16 research outputs found

    The difference of managerial approach in more or less design-oriented companies

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    While the market orientation of companies has been thoroughly analysed, a review of the marketing literature indicates that there is significantly less research on Design Orientation, and especially on their relationship. This paper analyzes the variables of Design and Market Orientation on the basis of existing models and develops the measurement instrument for future research. The study also investigates the impact of managerial approach on the exploitation of design resources in the company. Two hypotheses are developed: the first on the DO-MO relationship, acknowledging the multiple dimensions of Design Orientation and the second on the difference in managerial approach between more and less design-oriented companies. The first, qualitative stage of the research served to re-examine the research constructs and variables, while an Internet survey was used in the second, quantitative stage, among managers and CEOs from Croatian companies. The design dimensions in our final model represented intermediaries between Market Orientation, managerial approach, and market outcomes. Results confirm that managers in non-design oriented companies differ from those in design-oriented companies by perceived design value. Managers’ and CEOs’ awareness of design, its value and potentials, are of great importance for design implementation and Design Orientation of a company as a whole, especially in SMEs. Managerial approach, according to results, has a direct effect on Design Orientation, but it also influences Market Orientation, both directly and indirectly, as well as business success. Findings of this study can have implications for scholars, as well as for managers in practice, especially in emerging economies, which lack research in Design Orientation. Future research should be expanded to other countries in the region

    The affecting of perceived product quality and perceived risk on perceived product value

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    Vrednost izdelka je izjemno pomemben koncept v marketingu, zato se ga zadnje čase loteva čedalje več avtorjev. Na zaznano vrednost izdelka vplivajo številni dejavniki. V naši raziskavi smo se osredotočili na tri: zaznano ceno izdelka, zaznano kakovost izdelka in zaznana tveganja, v pričujočem članku pa predstavljamo dva: zaznano kakovost izdelka in zaznana tveganja. Vrednost izdelka opredeljujemo kot razliko med njegovo uporabno vrednostjo in ceno. Uporabna vrednost izdelka je splet koristi, ki jih odjemalec pridobi z izdelkom in njegovo uporabo. Cena izdelka pa je seštevek nominalne cene in vseh drugih stroškov pridobitve in uporabe izdelka. Tako lahko zaznano kakovost, ki je rezultat primerjave pričakovanih in dejanskih izkušenj z izdelkom, prištevamo med koristi, torej med uporabno vrednost izdelka. Zaznana tveganja pomenijo subjektivno oceno odjemalcev o morebitnih negativnih posledicah in so del zaznane cene izdelka. Omenjene dejavnike smo na podlagi obstoječe literature in lastnih spoznanj povezali v model odnosov oziroma povezav. Po testiranju modela povezav z metodo modeliranja strukturnih enačb smo ugotovili, da med dejavniki obstajajo povezave (pozitivne in negativne, neposredne in posredne), ki so statistično značilne. Glavna omejitev naših ugotovitev je, da so testirane samo na eni ciljni skupini, to so študenti Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete v Mariboru, in enem izdelku, to je mobilnem aparatu.Perceived value is an extremely important concept in marketing and many authors have dealt with it in the recent years. There are numerous factors affecting perceived product value and we focused on three: perceived product price, perceived product quality and perceived risk. In this paper we present two of them: perceived product quality and perceived risk. Perceived product value is the difference between value in use and price. Value in use is a mix of benefits, which a customer is likely get with the product acquisition and product use. Price is a summary of monetary and nonmonetary price, that is all costs of product acquisition and its use. Perceived quality is the result of comparison between the actual derived quality and the customers expectations about quality. Perceived quality is therefore the benefit a customer gains with the product acquisition. Perceived risk is the likelihood of buying error or, in other words, the possibility that the product will not bring the benefits sought. Perceived risk is therefore a part of the perceived price. Based on literature and our own findings, we designed the model of relationships between perceived value, perceived quality and perceived risk. After the model had been tested with the method of structural equation modelling, we found out that statistically significant relationships (positive and negative, direct and indirect) exist. The major limitation of these findings is that we included only one target group of customers in the model: the students of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor, and only one product, the cellular phone


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    Delo se ukvarja s podobo spolov, predvsem žensk, v televizijskem oglaševanju. Podamo nekaj splošnih podatkov o stereotipih, oglaševanju, medijskih podobah spolov in socializaciji. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo tudi izvor in značilnosti stereotipov, televizijsko oglaševanje ter pomen in vpliv medijev pri razvoju in socializaciji človeka. Opredelimo še najpogostejše spolne stereotipe. Aplikativni del naloge se ukvarja s televizijskimi oglasi – primerjali smo oglase za čokolado na dveh komercialnih televizijskih programih: slovenskem POP TV in nemškem RTL. Zapisali smo rezultate analize oglasov za čokolado in razložili njihov pomen: spolni stereotipi so še zmeraj prisotni, a se zagotovo zmanjšujejo.This diploma work processes the image of both genders, women in particularly, in television advertising. General information on stereotypes, advertising, gender images in media and socialization will be given. Theoretical part of the diploma work also defines the origin of a stereotype and it\u27s main characteristics, television advertising and the meaning and impact of the media in social development of human beings. Also, the most frequent gender-defined stereotypes are defined. In the applicative part we have studied television advertisements – comparing two commercial TV channel\u27s chocolate advertisements: Slovene POP TV and German RTL. This analysis results are displayed and explained: gender-defined stereotypes are still present, but slightly diminished

