8 research outputs found

    Assessing the existing e-health system functionalities towards digitization and integration

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    AbstractBackground: Cognizant of overall limited use of functionalities of information systems in general compared to the available features, this research project is motivated to investigate the level of use of DHIS2 system functionalities. By determining the functionalities being used and unused it is possible to identifying gaps and potential interventions for improvement. Understanding the level of knowledge and extent of use of DHIS2 functionalities with the intent of improving use of the system for better digitization of the health data is the central agenda in this project. Thus, the objective of this research is to assess use of the existing e-health system functionality towards digitization and integration. Methods: A qualitative study was employed to investigate the level of use of functionalities and identify gaps for improvement. Three health centers from three sub cities were the study sites while health information technicians and health decision makers were study participants. Data for examining the system under study is obtained using two methods, namely, interviewing and observation. A two-page interview guide consisting of 22 items in five categories was employed. For the observation, numerous detail FUNCTIONS /FEATURES of DHIS 2 under 33 major functionalities were observed at three selected health centers. An ODK tool and Google forms were used to facilitate data collection and analysis. Though four structured interviews were planned in each health center which will make a total of 12 interviews, numerous further interview sessions were conducted to clarify ambiguous issues and get further details. Results: Findings showed that only few of the major and sub functionalities of DHIS2 were utilized currently and needs future actions to enhance system usability. In line with this, there are major functionalities are not even known by the system users. Thus, it is easy to learn that an appropriate intervention should be designed to fill the gaps observed in the next implementation strategy. Conclusion: Assessing health system functionalities enables proper understanding of the level of system use at health centers. Good knowledge of the extent of use will in turn direct appropriate action in facilitating digitization and integration of health systems. The gaps identified through this empirical investigation in system functionality use will be addressed in the subsequent interventions planed. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-1):66-75

    Female Academic Career Development and Administrative Positions at Addis Ababa University: a Mixed-Method Study

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    AbstractBackground: In Ethiopia, the number of female in academia in general and in administrative positions and higher university ranks in specific is very small as compared to men. A slight change has been seen in recent years, where a few women have come to male-dominated administrative positions as university presidents, vice presidents, deans and directors with still insignificant increase in the number of full professors. Objective: This study assessed female faculty member's career development and involvement in administrative positions and explored challenges. Method: We used a sequential mixed-method study starting with a cross-sectional quantitative study among 888 faculty members. The quantitate data were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression models to identify independent predictors of administrative involvement using SPSS version 25 software. An exploratory qualitative study was done among eight purposively selected female faculty. NVivo10 data management software was used to code and categorize the transcripts. Result: We found that male faculty members were more likely to involve in administrative positions than their female counterparts [AOR (95%CI) 1.6(1.1, 2.4)]. Those who were provided housing facility by AAU [AOR (95%CI) 2.29 (1.61, 3.23)] and assistant professors and above [AOR (95%CI) 1.495 (1.01, 2.220)] were more likely to involve in an administrative position than their counterparts. The qualitative findings indicated that the low salary faculty earns, lack of networks and family responsibility have deterred females from taking administrative positions. Conclusion: Female faculty involvement in the university administrative position and career development is very low. Both structural and personal factors such as gender roles affected their professional enhancement in academic ranks and hence positions. Creating a conducive platform for female faculty development is recommended to increase their involvement in administrative positions. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):30-39]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, administrative positions, career development, female academician, female facult

    Experience of Research Undertaking among Women Academia at Addis Ababa University: a Qualitative Study

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    AbstractBackground: As a pioneer University in the Country, Addis Ababa University engages itself in collaborative and local research undertakings along with teaching, community engagements and technology transfer. Despite its long engagement in research, the participation of women academia in research is limited as manifested by their low research productivity in terms of publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, the reasons for their low research participation are less known and needs further exploration. Objective: To explore the experience of research undertakings among women academia at Addis Ababa University. Method: We conducted an exploratory qualitative study using a phenomenological approach among women academia. Eight women who have been working in the University with a rank of a lecturer having at least two years participated in in-depth interviews. We used NVivo10 software to code and categorize the transcripts. Result: Our study revealed that only a few senior informants with more than 10 years of stay at the University had a better experience in applying for national and international research grants. Although all the participants said they had ever undertaken research, their publication track in peer-reviewed journals is limited. Social and economic factors, lack of networking, low salary and family responsibility, limited internet and library access, and lack of research skill among young faculty were raised as impediments to undertake research. Conclusion: This study has indicated that women in academia had limited research engagement in terms of grant application and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals. Balancing work and family life, low salary, lack of access to common University facilities were some of the challenges. While structural change ensures gender equality at a long time, addressing the gender gap in research is the responsibility of AAU. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):22-29]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, experience of research, women in academi

