28 research outputs found

    Regularity of quotients of Drinfeld modular schemes

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    Let AA be the coordinate ring of a projective smooth curve over a finite field minus a closed point. For a nontrivial ideal IAI \subset A, Drinfeld defined the notion of structure of level II on a Drinfeld module. We extend this to that of level NN, where NN is a finitely generated torsion AA-module. The case where N=(I1/A)dN=(I^{-1}/A)^d, where dd is the rank of the Drinfeld module,coincides with the structure of level II. The moduli functor is representable by a regular affine scheme. The automorphism group AutA(N)\mathrm{Aut}_{A}(N) acts on the moduli space. Our theorem gives a class of subgroups for which the quotient of the moduli scheme is regular. Examples include generalizations of Γ0\Gamma_0 and of Γ1\Gamma_1. We also show that parabolic subgroups appearing in the definition of Hecke correspondences are such subgroups

    LOCAL NEWFORMS FOR THE GENERAL LINEAR GROUPS (Automorphic form, automorphic LL-functions and related topics)

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