2,059 research outputs found

    AHCAL Energy Resolution

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    The CALICE collaboration has constructed highly granular hadronic and electromagnetic calorimeter prototypes to evaluate technologies for the use in detector systems at a future Linear Collider. The hadron calorimeter uses 7608 small scintillator cells individually read out with silicon photomultipliers. This high granularity opens up the possibility for precise three dimensional shower reconstruction and for software compensation techniques to improve the energy resolution of the detector. We discuss the calibration procedure for the analog hadronic calorimeter and present two software compensation methods based on reconstructed clusters, which were developed with simulations and are applied to hadronic test beam data.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, Linear Collider Workshop 2010 Conference Proceeding

    Particle Showers in a Highly Granular Hadron Calorimeter

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    The CALICE collaboration has constructed highly granular electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter prototypes to evaluate technologies for the use in detector systems at a future Linear Collider. The hadron calorimeter uses small scintillator cells individually read out with silicon photomultipliers. The system with 7608 channels has been successfully operated in beam tests at DESY, CERN and Fermilab since 2006, and represents the first large scale tests of these devices in high energy physics experiments. The unprecedented granularity of the detector provides detailed information of the properties of hadronic showers, which helps to constrain hadronic shower models through comparisons with model calculations. Results on longitudinal and lateral shower profiles, compared to a variety of hadronic shower models, first results with a software compensation technique for the energy resolution and an outlook on the next generation detector prototype are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 2010 Vienna Conference on Instrumentatio

    Top Mass Measurement at CLIC at 500 GeV

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    We present a study of the capability of a 500 GeV e+e- collider based on CLIC technology for precision measurements of top quark properties. The analysis is based on full detector simulations of the CLIC_ILD detector concept using Geant4, including realistic background contributions from two photon processes. Event reconstruction is performed using a particle flow algorithm with stringent cuts to control the influence of background. The mass and width of the top quark are studied in fully-hadronic and semi-leptonic decays of ttbar pairs using event samples of signal and standard model background processes corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 100/fb. Statistical uncertainties of the top mass given by the invariant mass of its decay products of 0.08 GeV and 0.09 GeV are obtained for the fully-hadronic and the semi-leptonic decay channel, respectively, demonstrating that similar precision to that at ILC can be achieved at CLIC despite less favorable experimental conditions.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of LCWS11, Granada, Spain, September 201

    Flavour Tagging at CLIC

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    We present the performance of the LCFI flavour tagging package in a realistic CLIC environment. The application is demonstrated on the examples of the measurement of the cross section times branching ratio of light Higgs decays to b and c quarks at 3 TeV, a study of heavy Higgs decays at 3 TeV and of top pair production at 500 GeV. All studies are based on full detector simulation with a realistic account of the machine- induced background at CLIC.Comment: LCWS 2011 proceeding

    The Power of Absence: An Ethnography of Justice, Memories of Genocide, and Political Activism of a New Generation in Post-Transitional Argentina

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    For 30 years human rights groups have struggled for justice in Argentina. ‘We are born in their struggle and they live in ours’, thus goes the mantra of the second generation activists. In 1995, hijos, the children of the disappeared, murdered, unlawfully imprisoned and exiled victims of the 1976-83 civil-military dictatorship, decided to participate and created the association H.I.J.O.S. (Children for Identity and Justice, against Oblivion and Silence). Coming to the field in 2010, I arrived into a context radicalized through activism, campaigning, and a heightened level of legal activity in a temporality of post-transitional, pro-human rights. In this symbolic, discursive, and legal space of justice members of H.I.J.O.S. demonstrate why the violent past counts as genocide and promise not to forgive, not to forget, nor to reconcile. With their activism during the Escrache – H.I.J.O.S.’ practice of social condemnation and street justice – and in the current trials for crimes against humanity, the second generation strives to recover their disappeared parents’ political identity and create their own belonging from absence. This thesis presents a detailed ethnographic reading of the dynamics of justice in posttransitional Argentina. Pursuant to complex and sometimes conflicting research on the nature of these concepts, this thesis focuses thus on the meaning and impact of H.I.J.O.S.’ struggle over the past 18 years. The theoretical cornerstone of the work is an interrogation of the way in which post-memories are constructed, lived, and negotiated by members of the second generation thereby a demonstration of the productive quality of genocide and absence that bears new ontologies and political subjectivities. In holding an ethnographic mirror up to these experiences and hijos’ political agency, this thesis goes beyond prevailing studies of transitional justice and genocide and explores the productivity and creative power of violence unleashed by activated post memories. With the concept of ‘absence’ as a motor for justice this thesis shows how hijos use their post memories to subvert a traumatic heritage and regain ownership of justice

