84 research outputs found

    The Importance of Iron To Support Optimum Cognitive Development

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    The fetal brain anatomy development starts during the last trimester of pregnancy and continue in early months of life. This critical process makes it vulnerable to insufficient nutrition, while brain growth continues into adulthood, micronutrient status can affect functioning beyond childhood. Iron is an important nutrient for the production and growth of cells in the immune and neural systems. Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, affecting about half of all pregnant women and their offspring. Iron deficiency anemia has long been believed to have an effect on the central nervous system. Iron deficiency in late trimester and in newborn leads to abnormal cognitive function and emotional control that may continue in adulthood. In summary, despite some evidence that iron supplementation enhances cognitive performance. Evidence of the role of iron in brain development and the effect of iron deficiency or iron supplementation on early development is uncertain

    The importance of iron intake for children’s growth and development

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    The impact of iron deficiency to children’s growth and development already starts since non-anemic iron deficiency phase. Impact of iron deficiency to school-aged children including decreased cognitive function, behavior problems, increased risk of infections, and stunting

    Soy Isolate Protein Formula: the usage beyond allergy indication

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    The usage of soy isolate protein formula for infants was recommended by Indonesian Pediatrics Association (IDAI) through the recommendation of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) management in 2014. Soy Infant Formula (SIF) has been being used for Infants with Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) as well as for several other related medical indications such as post diarrhea lactose intolerance, galactosemia and primary lactase deficiency1. At early stage of soy formula, it had several deficiencies, infant acceptability, growth, and incomparable with milk-base formula. Current SIF is made from soy protein isolate that contain 2,2 – 2,6 g of protein per 100 calories, it is higher than milk-based formula and both showed same growth and development in Infants2. It contains different fibers, phytate, digestibility, protease inhibitor and proteins. SIF is easily digestible and contain high amino acid content fortified with L-methionine, L-carnitine and taurine. High content of phytate is overcome with zinc and iron fortification as well as increased levels of calcium and phosphor3. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends isolated soy protein-based formulas as a safe and effective alternative for providing appropriate nutrition for normal growth and development for term infants whose nutritional needs are not being met from maternal breast milk or cow’s milk-based formulas3,4

    Association of short stature with cognitive assessment in primary school children in Kampung Melayu, Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Background: In Indonesia, an estimated 23.6% of children aged 5-12 years old are short statured, therefore short stature is made one of the health priorities. Children with short stature are associated with low cognitive levels, so that it will have an impact on quality of life.Methods: This research was conducted in a cross-sectional study at SDN 01 Kampung Melayu, Jakarta, Indonesia. Subjects are children with short stature aged 6-12 years old. Data was taken by measuring height according to age with the curve used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National Center for Health Statistics (CDC-NCHS) and total value from cognitive assessment using the Cognitive Test Battery for Individuals with and without Intellectual Disabilities (CIID) instrument. This research was conducted aiming to assess cognitive in primary school children with short stature.Results: There were 64 children with short stature in SDN 01 Kampung Melayu with CIID test results for Total Score obtained in the range of 5-26, with mean and standard deviations 13.59 ± 4.54. Non Verbal Score was obtained in the range 7-39, with mean and standard deviations 21.94 ± 7.51. Hopkins Verbal Learning Test obtained range 6-31, with mean and standard deviations 19.36 ± 5.90. Verbal Fluency is obtained in the range of 5-26, with mean and standard deviations 13.59 ± 4.54. Compared with previous studies, subjects with short stature have values similar to those of children with normal stature. No significant difference was found between short stature children with underweight nutritional status and short stature children with normal nutritional status, with p=0.369.Conclusion: There were 64 children with short stature and the total score ranging from 5-26, with mean and standard deviations 13.59 ± 4.5

    Caesarean delivery mode and its impact on children’s growth and cognitive development

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    There is an increasing concern on the potential risk of Caesarean birth on child health outcomes. This study aims to present the current available evidences on the effect of Caesarean section on child’s growth and development. Literature searching were done on several online databases to identify articles which discussed the effect of Caesarean birth on child’s body weight, length, nutritional status, cognitive development, memory, learning ability, and intelligence quotient. Several studies showed positive association between Caesarean and risk of overweight and obesity in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. While, there has not been sufficient evidences to confirm the association between C-section and child’s cognitive outcomes

    Iron deficiency and its impact to children’s cognitive and development

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    Children are born to learn, and they develop and learn very quickly in their early years. Brain development milestones in children aged 0-5 years and Iron plays an important role in many neurodevelopmental processes, and animal studies have shown that adequate iron requirements in pregnancy and childhood are critical for a child's brain and neurodevelopment

    The relationship between short stature and psychosocial problems in primary school-age children

