17 research outputs found

    Taxable Income Responses to Tax Changes - A Panel Analysis of the 1990/91 Swedish Reform

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    The elasticity of taxable income indicates the effects on income from a change in the marginal tax rate. In a number of studies on U.S. data rather strong effects have been found, although estimates seem lower in more recent papers. Studies based on data from other countries are only a few and indicate lower effects. A difference-in-differences approach utilising differences in tax changes is the standard approach for analysis. Here a large Swedish tax reform is employed. Estimated effects of a tax cut are modest, in the interval 0.2 to 0.4 at the most. Problems of income variables and income groups for the analysis are extensively examined. According to an extended model there is a positive income effect of the tax change, implying a difference between the compensated and the uncompensated elasticity, contrary to earlier results for the U. S.Tax reform; taxable income elasticity; difference in differences

    Wage and Compensation Inequality — How Different?

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    The paper compares the distribution of individuals’ wage to the distribution of labor compensation when important non-wage benefits are included. In our study for Sweden focus is on pensions, survivors’ benefits and sickness benefits. These are non-observed. A method of estimating these benefits indirectly is proposed and used to examine their contributions to overall earnings inequality. We find that insurance benefits increased annual earnings inequality by 40 percent. The share of the benefits to total earnings is 22 percent. The effect of the benefits is minor for blue collars and municipal white collars, while it is high for private white collars.Non-wage benefits; Compensation inequality; Wage inequality; Pension benefits; Sickness benefits; Survivors’ benefits; Collective-agreement insurance; Social insurance

    Coping with Heterogeneities in the Difference in Differences Design

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    Carling, Holmlund and Vejsiu reported in the October 2001 issue of the Economic Journal that a cut in the unemployment insurance replacement rate from 80 to 75 percent caused a 10 percent increase in the job finding rate. They also identify an anticipatory reform effect up to five months before the reform. Implied elasticity at 1,6 is high compared to previous research in Sweden and elsewhere. After analysing their data for various heterogeneities, we conclude that the estimated coefficients designed to capture the reform and the anticipatory effects are statistical artefacts. The standard statistical tests and analytic procedures used by CHV do not warn for this eventuality.Heterogeneities; Difference in differences design; Unemployment insurance; Unemployment compensation

    The Importance of Sickness Benefits Rights for a Comparison of Wages

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    In a total wage concept we include fringe benefits and earnings-related insurance rights, in addition to money wage. Sickness benefit rights are an important part of insurance rights in many industrial countries. In this paper we analyse sickness benefit insurance rights and estimate their importance compared to money wage, as well as for wage differentials and wage dispersion for Sweden. The estimation of money value for the sickness benefit rights requires data on absences due to sickness, data not readily available since the first part of a sickness period is handled by the employer. Data from registers and interview data from different surveys are combined in order to describe sickness behaviour and sickness remuneration of different occupational groups.Absenteeism; Non-wage benefits; Occupational insurance; Social insurance; Sickness benefit insurance.

    Survivor's Pension Rights and Wages

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    Wages are not only money wages. For an employee, the wage consists of all the benefits that he or she is entitled to as a result of employment. His or her total remuneration for work is composed of money wages plus non-wage benefits such as earnings-related or employment-related insurance rights. In Europe, earnings-related insurance mainly takes the form of public and negotiated collective systems. Hence the individual value is hard to observe. This article is an original attempt to determine the individual value of certain public and negotiated insurance rights. A money value for earnings-related survivors' pension rights is estimated and added to the money wage to create an extended wage measure. We use Swedish micro data to analyse what the inclusion of different insurance rights might mean for wage differentials and wage dispersion. The study indicates that wage inequality is understated when non-wage benefits in the form of survivors' pension rights are excluded from the compensation measure and that a more complete picture of wage differentials is obtained when these rights are accounted for.non-wage benefits; wage inequality; earnings-related insurance rights; survivors' pension rights

    Mandatory Earnings-Related Insurance Rights, Human Capital and the Gender Earnings Gap in Sweden

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    Most labour market analyses take money wages as the sole measure of compensation for labour, thus excluding fringe benefits. We examine an extended compensation measure by incorporating mandatory collective earnings-related insurance rights: the rights of individual old age pension, sickness benefit insurance and survivors’ pension. We estimate the return on investment in human capital and the gender earnings gap in a traditional earnings equation. The money wage and the extended wage are used as dependent variables in joint regressions, where a SUR framework enables proper joint cross-equation tests. The main finding is that the inclusion of earnings-related insurance rights does affect the return on education. When these non-wage benefits are included, the gender wage gap decreases by 21 per cent. However, the gender differences in returns to education are severely underestimated when money wage is used as a compensation measure.Non-wage benefits; Gender gap; Human capital; Occupational welfare

