173 research outputs found

    Commodity and Financial Networks in Regional Economics

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    The article discusses the relationship between commodity-production and financial network structures in the regional economy as dual conjugate systems. Material flows (raw materials, goods and so on) circulate in the commodity network as shown by Leontiev’s input-output balance model. Nonmaterial flows of property rights, money, and so on circulate in the financial network and reflect the movement of material objects in commodity networks. A network structure comprises closed and open circuits, which have fundamentally different characteristics: locally closed circuits meet local demand by supplying locally produced goods, thus ensuring self-reproduction of the local economy; open (or transit) circuits provide export-import flows. The article describes the mechanism of ‘internal’ money generation in closed circuits of commodity-production networks. The results of the theoretical study are illustrated by the calculations of closed and open circuit flows in the municipal economy model. Mutual settlements between the population and manufacturing enterprises are given in matrix form. It was found that the volume of the turnover in closed circuits of the municipal economic network model is about 28.5 % of the total turnover and can be provided by ‘internal’ non-inflationary money. The remaining 71.5 % of the total turnover correspond to the flows in the network’s open circuits providing export and import. The conclusion is made that in the innovation-driven economy, main attention should be given to the projects oriented towards domestic consumption rather than export supplies. The economy is based on internal production cycles in closed circuits. Thus, it is necessary to find the chains in the inter-industrial and inter-production relations which could become the basis of the production cycle. Money investments will complete such commodity chains and ‘launch’ the production cycle.The work has been prepared with the supprot of the Ural Federal University within the UrFU Program for the winners of the competition “Young Scientists of UrFU” No.

    Pseudobinary Fe4Ti3S8 compound with a NiAs-type structure: Effect of Ti for Fe substitution

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    The transition metal sulfide Fe4Ti3S8 with 7:8 composition has been synthesized and studied by using X-ray diffraction, magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements. This compound exhibits a monoclinic crystal lattice (space group I12/m1). The substitution of Ti for Fe in Fe7S8 is found to result in a lowering of the Curie temperature (TC ≈ 205 K), in a larger value of the coercive field (Hc ∼ 9 kOe at low temperatures) and in a substantial growth of the resultant magnetic moment per formula unit (μFU) in comparison with Fe7S8. An enhanced value of μFU is attributed to the preferential substitution of Ti in alternating cation layers. From the paramagnetic susceptibility measured within temperature interval (250-350) K, a reduced value of the effective moment per iron (μFe ∼ 2.4μB) was determined. The electrical resistivity of Fe4Ti3S8 shows a non-metallic behavior and is affected by magnetic ordering. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    The influence of the industrial complex on the atmospheric air in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The work is dedicated to studying the level dynamics of polluting substances emissions into the atmosphere of Yekaterinburg city and the Sverdlovsk region in the period of 2012-2016. In the process of our work we found out an insignificant reduction of main indicators values such as SI, HR, and IPA to estimate the atmospheric air quality. Nevertheless, the level of the air pollution in Yekaterinburg city remained high in the stated period. We also suggested some methods to reduce enterprises emissions in the article, which will lead to improving the air quality. In the result of our work it was established that the main pollutants are suspended particles, nitrogen dioxides, phenol, and benzene. Moreover, the connection between the atmospheric air pollution degree and the Sverdlovsk region population's health was determined. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    The formation of medical workers subjectity in the patient care institution environment from a position of the eco-psychological approach

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    The process of the medical worker's subjectity development as the realization of the ability to be a subject of the optional activity in the shape of professional performance in the patient care institution environment is analyse

    Effects of ternary mixture of chalcogens on the Fel .02Se superconducting propertie

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    The present work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and by the Ural Branch of RAS (Project No 15-17-2-22)

    Effect of the tellurium for selenium substitution on the phase composition and electrical resistivity of Fe7(Se1-xTex)8

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    The discovery of Fe(Se, Te)-type superconductors has attracted much attention due to their simplest crystal structure among the new families of iron-based layered compounds. However, the Fe(Se, Te) samples often exhibit an impurity hexagonal phase of the NiAs-type together with the main superconducting phase having a tetragonal PbO-type phase [1]. The aim of the present work is to study how the coexistence of the tetragonal and hexagonal phases in the Fe7(Se,Te)8 samples influences their superconducting properties bearing in mind the limited solubility of tellurium in Fe7(Se,Te)8.The present work was supported by RFBR (projects No 16-02-00480 and 16-03-00733)

    Structure and magnetic properties of (Sm1-xZrx)Fe11Ti (x=0-0.2) alloys

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    Compounds with a tetragonal structure of the ThMn12 type have a high potential for creating on their basis permanent magnets with high energy density and operating temperatures up to 150 - 200 C. In this work, samples of alloys (Sm1-xZrx)Fe11Ti (x = 0 - 0.2) obtained by the rapidly quenching method with subsequent annealing were investigated. Depending on the chemical composition and modes of synthesis in alloys (Sm1-xZrx)Fe11Ti (x = 0 - 0.2) phases of the ThMn12, α-Fe type and a small amount of ZrFe2 are formed, as well as phases with the Th2Zn17 structural type and TbCu7 at high annealing temperatures. The best magnetic properties at room temperature are realized in the alloy (Sm0.9Zr0.1)Fe11Ti after annealing at a temperature of 800 C. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.02, 3.6121.2017/8.9The work was supported by MES of RF (contract No. 3.6121.2017/8.9) and Act 211 Government of RF (agreement No. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Effect of intergrain exchange interaction on magnetic viscosity of nanocrystalline isotropic NdFeB magnets

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    The coefficient of magnetic viscosity, S, of NdFeB alloys with varied intergrain exchange interaction constant, K IEI, was measured. The observed dependences of fluctuation field, H f, on the applied field, H, are strongly correlated with K IEI value. Cooperative magnetization reversal of single domain interacting particles leads to improve the temperature stability of permanent magnets and magnetic systems based on them. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd