19 research outputs found

    QT dispersion in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Background: The pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not been fully elucidated. The gastrointestinal tract have a well-differentiated intrinsic nervous system and also this system is connected with nervous system. The symptoms of IBS are related with autonomic nervous system (ANS). It was also possible to see cardiovascular symptoms due to this link. This link can influence QT dispersion (QTd). The aim of this case control study is to show the cardiac effects of IBS by changes in QTd.Methods: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in this study. IBS was diagnosed using the new Roma IV Criterias. Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) were taken in both two groups. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT avarage, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc avarage values were calculated with Bazzet Formula from rest ECGs.Results: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in the study (p:0.94). The mean age of the patients and control patients were 51.75±10.41 years and 48.41±9.72 (p: 0.53) years, respectively. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT mean, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc mean values were calculated. QTd and QTcd values were found to be significantly higher in the patients with IBS (40.2±7.18; 34.1±6.18 / 52±9.8; 50.6±7.61 Msec, respectively). It is concluded that, QTd (p: 0.022) and QTcd (p: 0.032) were significantly incresased in the IBS.Conclusions: Activation of ANS in the patients with IBS can affect QT period in ECG

    The prevalence of obesity and the factors affecting obesity in the students of secondary education

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    Background: Childhood obesity has reached alarming dimensions all around the world. In this study, our objective is to determine the prevalence of childhood obesity in the secondary education as well as genetic, cultural and environmental factors giving rise to obesity, nutritional habits, family history and activity status.Methods: The research was performed on 750 students aged between 14-18. Body Mass Index (BMI= weight/height2 (kg/m²)) and Relative Body Mass Index (Rel BMI)  values of each child were calculated by making use of their height and weight measurements. An evaluation was made through the use of a questionnaire form consisting of 46 questions that questioned the family history, nutritional habits and activity status of the children at issue.Results: About 41.7% of 750 children incorporated into the study were female, whereas 58.2% of them were male. The age distribution was between the age range, 14-18. According to BMI values, 12.3% of the children were overweight, while 4% of them were obese. According to Relative BMI values, on the other hand, 10.4% of the children were overweight, whereas 12.9% of them were obese. When the children’s nutritional habits, activity status and family history were evaluated, we ascertained that doing physical exercises irregularly, consuming pastry foods at home and the presence of obesity history within the family had all led to the development of obesity as well as being overweight (p <0.05).Conclusions: In these research subjects comprising children of secondary education, we showed that the nutritional habits, cultural nutritional differences and the insufficiency in physical activities as well as the genetic susceptibility in children could be the determinants in obesity development

    Atherosclerosis in geriatric patients known to be healthy

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    Background: The aim of the present study is to determine the presence of atherosclerosis in geriatric patients who are known to be healthy and examine sociodemographic and laboratory parameters affecting the presence of atherosclerosis.Method: 90 healthy volunteers including 66(73.3%) non-geriatric ones and 24(26.7%) geriatric ones were included in the study. It was analyzed whether there was a correlation between the two groups in terms of the parameters of gender, age average, alcohol consumption, smoking, carotid intima-media thickness (CA-IMT), and pulse wave velocity (PWV). Sociodemographic and laboratory parameters of the volunteers with and without atherosclerosis in the geriatric group were examined. Results: Among geriatric volunteers (Group 1), 13(54.2%) were male; whereas, among non-geriatric volunteers (Group 2), 41(62.1%) were male. CA-IMT was determined to be higher in Group 1 (averagely 0.80±0.12 mm) than Group 2 (averagely 0.62±0.14 mm) (p:<0.001). PWV was significantly higher in Group 1 (averagely 10.32±1.44 m/s) than Group 2 (6.26±1.09 m/s) (p:<0.001). After PWV or CA-IMT examination, atherosclerosis findings were determined in 12 healthy geriatric volunteers (50%) in Group 1.Conclusion: It should be remembered that even though atherosclerosis can be frequently observed in geriatric individuals who are known to be healthy, it may also go unnoticed. Determination of atherosclerosis with noninvasive methods will be helpful in preventing complications that might be caused by atherosclerosis.

    Spontaneous abdominal hemorrhage due to warfarin treatment

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    Warfarin is an anticoagulant used in the prevention of thromboembolism. Common clinical indications for warfarin use are atrial fibrillation, artificial heart valves, deep venous thrombosis. Common side effect of warfarin is hemorrhage. Intra-peritoneal hemorrhage is one of the complications, usually following trauma. We report spontaneous intra-abdominal hemorrhage secondary to warfarin therapy. A 79 year-old male patient was admitted to emergency clinic with the complaints of one day duration of abdominal pain. There was no history of trauma. He had been on warfarin for the prophylaxis of atrial fibrillation.The diagnosis of the spontaneous intra-abdominal bleeding secondary to warfarin was made and the patient was admitted internal medicine inpatient clinic.This case provides a learning lesson to the physicians to consider this rare but significant complication of warfarin in the differential diagnosis of all the cases of abdominal pain in patients who are on warfarin therapy

    Hypokalemia- induced myopathy and massive creatine kinase elevation as first manifestation of Conn′s syndrome

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    Click on the link to view the Letter.Nigerian Medical Journal | Vol. 54 | Issue 4 | July-August | 201

    Clozapine-Induced Febrile Neutropenia and Cellulitis

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    Clozapine is one of the atypical antipsychotics and is frequently prescribed to patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Agranulocytosis is a major side effect that may lead to death, which limits its use. This is a case report of a patient that developed febrile neutropenia and cellulitis after treatment with clozapine for 20 weeks