60 research outputs found

    Faster AVX2 optimized NTT multiplication for Ring-LWE lattice cryptography

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    Constant-time polynomial multiplication is one of the most time-consuming operations in many lattice-based cryptographic constructions. For schemes based on the hardness of Ring-LWE in power-of-two cyclotomic fields with completely splitting primes, the AVX2 optimized implementation of the Number-Theoretic Transform (NTT) from the NewHope key-exchange scheme is the state of the art for fast multiplication. It uses floating point vector instructions. We show that by using a modification of the Montgomery reduction algorithm that enables a fast approach with integer instructions, we can improve on the polynomial multiplication speeds of NewHope and Kyber by a factor of 4.24.2 and 6.36.3 on Skylake, respectively

    LaBRADOR: Compact Proofs for R1CS from Module-SIS

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    The most compact quantum-safe proof systems for large circuits are PCP-type systems such as Ligero, Aurora, and Shockwave, that only use weak cryptographic assumptions, namely hash functions modeled as random oracles. One would expect that by allowing for stronger assumptions, such as the hardness of Module-SIS, it should be possible to design more compact proof systems. But alas, despite considerable progress in lattice-based proofs, no such proof system was known so far. We rectify this situation by introducing a Lattice-Based Recursively Amortized Demonstration Of R1CS (LaBRADOR), with more compact proof sizes than known hash-based proof systems, both asymptotically and concretely for all relevant circuit sizes. LaBRADOR proves knowledge of a solution for an R1CS mod 264+12^{64}+1 with 2202^{20} constraints, with a proof size of only 58 KB, an order of magnitude more compact than previous quantum-safe proofs

    Practical Sublinear Proofs for R1CS from Lattices

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    We propose a practical sublinear-size zero-knowledge proof system for Rank-1 Constraint Satisfaction (R1CS) based on lattices. The proof size scales asymptotically with the square root of the witness size. Concretely, the size becomes 22-33 times smaller than Ligero (ACM CCS 2017), which also exhibits square root scaling, for large instances of R1CS. At the core lies an interactive variant of the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma that might be of independent interest

    Short Discrete Log Proofs for FHE and Ring-LWE Ciphertexts

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    In applications of fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) that involve computation on encryptions produced by several users, it is important that each user proves that her input is indeed well-formed. This may simply mean that the inputs are valid FHE ciphertexts or, more generally, that the plaintexts mm additionally satisfy f(m)=1f(m)=1 for some public function ff. The most efficient FHE schemes are based on the hardness of the Ring-LWE problem and so a natural solution would be to use lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs for proving properties about the ciphertext. Such methods, however, require larger-than-necessary parameters and result in rather long proofs, especially when proving general relationships. In this paper, we show that one can get much shorter proofs (roughly 1.251.25KB) by first creating a Pedersen commitment from the vector corresponding to the randomness and plaintext of the FHE ciphertext. To prove validity of the ciphertext, one can then prove that this commitment is indeed to the message and randomness and these values are in the correct range. Our protocol utilizes a connection between polynomial operations in the lattice scheme and inner product proofs for Pedersen commitments of Bünz et al. (S&P 2018). Furthermore, our proof of equality between the ciphertext and the commitment is very amenable to amortization -- proving the equivalence of kk ciphertext / commitment pairs only requires an additive factor of O(logk)O(\log{k}) extra space than for one such proof. For proving additional properties of the plaintext(s), one can then directly use the logarithmic-space proofs of Bootle et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) and Bünz et al. (IEEE S&P 2018) for proving arbitrary relations of discrete log commitment. Our technique is not restricted to FHE ciphertexts and can be applied to proving many other relations that arise in lattice-based cryptography. For example, we can create very efficient verifiable encryption / decryption schemes with short proofs in which confidentiality is based on the hardness of Ring-LWE while the soundness is based on the discrete logarithm problem. While such proofs are not fully post-quantum, they are adequate in scenarios where secrecy needs to be future-proofed, but one only needs to be convinced of the validity of the proof in the pre-quantum era. We furthermore show that our zero-knowledge protocol can be easily modified to have the property that breaking soundness implies solving discrete log in a short amount of time. Since building quantum computers capable of solving discrete logarithm in seconds requires overcoming many more fundamental challenges, such proofs may even remain valid in the post-quantum era

    SMILE: Set Membership from Ideal Lattices with Applications to Ring Signatures and Confidential Transactions

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    In a set membership proof, the public information consists of a set of elements and a commitment. The prover then produces a zero-knowledge proof showing that the commitment is indeed to some element from the set. This primitive is closely related to concepts like ring signatures and ``one-out-of-many\u27\u27 proofs that underlie many anonymity and privacy protocols. The main result of this work is a new succinct lattice-based set membership proof whose size is logarithmic in the size of the set. We also give a transformation of our set membership proof to a ring signature scheme. The ring signature size is also logarithmic in the size of the public key set and has size 1616 KB for a set of 252^5 elements, and 2222 KB for a set of size 2252^{25}. At an approximately 128128-bit security level, these outputs are between 1.5X and 7X smaller than the current state of the art succinct ring signatures of Beullens et al. (Asiacrypt 2020) and Esgin et al. (CCS 2019). We then show that our ring signature, combined with a few other techniques and optimizations, can be turned into a fairly efficient Monero-like confidential transaction system based on the MatRiCT framework of Esgin et al. (CCS 2019). With our new techniques, we are able to reduce the transaction proof size by factors of about 4X - 10X over the aforementioned work. For example, a transaction with two inputs and two outputs, where each input is hidden among 2152^{15} other accounts, requires approximately 3030KB in our protocol

