14 research outputs found

    Predictors of early graft patency following coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Background: The long-term success of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is dependent on graft patency after the operation. Early occlusion (within the first week) affects the long-term results. Therefore, we sought to determine pre-operative, intraoperative, and perioperative factors associated with early coronary graft patency. Methods: Between March 2007 and March 2008, 107 consecutive patients (81 men, 26 women, mean age 60 &#177; 9 years) who underwent CABG were included in this study. The enrolled patients underwent 16-slice computed tomography angiography one week after CABG. Results: Based on the multislice computed tomography, acute graft occlusion was detected in 32 (8.7% of all) grafts, including 26 of 250 (10%) in venous grafts and 6 of 116 (5%) in arterial grafts. In univariate analysis, patients with patent coronary grafts had a lower serum glucose level (119 &#177; 30 vs. 141 &#177; 65 mg/dL, p = 0.02) and longer partial thromboplastin time (34 &#177; 11 vs. 30 &#177; 2 s, p = = 0.04). In addition, pump time was significantly longer in patients with occluded grafts than in those with patent grafts (119 &#177; 43 vs. 102 &#177; 32 min, p = 0.04). Those with longer pump time required more coronary grafts (pump time &#8805; 120 min for 3.5 grafts vs. pump time < 120 min for 2.9 grafts, p = 0.02). Of the multiple pre-operative, intraoperative, and perioperative characteristics of the patients who underwent successful CABG, serum glucose level (OR: 2.014, 95% CI: 1.002-3.026, p = 0.002) and pump time < two hours (OR: 1.502, 95% CI: 1.001-2.030, p = 0.003) were the only predictors of coronary graft patency seven days after surgery in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that the patients with successful CABG and patent coronary grafts within the first week after surgery had optimal blood glucose control and pump time < two hours. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 4: 344-348

    Czynniki wp艂ywaj膮ce na wczesn膮 dro偶no艣膰 pomost贸w naczyniowych u pacjent贸w poddawanych pomostowaniu aortalno-wie艅cowemu