    Gender Difference in Research Productivity and its Associated factors in Addis Ababa University: a Cross-Sectional study

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    AbstractBackground: Gender equity movements have increased the number of women going to higher institutions. However, the number of women participating in research is limited in creating a critical mass. Objective: To assess the gender gap in research and its associated factors determinants among faculty at Addis Ababa University. Method: We conducted a cross-sectional study from October 2018 to March 2019 using a structured self-administered questionnaire. University faculty who was lecturers and above level who served the University for more than a year were invited to participate in the study. Faculty were approached by data collection facilitators with graduate degrees and the secretory of the respective departments. We used descriptive and multivariate statistical methods to analyse the data. Result: Of the 888 study participants, 161 (18.1%) females faculty participated in the study. It was found that three hundred ninety-seven male academics (54.6%) and 50 female academics (31.1%) had ever published articles in peer-reviewed journals (p<0.001). Male faculty were more likely to publish in peer-reviewed journals than their female counterparts [AOR and (95% CI) [2.55 (1.68, 3.86)]. Faculty with a rank of assistant professors and above [AOR (95% CI) 3.47(2.31, 5.21)], those who have a Ph.D. as highest degree [AOR (95% CI) 2.98 (2.11, 4.19) and those who have affiliation with other institutions [AOR (95% CI) 2.59 (1.98, 3.56)], were more likely to publish in peer-reviewed journals than their counterparts. Conclusion: Female faculty were less likely to be involved in research than men counterparts. The University needs to narrow the gender gap in research by designing and implementing an appropriate intervention strategy. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):15-21]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, female faculty, gender difference, publication, researc

    Nitrogen Fixation and Yield of Common Bean Varieties in Response to Shade and Inoculation of Common Bean

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    Light is not only a primary energy source, but it is also one of the environmental factors that affect plant growth and development. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is commonly produced in association with maize as subordinate intercrops in the Sidama region. Under such a production system, the shade effect may limit the photosynthetic and nitrogen-fixing capacity of common beans. The objective of the current study was to assess how inoculation and shade affect the ability to fix nitrogen and yield components of common beans. Three common bean varieties (Hawassa dume, Nassir, and Ibbado), two shade levels (open and 25% shade) as well as two levels of inoculation (uninoculated and inoculated) were used for these purposes. The experiment was set up in factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) in four replications. In this experiment, Rhizobium inoculation and shade significantly (p < 0.05) affected the number of pods plant-1 and the number of seeds pod-1. The inoculated treatment produced the maximum number of pods plant-1 (14.02) and the lowest number of pods plant-1 (10.95) was obtained from uninoculated treatments. The results also showed that the inoculated Hawassa dume variety from the open treatments derived the maximum percentage of N from N2 fixation, whereas the non-inoculated Ibbado variety from the 25% shade treatments derived the lowest percentage of N. Common bean grown on full light had significantly greater N content than shade

    Investigating latent syphilis in HIV treatment-experienced Ethiopians and response to therapy.

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    ObjectivesWe investigated people with HIV (PWH) receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) for latent syphilis infection prevalence, risk factors, treatment response, and neurosyphilis.MethodsA prospective follow-up study was conducted on PWH and latent syphilis. The cases were randomly assigned to receive either benzathine penicillin G (BPG) or doxycycline (DOXY), and the posttreatment response was evaluated after 12 and 24 months. The traditional algorithm was used for serodiagnosis, and a semi-quantitative rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test monitored disease activity and treatment effectiveness.ResultsOf the 823 participants, 64.8% were women, and the mean age was 41.7±10 years. Thirty-one (3.8%) of the participants (22 males and nine females) had latent syphilis. The risk factors were male sex (aOR = 3.14), increasing age (aOR = 1.04 per year), and cART duration (aOR = 1.01 per month). Baseline RPR titers were: ≤1:4 in 19 (61.3%), between 1:8 and 1:32 in 10 (32.2%), and >1:32 in 2 (6.4%). None of the seven cerebrospinal fluid analyses supported a neurosyphilis diagnosis. In the 12th month of treatment, 27 (87.1%) had adequate serological responses, three (9.7%) had serological nonresponse, and one (3.2%) had treatment failure. Syphilis treatment was repeated in the last four cases with the alternative drug. In terms of adequate serologic response, both therapies were comparable at the 12th month, p = 0.37. All cases responded to treatment in the 24th month.ConclusionIn PWH receiving cART, latent syphilis occurred more in men than women, suggesting an investigation of sexual practices and the impact of antenatal syphilis screening. Syphilis disease activity reduces in the latent stage. Therefore, the routine cerebrospinal fluid analysis contributes little to the diagnosis of asymptomatic neurosyphilis and the treatment success of latent syphilis. DOXY is an alternative to BPG, and cART improves serologic response to latent syphilis treatment