574 research outputs found

    Antibiotic susceptibility and high prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in iranian broilers

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    Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli have rapidly spread worldwide and cause serious threats for public health. The study was conducted to determine the antibiotic resistance and characterization of ESBL producing E. coli strains isolated from broilers in Northern Iran. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done for a total of 100 isolates of E. coli, recovered from 240 broiler fecal samples at the slaughterhouse stage. ESBL production was screened using double-disc synergy test (DDST) and presence of four ESBL genes including blaPER, blaVEB, blaTEM and blaCTX-M was tested using PCR. Among 100 strains isolated from broilers, 53 were identified as ESBL-producing E. coli. All (100) ESBL positive isolates were typed according to the presence of one or two ESBL-associated genes. The most prevalent gene among ESBLs was CTX-M (60.3) and the PER gene was not present among isolates. All isolates in this study were resistant to colistin and nalidixic acid but were 100 sensitive to cefalexin and furazolidone. The results demonstrated the high prevalence of antibiotic resistant and ESBL producing E. coli among broilers which representing the risk of increasing these strains in human infections associated with food animals

    A New Symmetric/Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter Based on Cascaded Connection of Sub-Multilevel Units Aiming less Switching Components and Total Blocked Voltage

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    In this paper, a new multilevel inverter is designed to improve the power and voltage quality, which contains a lesser number of switches in the specified voltage levels. The proposed inverter includes power electronic devices such as switches and diode, and DC inputs. In the proposed structure the desired output voltage can be produced by considering a series connection of a novel sub-multilevel module. This structure can be designed in both the symmetric and asymmetric topologies. The proposed structure has superior condition in terms of semiconductor switches and drivers count as well as switching loss. Additionally, the Total Blocked Voltage (TBV) of the proposed converter is compared with the conventional and the novel converters. This topology is studied by symmetric as well as asymmetric topologies through simulations in Matlab/Simulink environment as well as experiments by a laboratory prototype

    The effect of zinc and iron supplementation on the status of iron and zinc in the primary schoolchildren

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: کمبود ریزمغذی ها یکی از مهمترین مشکلات بهداشتی جهان است. در بین ریزمغذی ها کمبود آهن و روی شیوع بیشتری داشته و از اهمیت زیادی برخوردار است. هدف از این مطالعه مقایسه تأثیر مکمل یاری آهن و روی به تنهایی و همراه با هم بر وضعیت آهن و روی در کودکان ابتدایی بود. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه که بصورت کار آزمایی بالینی دو سوکور انجام گرفت 81 دانش آموز پایه پنجم ابتدائی شهر خرم آباد به سه گروه تقسیم شدند. گروه اول مکمل آهن (20 میلی گرم آهن در روز)، گروه دوم مکمل روی (20 میلی گرم روی در روز) و گروه سوم مکمل آهن+ روی (20 میلی گرم آهن+20 میلی گرم روی) را به مدت 4 ماه دریافت نمودند. در آغاز و پایان مداخله شاخص های هموگلوبین با دستگاه سل کانتر، فریتین سرم با روش رادیوایمینواسی و با استفاده از دستگاه گاماکانتر و روی سرم با روش جذب اتمی اندازه گیری شد. از آزمون های ANOVA، t زوجی، کروسکال والیس و ویلکاکسون جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شد. یافته ها: نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد در گروه دریافت کننده مکمل روی به تنهایی، آهن همراه با روی و آهن به تنهایی میزان روی سرم نسبت به قبل از مداخله به ترتیب 1/2±5، 7/2±5/4 و 2/2±6/3 میکرومول در لیتر افزایش یافت (05/0

    Role of histaminegic and calcium channels in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic extract of matricaria recutita L. on isolated rabbit jejunum

