22 research outputs found

    Free electron lasers based on LINAC-800

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    The project “FELs and LINAC-800” is being under development at JINR. It is based on an accelerator facility presented to JINR by NIKHEF, Amsterdam. Analysis has shown that it is possible to build in Dubna a universal light source with unique characteristics consisting of a complex of Free Electron Lasers (FEL) covering continuously the wavelength range from far-infrared (150 µm) down to ultraviolet (150 nm). Besides, LINAC-800 could be used for different applications and as an injector for the next generation synchrotron radiation source.Проект ЛСЭ и ЛИНАК-800 реализуется в ОИЯИ. Он основан на ускорительном оборудовании, предоставленном ОИЯИ NIKHEF (Амстердам). Анализ показывает, что в Дубне станет возможным сооружение универсального источника с уникальными характеристиками, состоящего из комплекса лазеров на свободных электронах (ЛСЭ), покрывающих непрерывно длины волн от дальнего инфракрасного излучения (150 мкм) до ультрафиолета (150 нм).Проект ЛСЕ і ЛІНАК-800 реалізується в ОІЯД. Він заснований на прискорювальному устаткуванні, що було дано ОІЯД NІKHEF (Амстердам). Аналіз показує, що в Дубні стане можливим спорудження універсального джерела з унікальними характеристиками, що складається з комплексу лазерів на вільних електронах (ЛВЕ), що перекривають безперервно довжини хвиль від далекого інфрачервоного випромінювання (150 мкм) до ультрафіолету (150 нм)

    Total lumbar disc arthroplasty

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    Objective. To evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of M6-L artificial disc in lumbar degenerative disc disease (DDD). Material and Methods. A total of 109 patients with diagnosed lumbar DDD and spinal stenosis were operated on after 6 months of unsuccessful conservative treatment in 2011-2015. All patients underwent M6-L artificial lumbar disc implantation. Average follow-up period was 1.5 years (range: 4 months to 6 years). Patient satisfaction after treatment, regression of pain score, increase in activities of daily living, as well as radiographic parameters (recovery of intervertebral space height, mobility in the operated segment), and frequency of complications, reoperations and revision surgeries were evaluated. Results. Good and excellent clinical outcomes were revealed in most of patients. The average VAS score of back and leg pain regression was 27 mm, improvement in daily activity - 24.3 points on ODI, increase in the disc space height - 7.6 mm, and mobility in the operated segment - 8.5°. Serious complications were not detected, spontaneous fusion at the operated level was noted in 2.0 % of cases, revision surgery due to implant migration (implant removal and ALIF with cage) was required in 0.9 % of cases. Conclusion. Intervertebral disc arthroplasty with M6-L is a safe and highly effective procedure that maintains mobility in the operated segment and prevents adjacent disc degeneration. © M.D. Abakirov et al., 201

    Ground of theoretical bases of resolution of conflicts of existent defence of armament and military technique from the action of electromagnetic impulse

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    Висвітлені основні недоліки існуючих методів, способів і приладів захисту радіоелектронної апаратури та агрегатів електрообладнання зразків озброєння і військової техніки від дії електромагнітного імпульсу. Встановлено, що основою ідеї вирішення проблеми захисту є принципи відбиття та дифракції електромагнітних хвиль, енергія яких є вражаючим фактором. Визначена сукупність протиріч теоретичного і практичного характеру, що стосуються стану сучасного захисту об’єктів від дії електромагнітного імпульсу, а також обґрунтовані окремі теоретичні засади їх вирішення.Освещены основные недостатки существующих методов, способов и приборов защиты радиоэлектронной аппаратуры и агрегатов электрооборудования образцов вооружения и военной техники. Установлено, что в основой идеи решения проблемы защиты являются принципы отражения и дифракции электромагнитных волн, энергия которых является поражающим фактором. Определена совокупность противоречий теоретического и практического характера современной защиты объектов от действия электромагнитного импульса, а также обоснованы отдельные теоретические основы их решения.The basic lacks of existent methods, methods and devices of defence of radio electronic apparatus and aggregates of electrical equipment of standards of armament and military technique are lighted up. It is set that idea of decision of problem of defence principles of reflection and diffraction of hertzian waves which are the transmitters of striking electromagnetic energy are underlaid. Basic contradictions of theoretical and practical character of modern defence of objects are certain from the action of electromagnetic impulse, and also theoretical bases of their decision are grounded