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    Wst臋p: Sukces terapeutyczny pomostowania aortalno-wie艅cowego (CABG) w odleg艂ej obserwacji zale偶y od dro偶no艣ci pomost贸w naczyniowych po zabiegu. Wczesne zamkni臋cie pomostu (w ci膮gu pierwszego tygodnia po CABG) wp艂ywa niekorzystnie na odleg艂e wyniki leczenia. Celem niniejszego badania by艂o okre艣lenie czynnik贸w przed-, 艣r贸d- i pooperacyjnych, kt贸re mog膮 si臋 wi膮za膰 z dro偶no艣ci膮 pomost贸w aortalno-wie艅cowych we wczesnym okresie po CABG. Metody: Badanie prowadzono od marca 2007 do marca 2008 roku. Do udzia艂u w nim zakwalifikowano 107 kolejno przyj臋tych pacjent贸w (81 m臋偶czyzn, 26 kobiet; 艣rednia wieku: 60 &#177; 9 lat), kt贸rych poddano CABG. Tydzie艅 po zabiegu u chorych wykonano angiografi臋 tomografii komputerowej (TK) przy u偶yciu 16-rz臋dowej TK. Wyniki: Na podstawie obrazowania wielorz臋dowej TK w 32 pomostach naczyniowych (8,7% wszystkich wszczepionych naczy艅) stwierdzono ostr膮 okluzj臋, z czego 26 okluzji spo艣r贸d 250 wykonanych zespole艅 (10%) wyst膮pi艂o w pomostach 偶ylnych, a 6 z 116 (5%) &#8212; w t臋tniczych. W wieloczynnikowej analizie u pacjent贸w z dro偶nymi pomostami aortalno-wie艅cowymi odnotowano ni偶sze st臋偶enie glukozy w osoczu (119 &#177; 30 ml/dl v. 141 &#177; 65 ml/dl; p = 0,02) i d艂u偶szy czas cz臋艣ciowej tromboplastyny po aktywacji (34 &#177; 11 s v. 30 &#177; 2 s; p = 0,04). Ponadto czas wykorzystania kr膮偶enia pozaustrojowego by艂 znacznie d艂u偶szy u os贸b z zamkni臋tymi pomostami ni偶 u tych z dro偶nymi wszczepionymi naczyniami (119 &#177; 43 min v. 102 &#177; 32 min; p = 0,04). U chorych z d艂u偶szym czasem kr膮偶enia pozaustrojowego konieczne by艂o zastosowanie wi臋kszej liczby pomost贸w aortalno-wie艅cowych (czas &#8805; 120 min dla 3,5 pomostu v. czas < 120 min dla 2,9 pomostu; p = 0,02). Spo艣r贸d licznych parametr贸w przed-, 艣r贸d- i pooperacyjnych jedynie st臋偶enie glukozy w osoczu [iloraz szans (OR): 2,014; przy 95-procentowym przedziale ufno艣ci (95% CI): 1,002&#8211;3,026; p = 0,002] i czas kr膮偶enia pozaustrojowego poni偶ej 2 godzin (OR: 1,502; 95% CI: 1,001&#8211;2,030; p = 0,003) by艂y czynnikami predykcyjnymi dro偶no艣ci pomost贸w aortalno-wie艅cowych po up艂ywie 7 dni od CABG. Wnioski: U pacjent贸w po operacji CABG zako艅czonej sukcesem, z dro偶nymi pomostami naczyniowymi w ci膮gu pierwszego tygodnia po operacji st臋偶enie glukozy w osoczu by艂o optymalnie kontrolowane, a czas operacji z wykorzystaniem kr膮偶enia pozaustrojowego nie przekracza艂 2 godzin. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2010; 5, 6: 325&#8211;330

    Transcatheter closure of iatrogenic Gerbode defect with an Amplatzer duct occluder in a 23-year-old patient

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    AbstractA 23-year-old man was referred to our center with hematuria and hemolysis. The patient had undergone mitral and tricuspid valve replacement 3 months previously. Echocardiography and catheterization revealed a Gerbode-type ventricular septal defect. A decision was made to occlude the defect interventionally. The patient's hematuria ceased immediately after the occlusion of the defect.<Learning objective: Iatrogenic ventricular septal defects (especially Gerbode-type) are relatively rare complications after valvular surgery. Correction of such defects can be done both surgically and interventionally, but since the risk of another operation for correction is high, percutaneous ventricular septal defect closure is usually the preferred treatment option. Using an appropriate approach will increase the success rate.

    Evaluation of the clinical and procedural predictive factors of no-reflow phenomenon following primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: The no-reflow phenomenon is an uncommon and critical occurrence which myocardial reperfusion does not restore to its optimal level. Several predisposing factors of the no-reflow phenomenon have been identified. However, at present we know little about clinical predictors of no-reflow after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Objectives: In this study, we evaluated clinical predictors of no-reflow phenomenon after PCI in patients with acute STEMI, to plan a better treatment of these patients. Patients and Methods: During an 18-month period, from 2013 to 2014, 438 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) presenting within the first 24 hours from symptoms onset were treated with primary PCI in the Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center. Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) flow was measured in all patients on the first angiography, following stenting. A total of 49 patients were allocated to the case group, based on the no-reflow phenomenon occurred during primary PCI (TIMI grade 0 and 1) and 50 patients without the no-reflow phenomenon (TIMI grades 3) were randomly selected, as the control group. They were evaluated from the point of demographic variables and also infarction territory, pain duration, maximal ST-change, left ventricle (LV) function, laboratory data, coronary anatomy, culprit vessel, location of lesion, target vessel diameter, lesion length, eccentricity, thrombus grade, tortuosity, lesion angulation, bifurcation, predilation, postdilation, thrombus aspiration, number of stent, in stent thrombosis. Data were then analyzed with the SPSS statistical software. Results: Mean age of patients was 59.47 (SD = 12.48) years, of which 75 (75.8%) were male and 24 (24.2%) were female. Based on univariable analysis, white blood cell (WBC) count, pain duration, LV function, maximal ST-change, thrombus grade and eccentricity were identified as predictors of the no-reflow phenomenon. After multivariable logistic regression: WBC count and thrombus grade remained the significant independent predictors of the no-reflow phenomenon (P < 0.05). In case group, slow-flow was seen in 42 (9.5%), while no-reflow was seen in seven (1.6%) patients. Conclusions: The WBC count and thrombus grade are strong, independent predictive factors of developing the no-reflow phenomenon, in AMI patients undergoing primary PCI. There is also an association between the no-reflow phenomenon and pain duration, maximal ST-change, LV function, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), bifurcation, eccentricity and coronary anatomy