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    Introduction: Considering the long traditional history of anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects of Matricria spices on the gastrointestinal system, the present study aimed to investigate the role of calcium channels and Histamine receptors in the inhibitory effects of hydroalcoholic dry extract of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) on the isolated rabbit jejunum. Methods: All experiments were done on the isolated jejunum of New Zealand rabbits (1.8-2.5 kg). Dry extract of aerial parts of M. recutita was obtained by the maceration technique. The study was performed on two groups (n=6 in each group). In the first group, the effects of cumulative concentrations of M. recutita (3×10-3-1×10-2 mg/ml) on normal and K+-induced contractions (50 mM) of isolated jejunum were studied. In the second group, the inhibitory role of M. recutita (3 – 13×10-3 mg/ml) was evaluated in the presence and absence of histamine and cetrizine. In the presence and absence of 10 μM certizine, a histamine H1-antagonist, a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect of M. recutita extract in the range of 3-13×10-3 mg/ml was recorded the rabbit jejunum. Results: Results showed that EC50 of M. recutita in the absence and presence of K+ was 6.3×10-3 and 6.5×10- 3mg/ml, respectively. IC50 values for two concentrations of M. recutita (8×10-3 , 1×10-2 ) to abrogated contractive phase of Histamine was 9.55 × 10-6 and 1.57 × 10-6 μM. Cetrizine (10 μM) abolished inhibitory effects of M. recutita (IC50=3.6×10-3), (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Dry extract of matricaria recutita had inhibitory effects on the contractions of isolated rabbit jejunum. Calcium channels and histamine were involved in these antispasmodic effects

    Comparison of four RNA isolating methods for identification of spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV)

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    Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), a negative sense single stranded RNA virus of the family Rhabdoviridae, is the causative agent of a highly contagious SVC disease that primarily affects the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), an economically important fresh water fish species with world-wide distribution.SVCV has also been reported to cause disease in other fishes such as Poeciliidae, Esocida , Centrarchidae , Siluridae and salmonidae . There are several diagnostic tests for the detection of SVC virus,however, the tests have not been validated. The reverse transcriptase – polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques have been developed and validated representing a powerful tool for detection of RNA. One of the most important aspects isolating RNA is to prevent degradation of the RNA during the isolation procedure. In this study, we explored the efficiency of protocols for RNA isolation from the SVCV strain 56/70. For RNA isolation, we compared four protocols, two guanidine isotiocyanate phenol – chloroform based protocols (RNX – Plus Iran, Iq2000 kit Taiwan) and two column based protocols (Cinnapure RNA Iran, high pure viral RNA kit, Roche Germany) that were commercially available. The results showed that the column based protocols, Roche method and Cinapure performed better than other methods with the yields of 31.76 ng/µl, 16/21 ng/µl, respectively. Each protocol yielded good quality of total RNA bands (480 bp) being observed in agarose gel electrophoreses but was not observed in IQ2000 kit. Amount of total RNA isolated was lower for IQ2000 kit Protocol. Further, the RNA being extracted from SVC by column based protocol method were resulted in successful amplified using RT-PCR method

    Sandpiles Subjected to Sinusoidal Drive

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    This paper considers a sandpile model subjected to a sinusoidal external drive with the time period TT. We develop a theoretical model for the Green function in a large TT limit, which predicts that the avalanches are anisotropic and elongated in the oscillation direction. We track the problem numerically and show that the system shows additionally a regime where the avalanches are elongated in the perpendicular direction with respect to the oscillations. We find a transition point between these two regimes. The power spectrum of avalanche size and the grains wasted from the parallel and perpendicular directions are studied. These functions show power-law behaviour in terms of the frequency with exponents, which run with TT

    Generalization of Balian-Brezin decomposition for exponentials with linear fermionic part

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    Fermionic Gaussian states have garnered considerable attention due to their intriguing properties, most notably Wick's theorem. Expanding upon the work of Balian and Brezin, who generalized properties of fermionic Gaussian operators and states, we further extend their findings to incorporate Gaussian operators with a linear component. Leveraging a technique introduced by Colpa, we streamline the analysis and present a comprehensive extension of the Balian-Brezin decomposition (BBD) to encompass exponentials involving linear terms. Furthermore, we introduce Gaussian states featuring a linear part and derive corresponding overlap formulas. Additionally, we generalize Wick's theorem to encompass scenarios involving linear terms, facilitating the expression of generic expectation values in relation to one and two-point correlation functions. We also provide a brief commentary on the applicability of the BB decomposition in addressing the BCH (Zassenhaus) formulas within the so(N)\mathfrak{so}(N) Lie algebra.Comment: 21 page

    A multimodal network flow problem with product quality preservation, transshipment, and asset management

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    In this paper, we present an optimization model for a transportation planning problem with multiple transportation modes, highly perishable products, demand and supply dynamics, and management of the reusable transport units (RTIs). Such a problem arises in the European horticultural chain, for example. As a result of geographic dispersion of production and market, a reliable transportation solutions ensures long-term success in the European market. The model is an extension to the network ow problem. We integrate dynamic allocation, ow, and repositioning of the RTIs in order to nd the trade-o between quality requirements and operational considerations and costs. We also present detailed computational results and analysis