation sequencing indicate the advantage of simultaneous use of both methods for study of the algae communities. Such a comprehensive approach provides the most accurate and correct list of taxa added with the morphological descriptions and 18S rRNA and 16S rRNA partial sequences. Generally, 18 taxa have been recorded for the first time in the Bolshaya Samoroda River, belonging to the phyla Chlorophyta (Borodinellopsis sp., Chlorochytrium lemnae Cohn, Caespitella sp., Halochlorococcum sp., Tetraselmis cordiformis (H. J. Carter) F. Stein), Ochrophyta (Pseudocharaciopsis ovalis (Chodat) D. J. Hibberd, Characiopsis sp., Poterioochromonas stipitata Scherffel, Chrysolepidomonas sp.), Euglenozoa (Euglena bucharica I. Kisselev, Lepocinclis tripteris (Dujardin) B. Marin &amp; Melkonian, Phacus orbicularis K. Hübner, P. parvulus G. A. Klebs), Cryptophyta (Hemiselmis cryptochromatica C. E. Lane &amp; J. M. Archibald, Rhodomonas sp., Hanusia phi J. A. Deane), Haptophyta (Pavlova sp.), Cyanobacteria (Johanseninema constrictum (Szafer) Hasler, Dvorák &amp; Poulícková). Seven taxa have been detected for the first time in the algal and cyanobacterial assemblages of the Malaya Samoroda River from the phyla Chlorophyta (Tetraselmis cordiformis, T. arnoldii (Proschkina-Lavrenko) R. E. Norris, Hori &amp; Chihara, T. tetrathele (West) Butcher, Pyrobotrys elongatus Korshikov), Cryptophyta (Hanusia phi), and Cyanobacteria (Synechococcus elongatus (Nägeli) Nägeli, Oscillatoria simplicissima Gomont)

    The Maupertuis principle and canonical transformations of the extended phase space

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    We discuss some special classes of canonical transformations of the extended phase space, which relate integrable systems with a common Lagrangian submanifold. Various parametric forms of trajectories are associated with different integrals of motion, Lax equations, separated variables and action-angles variables. In this review we will discuss namely these induced transformations instead of the various parametric form of the geometric objects

    Морфология и морфометрия тибиального органа самцов Dolichopus Latreille, 1796 (Dolichopodidae, Diptera)

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    Изучены морфологические и морфометрические признаки видового уровня тибиального органа самцов рода Dolichopus Latreille, 1796. На основании изученных признаков была изучена межвидовая изменчивость и выделены группы надвидового уровня

    Anthropological Characteristic of the Head and Face of the Native People from North Sulawesi

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    Introduction. The population of Indonesia is not well enough explored anthropologically. There are no reliable anthropometric data for some populations, living on Sulawesi Island. For the first time in scientific literature, a description of head and face traits of the indigenous populations of North Sulawesi, which remained completely anthropologically unexplored until now, is presented. Methods. The authors study the Minahasans (n = 96) and the Sangirese people (n = 76) using the classical anthropometrical programme, including metrical (n = 14) and nonmetrical (n = 29) features. Analysis. The sudy of the Minahasans and the Sangirese people shows that these ethnic groups are generally similar; significant differences were found in a small number of traits. The Sangirese people have darker pigmentation of the skin and the iris than the Minahasans. More frequently they are wavy or even curly heared. In general, the population of North Sulawesi can be described as belonging to the South Asian population. However, the review of some traits of the Sangirese people and the Minahasans (hyperbrachycephalia, epicanthus occurs rather rare, narrow nose) put them on the borderline of variability of the explored South, Southeast Asian and Oceanian population. Sulawesi peoples (comparatively dark-skinned, sometimes curly haired) can presumably have equatorial mixture. Results. The Minahasans are close to the Dayak people of Kalimantan. The Sangirese people can have insignificant melanesian mixture because of their kinship with the Philippines people, perhaps with the Negrito of the Philippines. This conclusion is preliminary and has to be substantiated

    CP-31398, a putative p53-stabilizing molecule tested in mammalian cells and in yeast for its effects on p53 transcriptional activity

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    BACKGROUND: CP-31398 is a small molecule that has been reported to stabilize the DNA-binding core domain of the human tumor suppressor protein p53 in vitro. The compound was also reported to function as a potential anti-cancer drug by rescuing the DNA-binding activity and, consequently, the transcription activation function of mutant p53 protein in mammalian tissue culture cells and in mice. RESULTS: We performed a series of gene expression experiments to test the activity of CP-31398 in yeast and in human cell cultures. With these cell-based assays, we were unable to detect any specific stimulation of mutant p53 activity by this compound. Concentrations of CP-31398 that were reported to be active in the published work were highly toxic to the human H1299 lung carcinoma and Saos-2 cell lines in our experiments. CONCLUSION: In our experiments, the small molecule CP-31398 was unable to reactivate mutant p53 protein. The results of our in vivo experiments are in agreement with the recently published biochemical analysis of CP-31398 showing that this molecule does not bind p53 as previously claimed, but intercalates into DNA

    U-Pb (SHRIMP-RG) age of zircon from rare-metal (Li, Cs) pegmatites of the Okhmylk deposit of the Kolmozero-Voron’ya greenstone belt (northeast of the Fennoscandian shield)

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    The results of isotopic and geochronological study of zircon from rare-metal pegmatites of the Okhmylk deposit are presented. There were no reliable data on the age of lepidolite-spodumene-pollucite pegmatites of this and the other deposits spatially located within the Archean Kolmozero-Voron’ya greenstone belt. The earlier estimates of the pegmatite age indicate a broad time range from 2.7 to 1.8 Ga. Zircon in the studied pegmatites is characterized by inner heterogeneity, where core and rim zones are distinguished. Minor changes are observed in the core zones, they have a spotted structure and contain numerous uranium oxide inclusions. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, zircon crystallinity is preserved completely in these areas. Complete recrystallization with modification of the original U-Pb isotopic system occurred in the zircon rims. New U-Pb (zircon) isotopic and geochronological data of 2607±9 Ma reflect the time of crystallization of pegmatite veins in the Okhmylk deposit. Isotopic data with ages of ~1.7-1.6 Ga indicate later hydrothermal alteration. The obtained results testify to the Neo-Archean age of the formation of the Okhmylk deposit 2.65-2.60 Ga, reflecting the global age of pegmatite formation and associated the world's largest rare-metal pegmatite deposits