6 research outputs found

    Value of ecosystem services and nature protection in the Czech Republi

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    Results from financial evaluation show that forest ecosystems provide more ecosystem services compared to other ecosystems, because they tend to the maximal use of energy-material flows with minimal water and nutrient losses. Finacial value of ecosystem services exceed dramatically benefit from land use for economic purposes

    Valuation of ecosystem services on example of river alluvial land

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    In the first decade of 21st century the concept of ecosystem services became one of the most frequently used, especially in interdisciplinary research activities tied with the Earth and life sciences. However, only slightly this concept penetrated into the real advanced market economies that consume decisive part of world natural resources and ecosystem services. In this paper the causes of current unsatisfactory situation in ecosystem service values implementation are analyzed, main valuation methods are described and specified on example of ecosystem services of river alluvial land. Two ecosystem methods developed in the CR are presented

    Biotope Valuation Method of Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic 2017\n

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    The presented habitat valuation method is an amendment of the original method for evaluation and pricing of habitats in the Czech Republic developed in the Ecological Institute (Seják et al. 2003). The method is based on expert evaluation of habitat types in the Czech Republic using selected parametres expressing biodiversity value of several levels. The monetary valuation is based on restoration costs analysis. The method can be be used for the evaluation and monetary valuation of ecological value of landscape segments with practical use in ecological demage quantification but also for a comparison of several alternatives of landscape restoration projects

    Energy-Water-Vegetation Based Environmental Accounting of Ecosystem Services and Stocks

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    Human societies and their economies decisively depend on the life supporting functions and services of earth’s ecosystems (MEA 2005). Natural ecosystems protect against harmful cosmic radiation, continually control the composition of atmosphere, produce fertile soil and biomass, clear air and water, mitigate climate extremes, maintain biodiversity, decompose organic waste etc