    A challenging transseptal mitral valve in valve case report: Success and safety

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    Key Clinical Message Transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI) is considered a less鈥恑nvasive approach than open鈥恏eart surgery, favored in high鈥恟isk patients elected for valve replacement. Although seemingly suitable, this procedure is highly operator鈥恉ependent. Abstract Transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI) is an alternative in high鈥恟isk patients. We reported a 72鈥恲ear鈥恛ld patient with mitral bioprosthesis degeneration successfully receiving TMVI. The procedure has lower morbidity and mortality rate than the surgical approach but can be accompanied by several complications, especially when conducted by an inexperienced operator

    Huge left atrial appendage aneurysm, the five-chamber heart

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    A 21-year-old girl with congenital aneurysm of the left atrial appendage represented with recent-onset palpitation and exertional dyspnea. The diagnosis was established by transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography and chest multislice computed tomography scan. Surgical excision of the aneurysm and repair of the neck were done under extracorporal circulation and left ventricular function (ejection fraction = 50%) improved with mild mitral regurgitation

    Relationship between pre-procedural serum lipid profile and post-procedural myocardial injury in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: Along with technological progress in coronary intervention, periprocedural complications and adverse outcomes have markedly improved, yet perioperative myocardial injury is a frequent complication during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is strongly associated with post-procedural cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological researchers have defined lipid and lipoproteins abnormality as a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Although several studies focus on identification the correlation between the changes of lipid profile levels and ischemic markers, there is a little information about the role of lipid profile disturbance as a predictor of periprocedural myocardial injuries. Objectives: This study aimed to observe the relationship between lipid profile levels and the post-procedural myocardial injury in patients undergoing elective PCI. Patients and Methods: This case-control study was conducted on 138 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of coronary artery disease who underwent PCI. Of a total 138, 35 patients had cardiac biomarker elevation, more than 3 脳 ULN, post-procedurally. The control group (n = 103), without cardiac enzyme rising after PCI were randomly chosen three times the number of patients with increased cardiac enzymes more than three times the ULN. Samples for serum lipid parameters [total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG), and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL)] were collected after 12-14 fasting hours immediately pre-procedurally. The samples for CPK-MB were collected at 8, 16, and 24 hours post procedurally. Results: Although the mean level of TC, LDL-C and TG was higher in patients with CPK-MB more than 3脳ULN post procedurally, differences were insignificant. Among different lipid parameters, only the mean level of VLDL showed a considerable association with myocardial injury. Although, this subject had a near significant (P = 0.05) enhancement in group I, the changes were in normal ranges. Lipid abnormality (except for the VLDL values) was insignificantly more frequent in group I. Conclusions: Although the mean level of non-HDL-C was in normal ranges, it showed a higher value in patients with a diagnosis of myocardial injury post procedurally. However, according to multivariate analysis, left ventricular ejection fraction and diabetes remained as predictors of post-procedural CPK-MB elevation