127 research outputs found


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    Background: Recently, exclusive rehabilitation therapy was introduced to prevent functional decline due to hospital-associated deconditioning by managing older inpatients’ activities of daily living in Japan. However, this type of therapy does not provide one-on-one exercises similar to individual rehabilitation therapy. This study aimed to report the present ward conditions and the causes of the functional decline in elderly patients receiving individual or exclusive rehabilitation therapy. Methods: A total of 1,636 inpatients, aged 65 years or older, were included in the study. Barthel Index at admission and discharge was assessed prospectively to analyze functional decline. We further analyzed the causes of functional decline by investigating the inpatient’s medical records. Results: Forty-three inpatients (2.6%) had functional decline during hospitalization. There were no significant differences in age, Barthel Index at the time of admission, and the type of clinical department between inpatients with and without functional decline. The functional decline rate in individual rehabilitation therapy was 8.2%, which was significantly higher compared to exclusive rehabilitation therapy (0.8%). The most common causes of functional decline were a pain, low postoperative physical fitness, malignant neoplasm, and new-onset cerebral stroke. Conclusion: We report the present ward conditions in elderly patients receiving either individual or exclusive rehabilitation therapies. Functional decline was correlated to the inpatients’ disease and conditions. The causes of the functional decline can be classified based on whether rehabilitation was effective or ineffective. If the functional decline was caused by hospital-associated deconditioning, we should address the functional decline by providing appropriate rehabilitation methods

    Mite-antigen Stimulates MAL Expression in Peripheral Blood T Cells of Mite-sensitive Subjects

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundDifferential gene expression in CD3+ T cells from allergic patients stimulated with allergen will provide important information on the responses of T cells.MethodsAfter stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with mite extracts, levels of gene transcription were examined in CD3+ T cells from allergic patients.ResultsStimulation of PBMCs from mite specific IgE positive subjects resulted in specific upregulation of MAL transcription levels that was mediated by IL-4 secretion. The MAL protein in IL-4 stimulated primary T cells preferentially localized in glycolipid-enriched membrane (GEM) microdomains. When MAL was exogenously expressed in primary T cells, CD3ζ was concomitantly enriched, along with the expression of MAL, in GEM microdomains.ConclusionsGEMs are important for the formation and stabilization of TCR signaling complexes. Therefore, MAL may play a role in the formation of GEMs in activated T cells and the high expression of MAL may contribute to Th2 immune response

    Induction of Tumor-specific T Cell Immunity by Anti-DR5 Antibody Therapy

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    Because tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) preferentially induces apoptosis in tumor cells and plays a critical role in tumor surveillance, its receptor is an attractive target for antibody-mediated tumor therapy. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the mouse TRAIL receptor, DR5, exhibited potent antitumor effects against TRAIL-sensitive tumor cells in vivo by recruiting Fc receptor–expressing innate immune cells, with no apparent systemic toxicity. Administration of the agonistic anti-DR5 mAb also significantly inhibited experimental and spontaneous tumor metastases. Notably, the anti-DR5 mAb-mediated tumor rejection by innate immune cells efficiently evoked tumor-specific T cell immunity that could also eradicate TRAIL-resistant variants. These results suggested that the antibody-based therapy targeting DR5 is an efficient strategy not only to eliminate TRAIL-sensitive tumor cells, but also to induce tumor-specific T cell memory that affords a long-term protection from tumor recurrence

    Short-Term Effects of Acupuncture on Open-Angle Glaucoma in Retrobulbar Circulation: Additional Therapy to Standard Medication

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    Background. The relation between glaucoma and retrobulbar circulation in the prognosis has been indicated. Purpose. To investigate the effects of acupuncture on retrobulbar circulation in open-angle glaucoma (OAG) patients. Methods. Eleven OAG patients (20 eyes with OAG) who were treated by topical antiglaucoma medications for at least 3 months were enrolled. Acupuncture was performed once at acupoints BL2, M-HN9, ST2, ST36, SP6, KI3, LR3, GB20, BL18, and BL23 bilaterally. Retrobulbar circulation was measured with color Doppler imaging, and intraocular pressure (IOP) was also measured at rest and one hour after rest or before and after acupuncture. Results. The Δ value of the resistive index in the short posterior ciliary artery (P < .01) and the Δ value of IOP (P < .01) were decreased significantly by acupuncture compared with no acupuncture treatment. Conclusions. Acupuncture can improve the retrobulbar circulation and IOP, which may indicate the efficacy of acupuncture for OAG

    A genome-wide gain-of-function analysis of rice genes using the FOX-hunting system