    The Structure of Design Orientation and its Relationship with Market Orientation

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    Although market orientation has been investigated in numerous studies, its complex relationship with design orientation lacks research attention, especially in countries with transitional economies. Therefore, existing models of market orientation (MO) and design orientation (DO) have been investigated. The research has been executed in several stages, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first, qualitative stage, a series of face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted. In the second, quantitative stage, an Internet survey was conducted among managers and CEOs from Croatian companies in different industries. Partial Least Square and Structural Equation Modelling analyses were conducted to examine the relationships between variables of MO and DO. Results confirm the positive relationship between design orientation and market orientation. Further, results also confirm sub-hypotheses that customer orientation and strategic marketing are positively related to all dimensions of design orientation. The model could have implications for marketers, designers and managers in practice. Both concepts, MO and DO, are very complex and multidimensional, so it was not possible to investigate all the aspects of the constructs. Another limitation of the study was the sample size, as a result of a low response rate as well as a relatively high drop-out rate. The research contributes to theory highlighting the role of design as an important element of market orientation

    Perceived service value, satisfaction and loyalty with banking services in Slovenia

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    Do sedaj je bila večina raziskav kompleksnih modelov zaznane vrednosti izvedenih predvsem v Združenih državah Amerike, manjši delež tudi v državah EU, nobena izmed teh pa se ni nanašala na proučevanje zaznane vrednosti bančnih storitev v tranzicijskih državah. V tem prispevku preverjamo model zaznane vrednosti bančnih storitev in njene predhodnike ter posledice na primeru Slovenije. Podatki za empirično raziskavo so bili zbrani na vzorcu 700 odjemalcev bančnih storitev v Sloveniji. Preverili smo vsebinsko veljavnost, konvergentno veljavnost, diskriminantno veljavnost in zanesljivosti konstruktov. Končni model in zastavljene hipoteze smo preverjali z modeliranjem strukturnih enačb, pri čemer smo uporabili pet reflektivnih konstruktov (cena, kakovost, vrednost, zadovoljstvo in zvestoba). Rezultati kažejo na pomembnost zaznane vrednosti v vlogi mediacijske spremenljivke. Razkrivajo tudi, da so vsi omenjeni koncepti med seboj povezani in dokaj kompleksni ter strateško pomembni za podjetja, ki poslujejo v bančnem sektorju v Sloveniji.The majority of more complex perceived value models have been implemented in the U.S., few in the EU, but none in the context of retail banking in transitional countries. This paper aims to test a model of perceived value antecedents and consequences in the retail banking industry in the transition economy in central Europe. Data for empirical research was collected from 700 retail banking customers in Slovenia. The measurement instrument was developed in three phases to determine content validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability of measurement constructs. Final model was tested with structural equation modelling using five reflective constructs(price, quality, value, satisfaction, and loyalty) in order to test the hypothesized relationships. Results indicate the importance of perceived value as a mediating variable. Further, results confirm that all researched concepts are interlinked, complex and strategically important concepts for retail banking industry of a transition economy

    Does hotel image and perceived service quality create hotel guests satisfaction?

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    V prispevku je predstavljen model povezav med naslednjimi koncepti: podoba hotela, njegova zaznana kakovost, zaznana vrednost in zadovoljstvo njegovih gostov. Model je bil preverjen na vzorcu 1020 turistov v Sloveniji. Rezultati empiričnega preverjanja kažejo, (a) da je neposredni vpliv zaznane kakovosti hotela na zadovoljstvo njegovih gostov zelo šibak in (b) da zaznana kakovost hotela in njegova podoba vplivata na zadovoljstvo gostov posredno, prek zaznane vrednosti hotela. Ta povezava kaže na pomembnost zaznane vrednosti hotela kot mediacijske spremenljivke v modelih, ki pojasnjujejo zaznavanje storitev.In the present paper the conceptual model of relationships between hotel image, hotel quality, perceived value and guest satisfaction was developed and tested on the sample of 1020 tourists in Slovenia. Results of the empirical research suggest that the impact of perceived quality on guest satisfaction is very weak. However perceived quality as well as image impact guest satisfaction indirectly through perceived value. This indicates the importance of perceived value as mediating variable in service perception models

    Marketing - Fundamental Concepts and their Use in Digital Environment

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    Praktikum je namenjen študentom prvega letnika dodiplomskega študija na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti za delo pri vajah predmeta Osnove marketinga in se uporablja kot dopolnilo k drugi izdaji monografije Marketing – Temeljni koncepti in njihova uporaba v digitalnem okolju. Praktikum zajema 10 poglavij in zajema naslednja osnovna področja marketinga: opredelitev marketinga, marketinško okolje, temeljni marketinški koncepti, spoznavanje odjemalcev, raziskave za potrebe marketinga, načrtovanje strategij marketinga, izdelek, cena, marketinške poti in marketinško komuniciranje. Vsako poglavje sledi enaki strukturi: študijski primer, vprašanja iz primera, vprašanja za utrjevanje in vaje za utrjevanje, ki so namenjene poglobljenemu razmisleku o obravnavni temi.The handbook is intended for first year undergraduate students at Faculty of Economics and Business for work in the course Fundamentals of marketing and it is used as a supplement to second edition of the monograph Marketing – Fundamental concepts and their use in digital environment. In a total of 10 chapters, this handbook covers basic areas of marketing science: definition of marketing, marketing environment, fundamental marketing concepts, consumer studies, marketing research, marketing strategy planning, product, price, marketing channels and marketing communication. Each chapter follows the same structure: case study, case questions, questions for repetition, exercises for repetition, which allow for deep reflection on the topic