13 research outputs found

    Crystal and magnetic structures of Cr1/3NbSe2 from neutron diffraction

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    Neutron diffraction measurements of the Cr intercalated niobium diselenide Cr1/3NbSe2 together with magnetization measurements have revealed that this compound exhibits ferromagnetic ordering below TC = 96 K unlike a chiral helimagnetic order observed in the sulfide compound Cr1/3NbS2. As derived from neutron diffraction data, the Cr magnetic moments µCr = 2.83 ± 0.03 µB in Cr1/3NbSe2 are aligned within basal plane. The discrepancy in the magnetic states of Cr1/3NbS2 and Cr1/3NbSe2 is ascribed to the difference in the preferential site occupation of Cr ions in crystal lattices. In Cr1/3NbSe2, the Cr ions are predominantly distributed over 2b Wyckoff site, which determines a centrosymmetric character of the crystal structure unlike Cr1/3NbS2, where the Cr ions are mainly located in 2c position and the crystal structure is non-centrosymmetric

    Constructing a quasi-professional educational environment as a condition of future teachers’ professional and communicative competence formation

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    The article examines the conditions of constructing future teachers’ (currently B.A. students’) professional and communicative competence in the context of modernization of the present-day system of higher education, which stipulate the need to rethink the concept of future professionals’ competence and the transition from sector-specific professional competencies to meta-competencies of a wider scope associated with the peculiarities of professional and communicative communication. Following on from the theoretical and methodological analysis, it is concluded that the construction of a quasi-professional educational environment reconstituting the conditions of professional communication can be organized in the form of solving situational case problems using such technologies as subject-language integrated learning, blended learning visualization and podcasting. The methodological validity of the proposed scientific research results on constructing a quasi-professional educational environment to form future teachers’ professional and communicative competence has been confirmed by the results of their evaluation at the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch) of Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Yalta) and Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev (Krasnoyarsk)


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    Research in the development of new therapeutic agents with a wide spectrum of the antiviral activity and a low ability to develop resistance remains the main dimension in combating the global threat to public health. The need for a parenteral form of favipiravir was dictated by the necessity to increase the efficacy of therapy in COVID-19 inpatients. This dosage form has expanded the possibilities of drug therapy in the inpatients, for whom a therapeutic effect acceleration and a high safety profile of the drugs used are especially important. The aim of the article is the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a medicinal product containing favipiravir for the parenteral administration against the background of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy, in comparison with standard therapy in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Materials and methods. An open, randomized, multicenter comparative study was conducted in 6 research centers in the Russian Federation to evaluate the efficacy and safety of favipiravir, a lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the infusion solution administrated to the patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Screening procedures and randomization were completed in 217 patients, 209 of which had completed the study in accordance with the protocol. Results. Between the study groups, statistically significant differences have been found out, making it possible to consider the hypothesis of the drug Areplivir (favipiravir) superiority for the parenteral administration over the standard therapy, which included favipiravir (p. o.) and remdesivir. A comparative analysis has shown that a course of therapy with the parenteral favipiravir drug leads to a significant improvement in the condition of patients with COVID-19, significant benefits in terms of the speed and frequency of improvement in the clinical status of patients, as well as a reduction in the hospital stay length. It has been proven that therapy with a drug containing favipiravir for the parenteral administration does not adversely affect the parameters of clinical and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, coagulograms, vital signs and ECG, which indicates the therapy safety. The study drug is characterized by a high safety profile and tolerability. Conclusion. The versatility and resistance to mutations of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase make it possible to consider it as the main target for combating the most common RNA viruses that cause ARVI, that determines the need further studies of favipiravir to expand the range of its indications. © 2022 Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute. All rights reserved