10 research outputs found

    Differential diagnosis of adrenal masses by chemical shift and dynamic gadolinium enhanced MR imaging.

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    Chemical shift MRI is widely used for identifying adenomas, but it is not a perfect method. We determined whether combined dynamic MRI methods can lead to improved diagnostic accuracy. Fifty-seven adrenal masses were examined by chemical shift and dynamic MR imaging using 2 MR systems. The masses included 38 adenomas and 19 non-adenomas. In chemical shift MRI studies, the signal intensity index (SI) was calculated, and the lesions classified into 5 types in the dynamic MRI studies. Of the 38 adenomas studied, 37 had an SI greater than 0. In the dynamic MRI, 34 of 38 adenomas showed a benign pattern (type 1). If the SI for the adenomas in the chemical shift MRI was considered to be greater than 0, the positive predictive value was 0.9, and the negative predictive value was 0.94 and kappa = 0.79. If type 1 was considered to indicate adenomas in the dynamic MRI, the corresponding values were 0.94, 0.81 and kappa = 0.77 respectively. The results obtained when the 2 methods were combined were 1, 0.95 and kappa = 0.96 respectively. The chemical shift MRI was found to be useful for identifying adenomas in most cases. If the adrenal mass had a low SI (0 &#60; SI &#60; 5), dynamic MRI was also found to be helpful for making a differential diagnosis.</p

    Multivariate analysis of magnetic resonance imaging of focal hepatic lesions.

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    A total of 124 lesions from 1 to 6cm in diameter, including 31 cavernous hemangiomas, 32 metastases and 61 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) were analyzed to study the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 0.5 Tesla to differentiate focal hepatic lesions on the basis of qualitative criteria. Each focal hepatic lesion was assessed for shape, internal architecture and signal intensity relative to normal liver parenchyma. While all cavernous hemangiomas and metastases except one lesion could be detected, detection rate of HCC was significantly inferior to that of the other two diseases. A tumor capsule and a hyperintense focus on T1-weighted images were demonstrated in only HCC lesions in strong contrast with the other two diseases; however, metastases with slow-growing characteristics or subacute hematoma may appear as similar images. Cavernous hemangiomas appeared markedly hyperintense on T2-weighted images in 23 of 31 lesions, but one metastasis and one HCC had similar images. A multivariate analysis of several MRI resulted in the following mean discriminant scores: cavernous hemangioma, -1.2652; metastasis, 0.1830; and HCC, 0.7138. It appeared to be possible to differentiate the three diseases with 84.4 percent accuracy.</p

    Kinematic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the normal shoulder: assessment of the shapes and signals of the superior and inferior labra with abductive movement using an open-type imager.

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    A preliminary study was conducted to evaluate the superior and inferior glenoid labra with abductive movement using an open-type MR unit in asymptomatic healthy volunteers. Both fast low angle shot (FLASH) and turbo spin echo (TSE) images were obtained to evaluate the shapes of both the superior and inferior labra, as well as to assess changes in signal at these sites. As the abduction angle was increased, the shape of the superior labrum changed from round or triangular to crescentic and a higher signal was frequently seen. At an abduction angle of 150 degrees, an increase in signal was seen in one-half of the superior labra; this increase was noted more frequently in volunteers over 40 years of age. In some of the superior labra, the increase in signal seen at 150 degrees abduction disappeared on subsequent images obtained at 0 degrees abduction. Hence, the increase in signal was considered to be a reversible change. The shape of the inferior labrum tended to change from crescentic to triangular or round. An increase in signal in the inferior labrum was unrelated to the abduction angle. Abductive kinematic studies using an open-type MR unit provides information about the morphology of the superior and inferior labra, as well as information about signal changes occurring at these sites.</p

    Tensile Strength of Carbon Steel during and after Solidification

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