    ArbetslöshetsförsÀkringen och arbetslösheten - En reanalys av IFAUs studie

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    Att ersĂ€ttningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsĂ€kringen kan ha viss effekt pĂ„ arbetslösheten Ă€r knappast ifrĂ„gasatt. Diskussionen i forskningen gĂ€ller mest hur stor den effekten kan tĂ€nkas vara i praktiken. Det statliga Institutet för Arbetsmarknadspolitisk UtvĂ€rdering (IFAU) publicerade i december 1999 en rapport enligt vilken sĂ€nkningen 1996 av ersĂ€ttningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsĂ€kringen ledde till en 10-procentig höjning av övergĂ„ngarna till arbete. Detta implicerar en elasticitet sĂ„ hög som 1,6. Tidigare studier har funnit elasticiteter mellan 0,2 och 0,9. Eftersom IFAUs resultat har bĂ„de utomvetenskapliga och inomvetenskapliga implikationer av stor vikt har vi reanalyserat undersökningen. I vĂ„r reanalys finner vi att signifikanstest och ett stort bortfall av individer i kontrollgruppen leder till osĂ€kerhet om de sambandens generaliserbarhet. Vi visar att experimentgrupp och kontrollgrupp stĂ„r inför olika arbetsmarknader genom de stora och i vissa avseenden kategoriska skillnaderna i gruppernas sammansĂ€ttning. Vi visar att de ocksĂ„ beter sig olika nĂ€r de blir arbetslösa. Vidare gĂ€ller inte en linjĂ€r monoton dos/effekt-relation för det samband som forskarna funnit för reform-effektvariabeln och ”effekten” vid samma ”dos” varierar kraftigt mellan olika grupper. Den antecipationseffekt som forskarna funnit innebĂ€r att ”reformeffekten” Ă€r en form av skensamband. Vi har till slut ocksĂ„ kunnat visa hur ett skensamband uppkommer genom att mĂ„ltillstĂ„ndet ”i arbete” visar sig vara överraskande heterogent.ArbetslöshetsförsĂ€kring; hasardregression; reformeffekt

    ArbetslöshetsförsÀkringen och arbetslösheten(2). Reformeffekt vid 1993 Ärs sÀnkning av ersÀttningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsÀkringen?

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    ErsÀttningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsÀkringen har förÀndrats flera gÄnger under 1990-talet. 1996 Ärs sÀnkning frÄn 80 till 75 procent ledde till en tioprocentig ökning av övergÄngarna till arbete enligt det statliga Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvÀrdering (IFAU). I vÄr reanalys av IFAU-studien kom vi fram till att reformeffekten var en statistisk artefakt som inte kan tolkas kausalt. 1993 Ärs sÀnkning av ersÀttningsgraden frÄn 90 till 80 procent har tidigare studerats av Harkman. NÀr vi hÀr analyserar denna dubbelt sÄ stora sÀnkning av ersÀttningsgraden med likartad metod, ansats och med variabelspecifikationer som i IFAU-studien fÄr vi liksom Harkman ingen signifikant reformeffekt enligt konventionella kriterier. DÀremot fÄr vi i detta material tydliga belÀgg för samma problematiska statistiska fenomen som omöjliggör kausal tolkning i reanalysen av IFAU-studien. Det gÀller i sÀrskild grad den s k antecipatoriska effekten. Ett sidoresultat Àr stora skillnader i arbetsmarknadsbeteende mellan kvinnor och mÀn som vi inte kunnat förklara helt.ArbetslöshetsförsÀkring; reformeffekt

    Emsalö suomalaista perua? Uudenmaan saariston ruotsinkielisten paikannimien etymologiaa

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    De nuvarande ortnamnen i den nylĂ€ndska skĂ€rgĂ„rden Ă€r till stor del svensksprĂ„kiga, men en del av dem har sina rötter i förhistoriska finsksprĂ„kiga namn. Det tyder pĂ„ att den svensksprĂ„kiga befolkning som anlĂ€nde till omrĂ„det pĂ„ 1100–1300-talen, dvs i slu-tet av jĂ€rnĂ„ldern och den förhistoriska tiden, övertog finsksprĂ„kiga namn som redan var i bruk. Det i sin tur tyder pĂ„ Ă„tminstone nĂ„gorlunda fredliga kontakter mellan nybyggarna och de mĂ€nniskor de stötte pĂ„ vid ankomsten, eftersom nĂ„gra ortnamn knappast hade kunnat flyttas över mellan sprĂ„kgrupperna i annat fall. Syftet med den hĂ€r pro gradu-avhandlingen Ă€r att med sprĂ„kvetenskapliga metoder undersöka nĂ„gra ortnamn som kan antas vara av finsksprĂ„kigt ursprung för att se ifall deras etymologi och Ă„lder stöder antagandena om ursprunget. Undersökningen Ă€r en empirisk fallstudie, ett urval av olika typer av namn pĂ„ öar granskas ingĂ„ende, totalt 10 namn i fyra kategorier. I granskningen anvĂ€nds resultat som andra forskare har kommit fram till kompletterade med egna analyser. En systematisk metod framtagen av Ritva Liisa PitkĂ€nen Ă€r ett vĂ€sentligt hjĂ€lpmedel i analyserna. Med hjĂ€lp av PitkĂ€nens metod kan man pĂ„ ett nĂ„gorlunda enkelt sĂ€tt analysera hur stavelse- och ljudförĂ€ndringar skett i namnen sĂ„ att de fĂ„tt sin nuvarande form. Uppgifter om hur Finland befolkats anvĂ€nds tillsammans med andra tillgĂ€ngliga historieuppgifter för att avgöra hurdana förhĂ„llan-dena i Nyland var pĂ„ 1100–1300-talen och hurdan verksamhet som förekom pĂ„ öarna i skĂ€rgĂ„rden och i deras omgivning. Eftersom inflyttningen skedde under förhistorisk tid Ă€r det svĂ„rt att med sĂ€kerhet fĂ„ fram önamnens ursprungliga form och betydelse eller ens pĂ„ vilket sprĂ„k de givits. NĂ„gra namn Ă€r Ă€ndĂ„ relativt tydligt av finskt ursprung, vilket stöder undersökningshypotesen om att namn förts över mellan sprĂ„kgrupperna under fredliga omstĂ€ndigheter.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Wage and compemsation inequality

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