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    Background: Short stature is a growth problem that are commonly found in developing countries. In Indonesia, the prevalence of primary school-aged children with short stature reaches 23.6% in 2018. Short stature in children is associated with psychosocial problems that are thought to be related to abuse, stigmatization, and social isolation faced by children. However, previous studies discussing this topic had mixed results and the number of studies has not been adequate.Objective: This study aimed to look for the relationship between short stature and psychosocial problems in primary school-aged children.Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used in primary school-aged children at SDN 01 Kampung Melayu. The study was conducted by comparing groups of children’s height and screening results for psychosocial problems using the PSC-17 questionnaire, which assesses three subscales of behavioral problems (internalizing, externalizing, and attention).Results: The prevalence of short statured children in SDN 01 Kampung Melayu reached 15.28%. The prevalence of children with psychosocial problems is 18.12% and the prevalence of short statured children with psychosocial problems is 22.73%. Analysis of association between short stature and psychosocial problems showed no statistically significant relationship, for general psychosocial problems (p=0.268), internalization subscale (p=0.532), externalization (p=0.400), attention (p=0.414), and PSC-17 total score (p=0.614).Conclusion: No significant relationship was found between short stature and psychosocial problems in primary school-aged children

    Hubungan Kecukupan Asupan Energi dan Makronutrien dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia 5-7 Tahun di Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur Tahun 2012

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    Status gizi merupakan parameter yang dapat mengetahui masalah kesehatan di suatu daerah ataunegara. Hingga saat ini prevalensi masalah gizi di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi dan masalah gizi kronisakan menimbulkan komplikasi jangka panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungankecukupan asupan energi dan makronutrien dengan status gizi pada anak usia 5-7 tahun. Desainpenelitian ini adalah observasional-analitik potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder. Status giziditentukan dengan indeks berat badan menurut usia (BB/U) dan tinggi badan menurut usia (TB/U).Data yang dianalisis adalah data yang memenuhi kelengkapan tanggal lahir, pengukuran antropometri,serta analisis food recall 24 jam. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 122 anak. Analisis statistik yangdigunakan adalah metode Fisher. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan  bermakna antarakecukupan asupan protein dengan status gizi (indeks BB/U: p=0,024; indeks TB/U: p=0,037). Tidakterdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kecukupan asupan energi dengan status gizi (indeks BB/U:p=0,358; indeks TB/U: p=0,733), kecukupan asupan lemak dengan status gizi (indeks BB/U: p=1,000;indeks TB/U: p=1,000), dan kecukupan asupan karbohidrat status gizi (indeks BB/U: p=0,462; indeksTB/U: p=1,000). Disimpulkan asupan energi dan makronutrien berhubungan dengan status gizi anak

    Correlation between zinc intake and hair zinc levels to morbidity of infectious diseases in children aged 24-35 months in Jakarta

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    According to WHO,  preventable diseases, including  infectious diseases, are the most common cause of death in children. Based on Indonesia's 2019 health profile data, the top five morbidity and mortality in children aged 1-4 years are acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) of (25.8%), pneumonia (21.7%), fever (14%), diarrhea and gastrointestinal disease (14.4%). Zinc has an important role in immunity especially for younger child &nbsp

    Breastfeeding pattern and its' association with nutritional status and salivary secretory immunoglobulin A level in 3-to 6-month-old infants

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    Introduction: Breastfeeding pattern is a form of mother's behavior in giving breast milk to her baby. Breast milk supports the growth and development of the baby. The most common immunoglobulin in breast milk is secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA). SIgA levels can be evaluated, one of the ways, from saliva samples examination. The purpose of the research were to determine the breastfeeding pattern and its association with nutritional status and salivary secretory immunoglobulin A level in 3-to 6-month-old infants. Methods: The research with cross sectional design was conducted in Kiara Social Pediatric-Growth and Developmental Polyclinic, Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital Jakarta. A total of 54 healthy infants subjects aged 3–6 months old were taken using consecutive sampling method. Descriptive analysis, Chi Square, and Mann-Whitney test were used. P-values <0.05 were considered significant. Results: Our results showed that subjects with normal nutritional status were 85.2%. The median of subjects’ salivary sIgA level was 56.2 (2.5–536.4) µg/ml. There was no significant differences regarding to subjects’ nutritional status between good breastfeeding pattern group and poor breastfeeding pattern group (P> 0.145), and no significant differences regarding to salivary sIgA level between good breastfeeding pattern group and poor breastfeeding pattern group (P> 0.34). Conclusion: Despite its un-significant results, this study showed that normal nutritional status tended to be more prevalent in group with good breastfeeding pattern than in poor breastfeeding pattern. Re-encouragement, socialization, and education to the breastfeeding mothers is needed to improve the good breastfeeding pattern
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