    Pharmacological correction of early embryogenesis disorders in cows

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    Materials on the study of progestogenic, gonadotropic, selenium-containing and immunocorrective agents' effectiveness for the prevention of fetal development disorders in cows are present in the article. The aim of the research: is to study of pharmacological agents effectiveness for the prevention of early embryogenesis disorders in cows. Materials and methods: The studies were carried out on black-and-white cows with an average annual milk production of 5.5-7.5 thousand kg with tie-up and yard housing at various times after calving. Efficacy evaluation of methods for preventing intrauterine growth retardation and mortality of embryos and fetuses was carried out at 30-32 and 60-65 days after insemination by ultrasound. Diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation syndrome of the embryo and fetus in cows was carried out retrospectively. The results of the study: The prophylactic efficacy of progestagam was 60.0%, follymag combined with selemag - 61.5%, and bovine recombinant interferon-tau - 66.7%. Pregnancy after the application of these preparations proceeds against the background of increased content of progesterone (higher by 16.4-52.2%), which favorably affects the development of the embryo and fetus, the length of which in the first two months of gestation is 35.8-56.9% more than intact animals. Conclusion: The most effective ways of preventing early embryogenesis disorders (fetal death, embryo and fetal growth retardation syndrome) are the use of progestogenic and gonadotropic drugs, as well as interferon-series drugs - interferon-tau. © 2019 Popova et al

    Effect of autologous plasma treatment on the cornea regeneration with Keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs

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    Our study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of autologous plasma enriched with platelets as part of the complex treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) of moderate severity in dogs. In our experiment, 20 dogs of various breeds with clinical signs of keratoconjunctivitis sicca participated. The animals were divided into the experimental group and the control group, 10 dogs in each group. The animals of the control group were treated with standard treatment: local antibiotic therapy, a topical immunosuppressant (cyclosporine), and also a lubricant. In addition to standard treatment, an autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) was additionally subconjunctivally injected weekly to animals of the experimental group. The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated by monitoring the changes in the hydration level of the anterior segment of the eye, the cytological picture of smears and gross anatomical appearance of the front of eye. The results in experimental group demonstrated a decrease in the number of desquamated epithelial cells, as well as a more intense decrease in segmented cells. The dynamics of the reduction of the clinical manifestations of KCS in animals that used PRP as part of complex therapy is more pronounced and was quite fast. Our observations show that autologous platelet-rich plasma is a powerful protector of corneal regeneration and therefore could be recommended to use in corneal erosion, keratitis ulcers and corneal injuries, as well as a keratoprotector after surgical interventions on the cornea and intraocular structures. © 2020 Popova et al


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    The results of numerical simulation of the heavy ions<br />beam extraction system (A/Z=6&divide;12, W=0.35&divide;1.77<br />MeV/amu) from the DC60 cyclotron are presented. The<br />parameters of the extraction system elements<br />(electrostatic deflector and focusing magnetic channel)<br />and diagnostic elements are chosen. The experimental<br />extraction efficiency of 14N2+ and 84Kr12+ beams<br />is equal to 60&divide;65% with intensity 1.5&divide;2.5 &mu;A.IMP;Chinese Academy of Science

    The effects of meldonium on microrheological abnormalities of erythrocytes in rats with obesity: An experimental study

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    Background: The microrheological disorders of red blood cells in obesity is often missed by the researchers. This study aimed to report an experimental investigation on laboratory animals with developed obesity and to find out the effect of meldonium on the erythrocytes. Methods: A total of 95 healthy male-rats of Vistar line were taken into the investigation, 29 animals had experienced no impacts and allocated as the control group, while 64 rats which had developed obesity induced by a cardioangionefopathogenic semisynthetic diet into the obesity group. These rats were casually divided into an experimental (34 rats) group and the control group (30 rats). The rats of the experimental group in the next ten days were intragastrically injected with meldonium for 80 mg/kg. The biochemical, hematological and statistical methods of investigation were used in this study. Results: During the formation of obesity and the use of meldonium, the body weight of the rats were gradually decreased to the normal level. On the obese rat’s group receiving meldonium, the content of the lipids peroxidation products in erythrocytes progressively decreased. and reached the level of the healthy control rats group. Moreover, there was a decrease in the number of erythrocytes-discocytes accompanied by an increase in the reversible and irreversible changes. These values were returned to the level of the healthy control rats group at the end of the observation. This pattern was observed in the total number of erythrocytes aggregate and free erythrocytes. Conclusion: The application of meldonium eliminates the existing erythrocytes abnormal microrheological features in the rats with recently developed obesity. © 2020, Sanglah General Hospital. All rights reserved