77 research outputs found

    Reflections on the resource allocation strategy of the Benefit Sharing Fund : Policy Brief

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    Reform of the committee on food security: an opporunity for global governance?

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    The role of the research sector in ABS governance

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    The aims of this paper are to examine the renewed role of the academic sector in the innovation chain, starting from traditional knowledge and wild genetic resources and ending with a final product marketed by bio-industries; to identify changes in the institutional framework in which scientists carry out their task; and to reorganize their interactions with the holders of traditional knowledge (TK) and genetic resources (GR). In the first part, we describe the role of scientists and the changing institutional environment in which they work. In the second part, we examine examples of institutional solutions set up by scientists to cope with this new institutional environment and to come to terms with their responsibility as an interface between different actors with different norms of behavior. (Résumé d'auteur

    Genetic resources sourcing strategies and behavior of scientists: results from an international survey on researchers' use and exchange practices

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    Adopted during the first International Congress of Ethnobiology (1988), the Belem Declaration acknowledged for the first time biologists' responsibility to better address the needs of indigenous and local populations and recommended compensating them for the utilization of their biological resources and knowledge. Since then, the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) and its recently adopted Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (2010), along with the International Treaty of the FAO (2001), have generalized the principle of channeling returns-whether monetary or non-monetary-back to a range of designated groups, whether bilaterally or through collective means such as a benefitsharing fund. These principles are implemented through a set of mechanisms such as prior informed consent or material transfer agreements that formalize the practices of access, exchange and use of genetic resources and associated knowledge. The current contribution aims to analyze the effect that these regulations have on scientists' behavior related to the acquisition and contribution of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA). The paper explores in particular the connection between the importance of genetic diversity in scientists' research activities and GRFA sourcing strategies and behavior. The analysis goes beyond current research to examine institutional, economic, and attitudinal explanations for patterns in scientists' use of genebanks. It is based on a survey that covers GRFA exchange and use practices in two different countries (US and France) and four different types of organizations (university, national research institute, company, and government). The analysis covers individual as well as project level, such that it is possible to investigate some portion of the collaborative network of the scientists, their exchange behavior and the institutional context within which they conduct research. Findings will inform current understanding about access, exchange and use behavior of researchers. Conclusions will discuss implications for practice and policy. (Résumé d'auteur

    Les collections ex situ et la mise en oeuvre du système multilatéral du traité international de la FAO

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    Le traité international sur les ressources génétiques, adopté en 2001 et entré en application en juin 2004, est le premier accord multilatéral qui propose une solution à l'épineuse question de la gestion des échanges de ressources génétiques et des avantages qui résultent de leur utilisation. Cette synthèse présente les origines du débat liée à l'utilisation et la conservation des ressources génétiques agricoles et des différentes négociations qui ont permis d'aboutir à l'adoption du traité international sur les ressources génétiques. (Résumé d'auteur
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