    Top quark pair production and calorimeter energy resolution studies at a future collider experiment

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    This thesis is focused on detector concepts and analyses investigated at a future linear electron positron collider. For precision measurements at such a collider, the CALICE collaboration develops imaging calorimeters, which are characterized by a fine granularity. CALICE has constructed prototypes of several design options for electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters and has successfully operated these detectors during combined test beam programs at DESY, CERN and Fermilab. To improve the hadronic energy reconstruction and energy resolution of a hadron calorimeter prototype with analog readout three software compensation techniques are presented in this thesis, of which one is a local and two are global software compensation approaches. One method is based on a neural network to optimize the energy reconstruction, while two are energy weighting techniques, depending on the energy density. Weight factors are extracted from and applied to simulated and test beam data and result in an average energy resolution improvement of 15 - 25 % compared to a reconstruction without software compensation. Whether such software compensation techniques are also applicable to a detector concept for a future linear electron positron collider is studied in the second part of this thesis. Simulated data, two different hadronic detector models and a local software compensation technique are used for this study. The energy resolutions for single hadrons and for jets are presented with and without software compensation. In the third part of this thesis, a study on top quark pair production at a center-of-mass energy of 500 GeV at the proposed electron positron collider CLIC is presented. The analysis is based on full detector simulations, including realistic background contributions dominated by two photon processes. The mass and width of the top quark are studied in fully-hadronic and semi-leptonic decays of top quark pairs using event samples of signal and Standard Model background processes, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 100 fb^-1. Statistical uncertainties of the top mass of 0.08 GeV and 0.09 GeV are obtained for the fully-hadronic and the semi-leptonic channels, respectively

    The Power of Absence: An Ethnography of Justice, Memories of Genocide, and Political Activism of a New Generation in Post-Transitional Argentina

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    For 30 years human rights groups have struggled for justice in Argentina. ‘We are born in their struggle and they live in ours’, thus goes the mantra of the second generation activists. In 1995, hijos, the children of the disappeared, murdered, unlawfully imprisoned and exiled victims of the 1976-83 civil-military dictatorship, decided to participate and created the association H.I.J.O.S. (Children for Identity and Justice, against Oblivion and Silence). Coming to the field in 2010, I arrived into a context radicalized through activism, campaigning, and a heightened level of legal activity in a temporality of post-transitional, pro-human rights. In this symbolic, discursive, and legal space of justice members of H.I.J.O.S. demonstrate why the violent past counts as genocide and promise not to forgive, not to forget, nor to reconcile. With their activism during the Escrache – H.I.J.O.S.’ practice of social condemnation and street justice – and in the current trials for crimes against humanity, the second generation strives to recover their disappeared parents’ political identity and create their own belonging from absence. This thesis presents a detailed ethnographic reading of the dynamics of justice in posttransitional Argentina. Pursuant to complex and sometimes conflicting research on the nature of these concepts, this thesis focuses thus on the meaning and impact of H.I.J.O.S.’ struggle over the past 18 years. The theoretical cornerstone of the work is an interrogation of the way in which post-memories are constructed, lived, and negotiated by members of the second generation thereby a demonstration of the productive quality of genocide and absence that bears new ontologies and political subjectivities. In holding an ethnographic mirror up to these experiences and hijos’ political agency, this thesis goes beyond prevailing studies of transitional justice and genocide and explores the productivity and creative power of violence unleashed by activated post memories. With the concept of ‘absence’ as a motor for justice this thesis shows how hijos use their post memories to subvert a traumatic heritage and regain ownership of justice

    Evaluation of a psychiatric intervention project for the long-term unemployed at the Job Centre Berlin Lichtenberg and its effect on employment uptake