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgements This work was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Green Technology Project EF-1004). We are grateful to Dr. Takuji Sasaki for his encouragement throughout the project and his excellent advice on the improvement of this manuscript, and to Dr. Shoshi Kikuchi for providing useful information on rice FL-cDNAs. We thank Professors Kokichi Hinata, Atsushi Hirai, Hiroshi Kamada and Masashi Ugaki for their encouragement, critical comments and helpful suggestions, and Drs. Hisato Okuizumi and Hiroyuki Kawahigashi for their administrative support throughout the project. We also thank Mayumi Akagawa, Hiroko Abe, Keiko Mori, Etsuko Sugai, Yumiko Nakane, Ken-ichi Watanabe, Mayumi Takeya, and Kana Miyata for their technical assistance; the members of the Technical Support Section of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences for their help in the care of the FOX-rice plants; Haruko Onodera and Kazuko Ono for their technical assistance and advice on rice transformation; Inplanta Innovations Inc. for their technical help on the construction of theThe latest report has estimated the number of rice genes to be ∼32 000. To elucidate the functions of a large population of rice genes and to search efficiently for agriculturally useful genes, we have been taking advantage of the Full-length cDNA Over-eXpresser (FOX) gene-hunting system. This system is very useful for analyzing various gain-of-function phenotypes from large populations of transgenic plants overexpressing cDNAs of interest and others with unknown or important functions. We collected the plasmid DNAs of 13 980 independent full-length cDNA (FL-cDNA) clones to produce a FOX library by placing individual cDNAs under the control of the maize Ubiquitin-1 promoter. The FOX library was transformed into rice by Agrobacterium-mediated high-speed transformation. So far, we have generated approximately 12 000 FOX-rice lines. Genomic PCR analysis indicated that the average number of FL-cDNAs introduced into individual lines was 1.04. Sequencing analysis of the PCR fragments carrying FL-cDNAs from 8615 FOX-rice lines identified FL-cDNAs in 8225 lines, and a database search classified the cDNAs into 5462 independent ones. Approximately 16.6% of FOX-rice lines examined showed altered growth or morphological characteristics. Three super-dwarf mutants overexpressed a novel gibberellin 2-oxidase gene, confirming the importance of this system. We also show here the other morphological alterations caused by individual FL-cDNA expression. These dominant phenotypes should be valuable indicators for gene discovery and functional analysis.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    A proposed core curriculum for dental English education in Japan

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    Background: Globalization of the professions has become a necessity among schools and universities across the world. It has affected the medical and dental professions in terms of curriculum design and student and patient needs. In Japan, where medicine and dentistry are taught mainly in the Japanese language, profession-based courses in English, known as Medical English and Dental English, have been integrated into the existing curriculum among its 83 medical and 29 dental schools. Unfortunately, there is neither a core curriculum nor a model syllabus for these courses. Methods: This report is based on a survey, two discussion forums, a workshop, and finally, the drafting of a proposed core curriculum for dental English approved by consensus of the participants from each university. Results: The core curriculum covers the theoretical aspects, including dental English terms and oral pathologies; and practical aspects, including blended learning and dentist-patient communication. It is divided into modules and is recommended to be offered for at least two semesters. Conclusions: The core curriculum is expected to guide curriculum developers in schools where dental English courses are yet to be offered or are still in their early development. It may also serve as a model curriculum to medical and dental schools in countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Central and South America, where English is not the medium of instruction

    Initial experience with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in follow up assessment of small breast cancer treated by cryoablation

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    BackgroundCryoablation (CA) is a nonsurgical focal therapy for small tumours. To detect residual or relapsed tumour after CA of renal cancer, contrast-enhanced imaging is generally used to identify tumour blood flow, but no definitive criteria are established for such follow-up after CA of breast cancer.AimsThe aim of this study was to compare the usefulness of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for assessing residual tumours and local relapse following CA of small breast cancers.Methods We enrolled 4 patients treated by CA at our institution between January 2015 and December 2016 for luminal A breast cancer with maximum tumour size of 1.5cm and neither distant metastasis nor metastatic findings in sentinel lymph node biopsy, who underwent CEUS and MR imaging before CA. In addition to our standard postoperative follow-up for breast cancer, these patients underwent CEUS every 3 months and MR imaging every 6 months after CA.Results Six months after CA, no patient showed enhancement at the lesion site on MR imaging, but there were two with continued enhancement on CEUS. They underwent vacuum-assisted breast biopsy under US guidance followed by histopathological examination of tissue that identified no malignancy.ConclusionOur findings of focal enhancement within ablated breast tissue in CEUS after CA is likely attributable to the much higher sensitivity of CEUS to that of other modalities to even slight vascularization. Further investigation in more patients is needed to clarify the utility of CEUS to detect residual or relapsed tumour after CA of small breast cancer