15 research outputs found

    Characterization of neutralizing epitopes within the major capsid protein of human papillomavirus type 33

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    BACKGROUND: Infections with papillomaviruses induce type-specific immune responses, mainly directed against the major capsid protein, L1. Based on the propensity of the L1 protein to self-assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs), type-specific vaccines have already been developed. In order to generate vaccines that target a broader spectrum of HPV types, extended knowledge of neutralizing epitopes is required. Despite the association of human papillomavirus type 33 (HPV33) with cervical carcinomas, fine mapping of neutralizing conformational epitopes on HPV33 has not been reported yet. By loop swapping between HPV33 and HPV16 capsid proteins, we have identified amino acid sequences critical for the binding of conformation-dependent type-specific neutralizing antibodies to surface-exposed hyper variable loops of HPV33 capsid protein L1. RESULTS: Reactivities of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) H33.B6, H33.E12, H33.J3 and H16.56E with HPV16:33 and HPV33:16 hybrid L1 VLPs revealed the complex structures of their conformational epitopes as well as the major residues contributing to their binding sites. Whereas the epitope of mAb H33.J3 was determined by amino acids (aa) 51–58 in the BC loop of HPV33 L1, sequences of at least two hyper variable loops, DE (aa 132–140) and FGb (aa 282–291), were found to be essential for binding of H33.B6. The epitope of H33.E12 was even more complex, requiring sequences of the FGa loop (aa 260–270), in addition to loops DE and FGb. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that neutralizing epitopes in HPV33 L1 are mainly located on the tip of the capsomere and that several hyper variable loops contribute to form these conformational epitopes. Knowledge of the antigenic structure of HPV is crucial for designing hybrid particles as a basis for intertypic HPV vaccines

    Impact of climate change on waterborne infections and intoxications

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    Progressive climate change holds the potential for increasing human health risks from waterborne infections and intoxications, e. g. through an increase in pathogen concentrations in water bodies, through the establishment of new pathogens or through possible changes in pathogen properties. This paper presents some examples of potential impacts of climate change in Germany. Non-cholera Vibrio occur naturally in seawater, but can proliferate significantly in shallow water at elevated temperatures. In the case of Legionella, climate change could lead to temporary or longer-term increased incidences of legionellosis due to the combination of warm and wet weather. Higher temperatures in piped cold water or lower temperatures in piped hot water may also create conditions conducive to higher Legionella concentrations. In nutrient-rich water bodies, increased concentrations of toxigenic cyanobacteria may occur as temperatures rise. Heavy rainfall following storms or prolonged periods of heat and drought can lead to increased levels of human pathogenic viruses being washed into water bodies. Rising temperatures also pose a potential threat to human health through pathogens causing mycoses and facultatively pathogenic micro-organisms: increased infection rates with non-tuberculous mycobacteria or fungi have been documented after extreme weather events

    Detection and Characterization of Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 in Wastewater and Urban Surface Waters in Germany

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    In highly populated areas, environmental surveillance of wastewater and surface waters is a key factor to control the circulation of viruses and risks for public health. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 is considered as an emerging pathogen in industrialized countries. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the prevalence of HEV in environmental waters in urban and suburban regions in Germany. HEV was monitored in water samples using quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) and nested RT-PCR without or with virus concentration via polyethylene glycol precipitation or ultracentrifugation. By RT-qPCR, 84-100% of influent samples of wastewater treatment plants were positive for HEV RNA. Genotypes HEV-3c and 3f were identified in wastewater, with HEV-3c being the most prevalent genotype. These data correlate with subtypes identified earlier in patients from the same area. Comparison of wastewater influent and effluent samples revealed a reduction of HEV RNA of about 1 lo

    Further Evidence that Papillomavirus Capsids Exist in Two Distinct Conformations

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    Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) serve as primary attachment receptors for human papillomaviruses (HPVs). To demonstrate that a biologically functional HPV-receptor interaction is restricted to a specific subset of HSPGs, we first explored the role of HSPG glucosaminoglycan side chain modifications. We demonstrate that HSPG O sulfation is essential for HPV binding and infection, whereas de-N-sulfated heparin interfered with VLP binding but not with HPV pseudoinfection. This points to differences in VLP-HSPG and pseudovirion-HSPG interactions. Interestingly, internalization kinetics of VLPs and pseudovirions, as measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, also differ significantly with approximate half times of 3.5 and 7.5 h, respectively. These data suggest that differences in HSPG binding significantly influence postbinding events. We also present evidence that pseudovirions undergo a conformational change after cell attachment. A monoclonal antibody (H33.J3), which displays negligible effectiveness in preattachment neutralization assays, efficiently neutralizes cell-bound virions. However, no difference in H33.J3 binding to pseudovirions and VLPs was observed in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and virus capture assays. In contrast to antibody H33.B6, which displays equal efficiencies in pre- and postattachment neutralization assays, H33.J3 does not block VLP binding to heparin, demonstrating that it interferes with steps subsequent to virus binding. Our data strongly suggest that H33.J3 recognizes a conformation-dependent epitope in capsid protein L1, which undergoes a structural change after cell attachment

    Lüftungskonzepte in Schulen zur Prävention einer Übertragung hochinfektiöser Viren (SARS-CoV‑2) über Aerosole in der Raumluft

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    Exhaled aerosol particles play an important role in the transmission of SARS-CoV‑2, particularly when many people gather indoors. This article summarises the knowledge on virus transmission in schools and practical measures to reduce aerosol-driven infections. A central preventive measure is to enhance room and building ventilation, i.e. the exchange of possibly contaminated indoor air with ambient air. Besides the concentrations of possibly infectious particles, ventilation reduces carbon dioxide concentrations, humidity and other chemical substances in indoor air as well. Irrespective of ventilation, face masks (surgical or FFP2) represent a vital part of hygiene measures. Fixed or mobile air purifiers can support these measures particularly when rooms providing only poor ventilation must be utilized. The article reflects the state of knowledge in October 2021 of the various techniques that have been shown as useful for the prevention of indirect infections. New variants of SARS-CoV‑2, the progress of the vaccination campaign in children and adolescents, and the increase in general immunity might require a re-evaluation of the prevention strategies described. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed common deficits in room and building ventilation, not least in schools. Apart from short-term measures for the prevention of airborne infectious diseases, a long-term strategy seems advisable to alleviate the deficits encountered in schools with respect to room and building ventilation. In view of a permanent improvement of indoor air and prevention against airborne infections the fitting of schools with fixed ventilation systems - preferably including heat and moisture recovery - appears to be a sustainable social investment