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    Einleitung: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und psychischer Gesundheit ist evident. Der Anteil psychischer Erkrankungen ist unter Langzeitarbeitslosen deutlich höher gegenĂŒber ErwerbstĂ€tigen. Die Jobcenter stellt die Betreuung der Betroffenen vor Herausforderungen. Zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit und BeschĂ€ftigungsfĂ€higkeit der Betroffenen wurden verschiedene Interventionsprogramme aufgelegt. Das Psychosoziale Coaching dient dabei der Verbesserung des Zugangs in das psychosoziale und -therapeutische Versorgungssystem. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Bedarf und Nutzen des Psychosozialen Coachings sowie den Zusammenhang zwischen der Intervention und einer BeschĂ€ftigungsaufnahme der Teilnehmenden zu untersuchen. Methodik: Die Untersuchung des Bedarfes und Nutzen der Intervention erfolgt auf Basis einer retrospekti-ven Auswertung der Daten von 134 Teilnehmenden aus dem Jahr 2018, darunter Daten zur Di-agnostik, Behandlungsempfehlung und Therapieaufnahme. Zur Untersuchung der ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der Intervention und der BeschĂ€ftigungsauf-nahme wurden die Erwerbsstatus der Teilnehmenden ĂŒber einen Zeitraum von 36 Monaten im LĂ€ngsschnitt erhoben. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde der Einfluss der IntegrationsfachkrĂ€fte auf den Integra-tionsprozess und die gesundheitliche Stabilisierung innerhalb des Erhebungszeitraumes ĂŒber-prĂŒft. Die Studienpopulation wurde entsprechend der Inanspruchnahme der Intervention in drei Gruppen stratifiziert. Ergebnisse: Im Durchschnitt wies die Studienpopulation ein Alter von 39 Jahren auf. Bei 89 % der Teilneh-menden lag mindestens eine psychische Störung vor, darunter befanden sich zum ErstgesprĂ€ch 79 % bisher in keiner spezifischen Behandlung. 75 % der Teilnehmenden mit psychischer Stö-rung wurde eine Behandlungsaufnahme empfohlen. Eine Therapieaufnahme erfolgte bei 36 % mit UnterstĂŒtzung der Intervention, bei 14 % unabhĂ€ngig davon. Im Betrachtungszeitraum haben 27 % der Teilnehmenden eine BeschĂ€ftigung aufgenommen, darunter 61 % eine sozialversicherungspflichtige und 28 % eine geförderte BeschĂ€ftigung am 1. Arbeitsmarkt. 57 % der BeschĂ€ftigungsaufnahmen gelangen ohne vorherige Therapieaufnahme. Maßgeblich fĂŒr die BeschĂ€ftigungsaufnahme ist die UnterstĂŒtzung der beruflichen Integration durch die IntegrationsfachkrĂ€fte (p<0.001). Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen einen hohen Bedarf an Interventionsprojekten wie das Psychosoziale Coaching. An Jobcenter angegliederte Angebote erreichen vulnerable Personengruppen, die bisher keinen bedarfsgerechten Zugang zu psychotherapeutischen Angeboten haben. Neben der gesundheitlichen Stabilisierung ist die begleitende UnterstĂŒtzung durch IntegrationsfachkrĂ€fte ein wesentlicher Faktor bei der (Re-)Integration von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen.Introduction: The link between unemployment and mental health is evident. The proportion of mental illnesses among the long-term unemployed is significantly higher than among the employed. The job centres face challenges in caring for those affected. Various intervention programmes have been set up to promote the mental health and employability of those affected. Psychosocial coaching serves to improve access to the psychosocial and therapeutic care system. The aim of this study is to investigate the need for and benefits of psychosocial coaching as well as the relationship between the intervention and the participants' access to employment. Methodology: The investigation of the need for and benefit of the intervention is based on a retrospective analysis of data from 134 participants from 2018, including data on diagnosis, treatment recommendation and therapy uptake. In order to examine the correlations between the intervention and employment, the employment status of the participants was surveyed longitudinally over a period of 36 months. In addition, the influence of the integration specialists on the integration process and health stabilisation within the survey period was examined. The study population was stratified into three groups according to the use of the intervention. Results: On average, the study population was 39 years old. 89 % of the participants had at least one mental disorder, of which 79 % had not received any specific treatment at baseline. Treatment was recommended for 75 % of the participants with a mental disorder. Treatment was started for 36 % with the support of the intervention, and for 14 % independently. In the period under review, 27 % of the participants took up employment, 61 % of which were in jobs subject to social insurance contributions and 28 % in subsidised jobs in the first labour market. 57 % of those who took up employment did so without having started therapy beforehand. The support provided by the integration specialists for vocational integration was decisive for employment (p<0.001). Conclusion: The results confirm a high need for intervention projects such as psychosocial coaching. Services affiliated to job centres reach vulnerable groups of people who so far have not had access to psychotherapeutic services in line with their needs. In addition to health stabilisation, the accompanying support by integration specialists is an essential factor in the (re)integration of people with mental illnesses