    Shorter Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs via One-Time Commitments

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    There has been a lot of recent progress in constructing efficient zero-knowledge proofs for showing knowledge of an s\vec{\mathbf{s}} with small coefficients satisfying As=t\bm{A}\vec{\mathbf{s}}=\vec{\mathbf{t}}. For typical parameters, the proof sizes have gone down from several megabytes to a bit under 5050KB (Esgin et al., Asiacrypt 2020). These are now within an order of magnitude of the sizes of lattice-based signatures, which themselves constitute proof systems which demonstrate knowledge of something weaker than the aforementioned equation. One can therefore see that this line of research is approaching optimality. In this paper, we modify a key component of these proofs, as well as apply several other tweaks, to achieve a further reduction of around 30%30\% in the proof output size. We also show that this savings propagates itself when these proofs are used in a general framework to construct more complex protocols

    Lattice-Based Blind Signatures: Short, Efficient, and Round-Optimal

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    We give a construction of a 2-round blind signature scheme based on the hardness of standard lattice problems (Ring/Module-SIS/LWE and NTRU) with a signature size of 22 KB. The protocol is round-optimal and has a transcript size that can be as small as 60 KB. This blind signature is around 44 times shorter than the most compact lattice-based scheme based on standard assumptions of del Pino and Katsumata (Crypto 2022) and around 22 times shorter than the scheme of Agrawal et al. (CCS 2022) based on their newly-proposed one-more-SIS assumption. We also give a construction of a ``keyed-verification\u27\u27 blind signature scheme in which the verifier and the signer need to share a secret key. The signature size in this case is only 4848 bytes, but more work needs to be done to explore the efficiency of the protocol which generates the signature

    More Efficient Amortization of Exact Zero-Knowledge Proofs for LWE

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    We propose a practical zero-knowledge proof system for proving knowledge of short solutions s, e to linear relations A s + e= u mod q which gives the most efficient solution for two naturally-occurring classes of problems. The first is when A is very ``tall\u27\u27, which corresponds to a large number of LWE instances that use the same secret s. In this case, we show that the proof size is independent of the height of the matrix (and thus the length of the error vector e) and rather only linearly depends on the length of s. The second case is when A is of the form A\u27 tensor I, which corresponds to proving many LWE instances (with different secrets) that use the same samples A\u27. The length of this second proof is square root in the length of s, which corresponds to square root of the length of all the secrets. Our constructions combine recent advances in ``purely\u27\u27 lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs with the Reed-Solomon proximity testing ideas present in some generic zero-knowledge proof systems -- with the main difference is that the latter are applied directly to the lattice instances without going through intermediate problems

    Practical Quantum-Safe Voting from Lattices

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    We propose a lattice-based electronic voting scheme, EVOLVE (Electronic Voting from Lattices with Verification), which is conjectured to resist attacks by quantum computers. Our protocol involves a number of voting authorities so that vote privacy is maintained as long as at least one of the authorities is honest, while the integrity of the result is guaranteed even when all authorities collude. Furthermore, the result of the vote can be independently computed by any observer. At the core of the protocol is the utilization of a homomorphic commitment scheme with strategically orchestrated zero-knowledge proofs: voters use approximate but efficient “Fiat-Shamir with Aborts” proofs to show the validity of their vote, while the authorities use amortized exact proofs to show that the commitments are well-formed. We also present a novel efficient zero-knowledge proof that one of two lattice-based statements is true (so-called OR proof) and a new mechanism to control the size of the randomness when applying the homomorphism to commitments. We give concrete parameter choices to securely instantiate and evaluate the efficiency of our scheme. Our prototype implementation shows that the voters require 8 milliseconds to submit a vote of size about 20KB to each authority and it takes each authority 0.15 seconds per voter to create a proof that his vote was valid. The size of the vote share that each authority produces is approximately 15KB per voter, which we believe is well within the practical bounds for a large-scale election

    CRYSTALS-Dilithium: A lattice-based digital signature scheme

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    In this paper, we present the lattice-based signature scheme Dilithium, which is a component of the CRYSTALS (Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices) suite that was submitted to NIST’s call for post-quantum cryptographic standards. The design of the scheme avoids all uses of discrete Gaussian sampling and is easily implementable in constant-time. For the same security levels, our scheme has a public key that is 2.5X smaller than the previously most efficient lattice-based schemes that did not use Gaussians, while having essentially the same signature size. In addition to the new design, we significantly improve the running time of the main component of many lattice-based constructions – the number theoretic transform. Our AVX2-based implementation results in a speed-up of roughly a factor of 2 over the previously best algorithms that appear in the literature. The techniques for obtaining this speed-up also have applications to other lattice-based schemes