    Myocarditis and sports in the young: data from a nationwide registry on myocarditis—“MYKKE-Sport”

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    BackgroundMyocarditis represents one of the most common causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in children. Myocardial involvement during a viral infection is believed to be higher as a consequence of intensive exertion. Recommendations for return to sports are based on cohort and case studies only. This study aims to investigate the relationship between physical activity and myocarditis in the young.PatientEvery patient in the MYKKE registry fulfilling criteria for suspicion of myocarditis was sent a questionnaire regarding the physical activity before, during and after the onset of myocarditis.MethodThis study is a subproject within the MYKKE registry, a multicenter registry for children and adolescents with suspected myocarditis. The observation period for this analysis was 93 months (September 2013–June 2021). Anamnestic, cardiac magnetic resonance images, echocardiography, biopsy and laboratory records from every patient were retrieved from the MYKKE registry database.Results58 patients (mean age 14.6 years) were enrolled from 10 centers. Most patients participated in curricular physical activity and 36% in competitive sports before the onset of myocarditis. There was no significant difference of heart function at admission between the physically active and inactive subjects (ejection fraction of 51.8 ± 8.6% for the active group vs. 54.4 ± 7.7% for the inactive group). The recommendations regarding the return to sports varied widely and followed current guidelines in 45%. Most patients did not receive an exercise test before returning to sports.ConclusionSports before the onset of myocarditis was not associated with a more severe outcome. There is still a discrepancy between current literature and actual recommendations given by health care providers. The fact that most participants did not receive an exercise test before being cleared for sports represents a serious omission

    Heterologous DNA-prime/protein-boost immunization with a monomeric SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen redundantizes the trimeric receptor-binding domain structure to induce neutralizing antibodies in old mice

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    A multitude of alterations in the old immune system impair its functional integrity. Closely related, older individuals show, for example, a reduced responsiveness to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines. However, systematic strategies to specifically improve the efficacy of vaccines in the old are missing or limited to simple approaches like increasing the antigen concentration or injection frequencies. We here asked whether the intrinsic, trimeric structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) antigen and/or a DNA- or protein-based antigen delivery platform affects priming of functional antibody responses particularly in old mice. The used S-antigens were primarily defined by the presence/absence of the membrane-anchoring TM domain and the closely interlinked formation/non-formation of a trimeric structure of the receptor binding domain (S-RBD). Among others, we generated vectors expressing prefusion-stabilized, cell-associated (TM+) trimeric “S2-P” or secreted (TM−) monomeric “S6-PΔTM” antigens. These proteins were produced from vector-transfected HEK-293T cells under mild conditions by Strep-tag purification, revealing that cell-associated but not secreted S proteins tightly bound Hsp73 and Grp78 chaperones. We showed that both, TM-deficient S6-PΔTM and full-length S2-P antigens elicited very similar S-RBD-specific antibody titers and pseudovirus neutralization activities in young (2–3 months) mice through homologous DNA-prime/DNA-boost or protein-prime/protein-boost vaccination. The trimeric S2-P antigen induced high S-RBD-specific antibody responses in old (23-24 months) mice through DNA-prime/DNA-boost vaccination. Unexpectedly, the monomeric S6-PΔTM antigen induced very low S-RBD-specific antibody titers in old mice through homologous DNA-prime/DNA-boost or protein-prime/protein-boost vaccination. However, old mice efficiently elicited an S-RBD-specific antibody response after heterologous DNA-prime/protein-boost immunization with the S6-PΔTM antigen, and antibody titers even reached similar levels and neutralizing activities as in young mice and also cross-reacted with different S-variants of concern. The old immune system thus distinguished between trimeric and monomeric S protein conformations: it remained antigen responsive to the trimeric S2-P antigen, and a simple change in the vaccine delivery regimen was sufficient to unleash its reactivity to the monomeric S6-PΔTM antigen. This clearly shows that both the antigen structure and the delivery platform are crucial to efficiently prime humoral immune responses in old mice and might be relevant for designing “age-adapted” vaccine strategies
